Jimmy Fallon Club
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posted by sweetlady982002

What is ur preferito Elvis Presley (EP) movie(s) & y?  The reason y I asked is b/c on Tues., 8/16/22 will be the 45th anniversary of Elvis' death.  Elvis made a lot of movies, but my suggestion 2 u is that u can make a lista of ur preferito Elvis movie(s) that u either wanna see on TV o the movie(s) that u haven't seen such as "Tickle Me" or "Live A Little, Amore A Little".   After u make ur list, u can send ur lista 2 the following TV stations such as This TV Network at www.thistv.com; Freeform at www.freeform.com; ION Televisione at www.iontelevision.com; Pluto TV at www.pluto.tv; Get TV Network at www.get.tv; E!TV at www.eonline.com; Peacock TV at www.peacocktv.com; Roku at www.roku.com; Crackle at www.crackle.com; Tubi TV at www.tubitv.com; Plex TV at www.plex.tv; & ION Plus at www.ionplustv.com.


Sweet Lady


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posted by sweetlady982002
I have a friend who is 42 years old, she's emotionally disturbed & lives with her 71 anno old mother who has diabetes. Her mother needs to be put in a mental hospital because she falsely accuses her daughter of certain things that she really didn't do o say. Her mother lowers her daughter's self esteem da calling her terrible names like crazy, dumb, & stupid; & threatens to put her in a group home. I really don't want my friend to be put in a group home because people don't treat other people nice, & the same thing goes with the halfway houses. If anything, I believe that my...
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