Matt Boomer Finished

xoxogossipchick posted on Dec 11, 2009 at 08:39AM
last edited on Oct 12, 2013 at 07:18PM

Matt Boomer 12 risposte

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più di un anno fa majique said…
Yeah. So what?
Matt's been out of the closet for years. He's lived with the same guy for nine years and they have kids. If you were actually in love with him, you woulda checked him out on line and found that out. Who you're in love with is Neal Caffery. Neal's NOT gay. Relax and enjoy.
Frenchy01 commented…
so what hes mighty fine yum yum più di un anno fa
più di un anno fa xoxogossipchick said…
id actually never heard of him until about 4 weeks ago when i first saw white collar on tv! then i found out about 2 weeks ago that he was gay!
più di un anno fa drwyle said…
oh well...he's still adorable and hot.
più di un anno fa tkapr1987 said…
matt bomer not gay matt bomer have brother look like him his brother neill bisexual
più di un anno fa EmmaArchibald said…
If he is he that is ok with me you shold never stop loveing him if he is gay. I do not care if someone is gay they bron that way i to love him.
più di un anno fa addycoolB said…
matt is incredible no matter what! and if u really r a fan of matt his sexual-orientation should not matter to u!and what about this brother of matt? never heard of that before!
più di un anno fa bomerfan said…
Yeah, it's been reported that he's gay, ....and he's in a committed relationship and has kids? ...hmmm, that makes him even more sexy and lovable. Matt's talented, sexy, lovable & gorgeous so, really... being gay doesn't change any of that. So my appreciation of him stays.
più di un anno fa caffreydays said…
That's what I've read and somehow, that made him even hotter!
più di un anno fa sexxiemogirl said…
matt has a brother?
più di un anno fa eveslmatrix said…
Matt does not have brother he has a SISTER. He is gay and people that try to convince others that he is not are jut lying to themselves. He has three children with Simon hall via surrogate, kit(age 6) and twins walker and henry(age 4). He has been wearing a wedding ring for a while now.
più di un anno fa Roxy-girl13 said…
i love him his eyes drive me crazy his smile and body also hair his gay
thats ok i will always and forever love him
più di un anno fa katie_ketusia said…
The fact that he's a gay has nothing with his acting skills. I love and appreciate him as an incredibly talented actor and such a nice guy! BTW it's not your business!