there was once a party in a caraven. there were six druck 17 anno olds. after 4 hours on of the boys decided to go for a wee, he never came back from out side of the caravan. at 4.a.m. 2 of the people heard noises from out of the caravan. they thought it was a posem.
at 8.a.m. they heard it again. they look outside of the caravan. and on the roof the boy was hanged da his feet from a albero hanging over the roof of the caraven. the noises the people heard were the nails of the boy scratching the roof.
they called the police. the police siad: "dont turn around" but the people thought: what could possibley go wrong?? so they looked back and then they disapered. they were never sees since then.
at 8.a.m. they heard it again. they look outside of the caravan. and on the roof the boy was hanged da his feet from a albero hanging over the roof of the caraven. the noises the people heard were the nails of the boy scratching the roof.
they called the police. the police siad: "dont turn around" but the people thought: what could possibley go wrong?? so they looked back and then they disapered. they were never sees since then.
The slit mouth woman lives in Giappone and Romes the streets of japan. she has long black hair and very pretty eyes. she carrys a big pair of sicors and hunts down children to kill. if u come across her she will ask te a domanda if te reply it in a negative answer she will pull out her big pair of sicors and slit your mouth o cut your skin o come to another certain deth. If te reply in a positive answer te will come across nothing but what she will do and this is her most asked domanda "am i pretty" te say yes she will rip off the hospital mask and say "AM I PRETTY NOW" if te say no te will come across a sudden and yet pain full death
if te say normal she will get confused and then te take off and run. Some people believe that she was just a Lost mental patent o some one in a terrible car accident no one knows.
Thanks for Leggere and this is just A URBAN LENGEND THAT I REWRITTEN
if te say normal she will get confused and then te take off and run. Some people believe that she was just a Lost mental patent o some one in a terrible car accident no one knows.
Thanks for Leggere and this is just A URBAN LENGEND THAT I REWRITTEN
there was a girl named Mary and her parents work the night shift. she gets frightened very easily so her parents got her a dog that licked her hand every time she gets one night she was awoken da a drip...drip...drip. she knew it was the sink but she was scared anyways, so she put her under her letto so that the dog could lick it. the dog did, and it made her feel better. but she heard it again drip...drip...drip. she put her hand back down and the dog licked it and she felt better. she heard it once again drip...drip...drip. she put her hand down one last time and the dog licked it long enough for to gain enough confidence to turn of the sink. she got out of bed,opened the door into the dark hallway,opened the bathroom door to find her dog's body hanging da a rope da the shower. and it was the sound of the Cani blood going drip...drip...drip. and written with the Cani blood was maniacs like to lick hands too.