Phoebe Tonkin and H20 Club
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Our young thespianic celeb lust d'jour, Indiana Evans, finally hit full bikini mode on the set of the remake of The Blue Lagoon in Maui yesterday, providing us our first full take on her bikini body -- and it is as expected, glorious. Yes, it's a Lifetime Channel-safe bikini, made for female viewers, but, trust me, I'm viewing too.

The extent to which we would like to be truly stranded on a desert island with this sweet blonde Aussie can not be measured in depth of passion, o even how many bambini we would make with her during our castaway years, it's più a sense of an entire body pulled da sextastic gravity toward a fantasy of being stranded with Indiana and her fully-ripe coconuts. It's going to take più than a three ora tour to satisfy those kinds of needs. Enjoy.
added by LexieMergirl
added by LexieMergirl
Source: Google FanPop
added by LexieMergirl
Source: Google FanPop
added by LexieMergirl
Source: Google FanPop
added by LexieMergirl
Source: fanpop,zimbo
added by LexieMergirl
added by LexieMergirl
Source: .deviantart
added by LexieMergirl
Source: fanpop,zimbo
added by LexieMergirl
added by LexieMergirl
Source: Google And Sterling Sliver Art
added by LexieMergirl
added by LexieMergirl
Source: CW50
added by h2o-clewis
added by LexieMergirl
Source: Google FanPop
added by LexieMergirl
added by LexieMergirl
Source: Google FanPop
added by LexieMergirl
added by LexieMergirl
Source: Google FanPop
posted by LexieMergirl
Cariba and Dale

Cariba Heine (16) and Dale Molloy (17) specialise in Hip Hop and Funk while the Latin American is a new style that they have learnt in the last few weeks. They had been dancing together for 3 years before taking a break and have now reformed especially to compete on Strictly Dancing.

Dale started dancing as soon as he could walk and was a Kylie Minogue fan before he could even say her name. His mum eventually booked him into dance classes and he has now gone on to become a dance teacher. Although his family are all completely different, he says ‘they like the way I’m going’....
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