Kowalski Kowalski Club's Banner

SJF_Penguin posted on Oct 09, 2009 at 04:48AM
Hello. It’s nice to see a fan club having been created for Kowalski.

Just a thought about the choice of banner for the club. Perhaps one could be made that’s clear and not so grainy? If the image used for the banner was small, it needing enlarge to fill the full span of the banner area may have caused the result displayed.

For reference, the area of the banner is, in pixels, 100x800. Best results are that size or as close to it as possible.

Kowalski 8 risposte

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più di un anno fa kwlski4ever said…
I agree. The banner is too shabby , I think.
Sadly , I'm too lazy to make one , but there's sure some people out there who would post a new banner :)
più di un anno fa Annacrombie said…
yeah someone should make a new one
più di un anno fa Penguinangel said…
I have absolutely no idea how
più di un anno fa KowalksiBigFan said…
I agree =) How about this one?
 I agree =) How about this one?
più di un anno fa Annacrombie said…
@kowalskibigfan isnt that a pic of him from the movie? he look's diff
più di un anno fa KowalksiBigFan said…
Yeah it is
più di un anno fa KowalksiBigFan said…
big smile
I could make a new one
più di un anno fa ___Sophie___ said…
can I help? I can make a new banner...