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Kudo Shinichi fan Club Domanda

Why do te like Kudo Shinichi?

Kudo Shinichi ( Mr.Handsome ) the most handsome boy in Our World....
Aaaah...I can't say because million reason I like him and so true the most handsome the cool the smart the amazing boy in the world
princess989898 posted più di un anno fa
I Amore him because I Amore him. Because Shinichi is Shinichi, and I Amore Shinichi
milla_chan posted più di un anno fa
I agree with you!!
princess989898 posted più di un anno fa
 AnnaNKid9999 posted più di un anno fa
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Kudo Shinichi fan Club Risposte

MCHopnPop said:
Well I can think of many reasons why I like Shin-kun/Shinichi One is that he's very good and logical detective he's brilliant when it comes to deductions they're usually right on the money! successivo I really like his playful with is usually shown when he's with Ran-neechan~ He's a really great character!
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 Well I can think of many reasons why I like Shin-kun/Shinichi One is that he's very good and logical detective he's brilliant when it comes to deductions they're usually right on the money! successivo I really like his playful with is usually shown when he's with Ran-neechan~ He's a really great character!
posted più di un anno fa 
ranmouri21 said:
i like him because he is a really good character he cares a lot about people he is goot at sports as well as studies and she is childish sometimes
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milla_chan said:
I Amore him because he's Shinichi!
I Amore Shinichi... Because.... I just know... Shinichi is Shinichi!
Yêu Shin... Vì chỉ biết.... Đó là Shin!

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 I Amore him because he's Shinichi! I Amore Shinichi... Because.... I just know... Shinichi is Shinichi! Yêu Shin... Vì chỉ biết.... Đó là Shin!
posted più di un anno fa 
Yeah I'm not just like him but I'm in Amore with him<333333
princess989898 posted più di un anno fa
ana_marie said:
I like shinichi kudo because he's not only handsome but also a great and smart detective

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akira021 said:
he cool
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Shin111 said:
Everything!! He's like Mika-chan (Mikado Ryuugamine from Durarara!!)!!

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 Everything!! He's like Mika-chan (Mikado Ryuugamine from Durarara!!)!!
posted più di un anno fa 
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