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I Amore Lucy Domanda

What is your preferito episode?

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I Amore Lucy Risposte

1darcyfan said:
I have quite a few. But I think my two preferiti are L.A. at Last, and Dancing Star, the one with furgone, van Johnson
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Those were great ones as well!
LovingLucy posted più di un anno fa
EclecticFan78 said:
Let's see, so many to choose from so I'll cheat a bit and break it down into preferito episode per season.
Season 1: Lucy Does A TV Commercial
Season 2: Job Switching
Season 3: home Movies
Season 4: Ethel's home Town
Season 5: Lucy and John Wayne
Season 6: Deep-Sea Fishing
Comedy ora Episodes
Season 7: Lucy Hunts Uranium
Season 8: Lucy Goes To Alaska
Season 9: Milton Berle Hides Out At The Ricardos
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Nikki87 said:
My preferito episode would have to be the one where Lucy and Ethel was in the caramelle factory stuffing their faces and hates etc trying to get a job!! These women are by-far my Idols Amore te Lucy
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LovingLucy said:
i Amore the episode in Season Two, Episode 21, "Lucy Changes Her Mind". I just Amore her crazy antics in that one.

I also Amore the Bar-B-Que one. Hilarious! And Lucy plants tulips? Priceless.
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annabeth719 said:
i Amore the medisone one..
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Lucy does a TV commercial?
Vixie79 posted più di un anno fa
tracelyncd said:
I Amore the episode when Lucy and Ethel work at the Cioccolato factory.. (season 2 episode 1 Job Switching)
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zoey1110 said:
Vitimeatavegiman i don't know how to spell it
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That's pretty close. The Ep is called Lucy does a TV commercial.
Vixie79 posted più di un anno fa
Amore that one to!
jazzscarb posted più di un anno fa
that one was SO funny!!!
myasia posted più di un anno fa
Vixie79 said:
Mine was "Home Movies." I laughed so hard my sides literally hurt after seeing it for the first time.
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probee said:
I liked the episode where Ethel and Lucy wore the same dress .
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jazzscarb said:
i like the one where she tries to tell ricky she's going to have a baby i Amore that episode so much.
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i also like Holleywood anniversary
jazzscarb posted più di un anno fa
MovieFanGirl20 said:
Harpo Marx, The Freezer, Black Eye, caramelle Factory, Vitameatavegamin, and the Superman Episode
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Gyroball13 said:
I like all of them, but my most preferito is "Lucy does a TV Commercial".
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chipette116 said:
Oh goodness... so many great episodes. One that I really liked was "Ricky Needs an Agent." I cracked up at the part where Ricky was really mad and he was breaking all that stuff... he was just so hilarious! XD
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DepplyinLove said:
For me it's a tie between vitameatavegimin (spelling???) and the Hollywood episode where she catches her nose on fire...can't stop laughing!! LOL!!!
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RJ1 said:
They're all good, but my preferito one is the one where they go with the Mertzes to the cabina in ohio, where the letto moves every time the train passes. It's one of my parent's preferiti too.
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ZodiacAngel said:
Definitely the Vitametavegamin one! It made me laugh so hard!
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ITF said:
the one when she had the dream about the Draghi
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berthie1961 said:
mine is the 179 episode
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