My Babysitter's A Vampire Club
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added by Effyallships
added by studdMUFFINyeah
added by jujuatom
added by 1bsitvampfan
season 1
behind the scenes
added by rorster
added by jujuatom
Post This On your profilo If te Amore Bethan!
'Have I ever crossed your mind?', Benny
'No', Ethan
'Do te like me?', Benny
"Do te want me?', Benny
'No', Ethan
'Would te cry if I left?', Benny
'No', Ethan
'Would te live for me?', Benny
'No', Ethan
'Would te do anything for me?', Benny
'No', Ethan
'Choose me o your life?', Benny
'My Life', Ethan
Benny stood there with tears in his eyes
'Everything was a "NO!" I can't believe you!', Benny turn arond to run away When Ethan grab him and pulled Benny back to him
'The reason te never crossed my mind is because You're always on my mind The reason Why I don't...
continue reading...
added by BuzzHi
sneak peek
my babysitter's a vampire
ethan and sarah
added by TravisHiscock
added by mbav_xoxo
added by seer48
added by jujuatom
added by jujuatom
added by rorylover1999
added by Policemen
added by jujuatom
me: *hisses*
(guy who does rory) michael: ciao dont hiss at me i did nothing
(guy who does benny): where is sarah
me (im the girl in the blonde hair?): idk
rory: omg i just notice something
me: wat?
rory: sarah wasent here for like 5 weeks
me: well we better cheack on her
(guy who does ethan) jered: im gonna stay here with benny
me: *flies off and doesnt hear what he says*
rory: ciao WAIT FOR ME!! *flies* *crashes in tree*
me: haha
rory: *flies to sarahs house
me: *flies faster than rory* hi sarah
(girl who does sarah) keily: hi
me: whats wrong
sarah: well u see i drnak bad blood so this
me: BREAK!
me: are u tired of using ur chair and are u tired of thowring it at trees
keily: uhhh well there well be più from are mostra if we have time for the reherseals and so yea
me: if u want to see più today fan me o commet on this ok bye
keily: bye
michael: BYYYYE!!
keily: OW WTF!!
jered: oh and to all u ladies out there ;) bye
me: -.-