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Kensi Blye Domanda

Does kensi have a fake right eye.? it always look funny on screen.

 johnny32 posted più di un anno fa
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Kensi Blye Risposte

rscattergood said:
I read somewhere that she has a birthmark on her right eye, but I think that it's a different color alltogether too. The birthmark (if I remember right) is not on the retina, but the white part (whatever that's called). Hope that helped.
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posted più di un anno fa 
its just a purplish spot on her eye. i know a lot of people who have one similar to it.
cotedepablo posted più di un anno fa
Italian_Sarcasm said:
It's a birthmark. My cousin has the same thing. It doesn't impare sight o anything. It's just sorta there.
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posted più di un anno fa 
Sofis_S said:
S NOT FAKE! its just a
different color...just this....ok?
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posted più di un anno fa 
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