Gotta Amore metal!! I hope te guys all listen to \m/etal \m/ondays on Vevo, yeah that channel uploads più than pop-py shit yknow XD
postato più di un anno fa
Hi I, I loved Ghost Brigade's song "Secrets of the Earth" ... We are falling down so slowly In small pieces like your kingdom of glass ... great song "I"!!! Thank you, Bpiù di un anno fa
The acacia strain, the black dahlia murder, iwrestledabearonce, suicide silence, the red chord. te can't say you're a metal fan without knowing these bands
postato più di un anno fa
I wil haveto say that I am loud mouth girl who loves it lol i get my alittle of my loud falena form horror moives but i alo get it from metal Musica thats y i Amore it so much it gave me my voice now im not scared to tell anyone off and im proud of do that for any of my freinds :D i am alittle evil in my own way and proud of it :D so im here to say!..... THANK te ROCK N ROLL AND METAL MUSIC!
postato più di un anno fa
Well, this is not a spot for heavy metal. This is a spot for all sub genres of metal. te know, black metal, death metal, metalcore, heavy metal etc. The heavy metal spot is only specified to heavy metal.più di un anno fa
*ahem* *Cough* "Heavy Metal" is not a subgenre of Metal,The genre as a whole is called "Heavy Metal",but it's often shortened to just "Metal"più di un anno fa
At first, that's what I assumed heavy metal to be. But that was before I got chewed out da metalheads telling me otherwise. So I'm not really sure what to think. ANYWAY, te can do something about. Depending on how someone visualizzazioni metal and heavy metal, not everyone will agree that this is a duplicate.più di un anno fa
Heavy Metal = Metal.That doesn't vary from person to person because it is a fact,look it up,Anyone who says otherwise is blashphemous.più di un anno fa