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posted by australia-101
The 75 most common words make up 40% of occurrences
The 200 most common words make up 50% of occurrences
The 524 most common words make up 60% of occurrences
The 1257 most common words make up 70% of occurrences
The 2925 most common words make up 80% of occurrences
The 7444 most common words make up 90% of occurrences
The 13374 most common words make up 95% of occurrences
The 25508 most common words make up 99% of occurrences

This articolo has an excellent summary on how to rapidly learn a new language within 90 days.

We can begin with studying the first 600 words. Of course chucking is an effective...
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posted by Poziomka
 The playing cards Suits
The playing cards suits
French suits

In English (suit):
♥ hearts - ♣ club - ♠ spades - ♦ diamonds

In Polish/Polski (kolor):
♥ kier/czerwo/czerwień - ♣ trefl/żołędź/krajc/żyro - ♠ pik/wino - ♦ karo/dzwonek

In Czech/Česky (barva):
♥ srdce - ♣ trefy/kříže - ♠ piky/dýky - ♦ kára/kostky/diamanty

In Danish/Dansk (Kulør):
♥ hjerter - ♣ klør - ♠ Spar - ♦ ruder

In German/Deutsch (Farbe):
♥ Herz - ♣ Kreuz/Treff - ♠ Pik/Schaufel - ♦ Karo/Ecke

In Spanish/Español (Naipe):
♥ Corazón/Copas - ♣ Trébol/Bastos - ♠ Pica/Espadas - ♦ Diamante/Oros

In French/Français (Enseigne):
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