Katerinoulalove Britney Spears

HaleyDewit posted on Mar 19, 2010 at 07:09PM
Remember when there was so much commotion about the Britney and Madonna kiss?Well,I watched it on youtube and guess what?Christina Aguilera kissed with her too,but did she get in the media for it so badly?No.Britney kisses with Madonna and it's such a discrase,but when Christina does it,it's all okay.I don't think that's okay!

Katerinoulalove 3 risposte

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più di un anno fa HaleyDewit said…
Latest Britney Spears news:When Britney Spears is dead she wants her body to be frozen.Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :/
più di un anno fa Irina92 said…
FROZEN?? yah I don't like the idea!!=S=S
più di un anno fa LovingLucy said…
We'll I wanna be cremated so... But IDK, I don't really care for Spears. But I agree, they shouldn't play favourites.