My Little pony - L'amicizia è magica Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
It's been 5 days since we've been in the sea. We're halfway there, but the wind has stopped, and now everyone is bored, hungry, and thirsty.

Fluttershy: What do we do?
Vinyl Scratch: I don't know. *inhales* I'VE GOT cabina FEVER!!
Jade: Ah got it to
Everypony: cabina FEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pinkie Pie: Every pony sing! I've got cabina fever, it's burning through my brain
Snips: I've got cabina fever it's driving me insane.
Everypony: We've got cabina fever, we're flipping our bandanas. Been stuck at sea so long we've simply gone bananas.
Dr. Whooves: Ariba
Dinky: *playing maracas*
Everypony: We've got cabina fever, we've Lost what sense we had! We've got cabina fever, we're all going mad!
Applejack: Grab yer partner da the ears, lash him to the wheel. Do si do step on their hoof, and listen to him squeal. Allemende left, allemende right it's time to sail o sink. swing yer partner over the side, and drop him in the drink. *throws Twilight overboard*
Rarity: We've got cabina fever
Doughnut Joe: No if's and, o buts.
Rarity: We're disoriented
Doughnut Joe: And demented, and a little nuts.
Pinkie & Fenix: Ach du liebe, Vriendscoupe bus. Sauerbraten weiner schnitzel, und wunderbar.
German military: We were sailing, sailing the wind was on our side.
Sean: Und then it died.
Boris: I've got cabina fever, I think I Lost my grip.
Charleen: I'd like to get my hands on whoever wrote this script!
Huge stallion: I was floating neath the tropic moon. And dreaming of a blue lagoon. Now I'm as crazy as a loon.
Everypony: cabina fever has ravaged all aboard! This once proud vessel has become a floating physco ward! We were sailing, sailing heading who knows where, and now though we're all here we're not all there *goes crazy for ten secondi flat* cabina fever yeah!
Twilight: Look! The wind has returned! We're moving again.

Let's go back to Derpy & Octavia in jail.

Octavia: Somepony get me out of here!!
Derpy: What was that song just being played?
Octavia: What are te talking about?
Derpy: It was something like, Kevin fever yeah.
Twilight: Let's go. We have to get the treasure.

2 B continued.
(To the tune of heart-shaped box da Nirvana)

Sitting da the door waiting for te to come back, I`ve hated so much my red hair has turned black.
For countless weeks, I have trapped myself in fear and priceless bread. Just waiting for the chance to rest my little head.

Chorus: If their is any angeli left, I got a harsh request. Don`t stop to hesitate!!! Theirs little fillies who have to pray and wait.(x3)

My green foal`s breath has cut through my flawless mane. I have no più urges to play our silly game.
I wish i could pay your debt, when te ask to forget.

Chorus: If their is any angeli left, I got a harsh request. Don`t stop to hesitate!!! Theirs little fillies who have to pray and wait. (x3)
added by tinkerbell66799
Source: Obviously Not Me...
added by tinkerbell66799
Source: Original Owners... NOT ME
Stormy: That's enough Discord!!
Discord: nothing is enough for me!
Score: (picks up Nikki and takes her behind some bushes) I'm so sorry Nikki, *sniff* hang on there! (Goes back to fight)
Stormy: Your never gonna get away with this!
Discord: I already got away with this! BWAHAHAHAHA!!
Score: Well? What are te waiting for? Stab me if te can.
Discord: Very Well, (picks up Score) ready?
Score: Rea-
Stormy: WAIT!!!!
Score: Stormy?! What are te doing?!?
Stormy: Listen Discord, te are-
Discord: So powerful? So Handsome? So evil?
Discord: Then what am I?
Score: Don't listen to her! Stab me!...
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posted by savana89
"rain bow dash!!!"
"hu pinky? what is it?"
"your sister is back"
"i dont know shes coming-(passes out on grond)
"hello dashy my little sister WHO PUT A CURS ON ME AND BAND ME WITH YOUR Friends but i forgive te now"
"uh.....i missed you?"
"aw i missed te to do te need any help dashy"
"ya can te um(looks aroud) can te clear all the clouds for me?"
"oh yes dashy(flys away)"
"i need to tell that egg head"
"SPIKE,take a leter"
"ill do it"
"dear princesses, my sister is back te must come save us befor it happens from rain bow"
"hmm that was sort"
"oh dear sister whats going on ARE te SENDING A LETTER TO THE PRINESSES!!!"
"no no not at all(spikes sends the leter) its a letter to my... docter"
"ok dashy ill be back!"
Back with the story......

Pixel: So what u- Ow!
Score: What happen?
Pixel: A stupid TW scratched me...
Score: *gasp* Are te okay?
Pixel: Yea....but it's bleeding..
Score: Don't worry, I know somepony who can help
Pixel: Really? Who?
Score: AZURA!!!
Azura: yes?
Score: Do te have any bandages?
Azura: yes, I do. Do te need some?
Score: Yep

After Azura put some bandages on Pixel, Score explained everything that was happening, and asked him if he wanted to join, he detto he was. Later, Score introduced her Friends to Pixel.

Brawny: Welcome to the herd brother
Pixel: *laughs*
Stormy: okay, now what?
Cotton Swirls:...
continue reading...
Greetings, fellow Bronies, it's me again, Scrivere another piece of my thoughts. Today, it's going to be about the stuff made da Hasbro.

That's right! I'm going to tell about the toys! Now, don't get me wrong, I understand why they made them. This mostra was targetted to little children, so it was obvious that there were going to be toys based of that. But, that's what it means for me.

I'm not going to condem you, Bronies who have toys of the Mane Six and others, but I'm going to talk about my opinion about it.

For me, it's a little akward to see grown men playing with 5 Centimeter long bright colored...
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added by caesar213
added by shadirby
Source: Blue-Paint-Sea on deviantArt
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Hasbro
added by StarWarsFan7
Source: Veggie55 on deviantART
added by PollyMollina
Source: Google
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
This is my first articolo for this club and so I hope that te all enjoy it. It took a lot of time researching all the different cutie marks, choosing which ones I liked the most, and finding pictures for those ponies. Anyways feel free to leave commenti and become a fan if te really like it. Before I start I want to make it clear that this is opinion based. If te are unhappy with what I choose te can tell me so in the comments, but do so in a mature manner. Meaning please don't cuss in response to my articolo o to other comments.
Now that that's out of the way let's begin. And once again...
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added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
added by sweet_cream
Source: Blue-Paint-Sea on deviantart
added by shadowknuxgirl
Source: MLP
added by ShadowBow
added by purplevampire