Jackie & Hyde Wall

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Makeupdiva detto …
I was so disappointed when they broke up, then she dated Fez, that just ruined the mostra for me. If Hyde hadn't cheated on Jackie and if Jackie hadn't been comforting Kelso over Fez's ridiculous dream, something Fez couldn't control, they probably wouldn't have broken up. postato più di un anno fa
purple-passion detto …
Why did they make Jackie end up with Fez, I dont get it. They only put them together for a few episodes. Jackie and Hyde wer, and shouldve been together, for forever. postato più di un anno fa
mnmnkbkjhb commentato…
i agree. im rewatching many episodes i never saw before but will leave season 8 out. writers messed up breaking that up più di un anno fa
kittiwitti commentato…
I don't understand that part either.....they have no chemistry whatsoever. Jackie and Hyde 4eva più di un anno fa
cr6zym0nkeyiz commentato…
I like to pretend season 8 never happened b/c it sucked. First of all 2 of the main cast were missing and the season suffered greatly b/c of that and fez and jackie made no sense. Jackie and Hyde are the perfect couple. più di un anno fa
snowwhitesilver detto …
I know!!!! They shouldn't of broken up, and they really RUINED the mostra da putting her w/ Fez! No one wanted to see that shit! I HATED the last season 'cuz of all that! postato più di un anno fa
Till this giorno I still don't understand how they weren't endgame. It just doesn't make sense. postato più di un anno fa
CrazyFruittt commentato…
same here...:/ più di un anno fa
georgiapeach91 commentato…
Agree più di un anno fa
amshafe commentato…
Yeah, it really doesn't. There was no development for Jackie/Fez at all, unlike Jackie/Hyde and Donna/Eric. più di un anno fa
DaniellaSuela detto …
Yay! I'm #1000! Awesome! postato più di un anno fa
georgiapeach91 detto …
Adore the new spot icona <3 postato più di un anno fa
TriineA commentato…
I'm glad! Let me know if there is anything te think need changing. (: più di un anno fa
smile19 detto …
Jackie & Hyde were perfect for each other, I really wish they had stayed together. postato più di un anno fa
MelesiaM commentato…
yeah!!!do it u two luk gud più di un anno fa
aepink05 commentato…
same! più di un anno fa