scary stories Club
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posted by _PRETTYQUEEN1E
This is TRUE. It really happened. I am younger than 14...
Last anno on my brother's birthday, we went out to eat to mancy's (expensive) to eat.
Right away when I walked in, I felt this very weird vibe. Something just STRUCK my cuore and dropped it. When we went out into ANOTHER door, I saw this clown statue... it gave me an even deeper vibe in my heart. Our waitress sat us down at a table. When I looked over, I saw several painting surrounding the entire room. They were all creepy. One picture had a little girl sitting down in a dark room with a man looking at her throughout a window. Another...
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posted by invaderblaze
"The was a haunted house where supposedly, every night, a bloody head fell down the chimney. At least that's what people said. So nobody would stay there overnight. Then, a rich man offered two hundred dollars to whoever would do it. And a boy detto he would try if he could have his dog with him. So it was all settled. The very successivo night the boy went to the house with his dog. To make it più cheerful, he started a fuoco in the fireplace. Then he sat in front of the fuoco and waited, and his dog waited with him.
For a while nothing happened. But a little after midnight he heard someone singing...
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posted by Rennerocks
A Pennsylvania Ghost Story

retold da S.E. Schlosser

Susan and Ned were driving through a wooded empty section of highway. Lightning flashed, thunder roared, the sky went dark in the torrential downpour.
“We’d better stop,” detto Susan.
Ned nodded his head in agreement. He stepped on the brake, and suddenly the car started to slide on the slick pavement. They plunged off the road and slid to a halt at the bottom of an incline.
Pale and shaking, Ned quickly turned to check if Susan was all right. When she nodded, Ned relaxed and looked through the rain soaked windows.
“I’m going to...
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posted by cleo-mermaid
there was once a party in a caraven. there were six druck 17 anno olds. after 4 hours on of the boys decided to go for a wee, he never came back from out side of the caravan. at 4.a.m. 2 of the people heard noises from out of the caravan. they thought it was a posem.

at 8.a.m. they heard it again. they look outside of the caravan. and on the roof the boy was hanged da his feet from a albero hanging over the roof of the caraven. the noises the people heard were the nails of the boy scratching the roof.

they called the police. the police siad: "dont turn around" but the people thought: what could possibley go wrong?? so they looked back and then they disapered. they were never sees since then.
Annabelle is real.

One of the creepiest parts of the truly scary The Conjuring is the evil possessed doll Annabelle, who makes up the cornerstone of Ed and Lorraine Warren’s spooky museum of trophies. Director James Wan redesigned Annabelle for the movie, giving her a much più disturbing appearance, but in real life Annabelle was just your run of the mill Raggedy Ann doll.

Donna got Annabelle from her mother in 1970; mom bought the used doll at a hobby store. Donna was a college student at the time, and living with a roommate named Angie, and at first neither thought the doll was anything...
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posted by Eviem99
It all began with a child.
The child was a little boy, such a sweet little boy with bright blue eyes and an angelic smile.
The child lived in a small village with his lonely mother, amaro at the death of her daughter who was a stillborn. She vented her frustrations at anyone who dare come near. She loved her son dearly and vowed to protect him and Amore him until the end of time. He was after all, all she had left in the world.

Helena was the village idiot. She spoke nonsense and was isolated throughout the village.
She grew attached to the sweet little boy who she believed to be a gift from...
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It was a windly,stormy night.My Friends were over at my house.We were going to play a board-game so two of my Friends went downstaris to get it,Angela and I stayed in the my room.Suddely,the electricity ran out - te could hear Emma and Dianne from the downstaris: "Come on!" "How do we get up the stairs now?!" they were shouting.Then there was a really loud thounder and all four of us screamed! Angela and I rushed to the window - I know,a really bad sposta when there's a storm outside.We just wanted to see if anything got hit da the thounder cause it was very close.But that wasn't what we saw...
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posted by awsomegtax
The slit mouth woman lives in Giappone and Romes the streets of japan. she has long black hair and very pretty eyes. she carrys a big pair of sicors and hunts down children to kill. if u come across her she will ask te a domanda if te reply it in a negative answer she will pull out her big pair of sicors and slit your mouth o cut your skin o come to another certain deth. If te reply in a positive answer te will come across nothing but what she will do and this is her most asked domanda "am i pretty" te say yes she will rip off the hospital mask and say "AM I PRETTY NOW" if te say no te will come across a sudden and yet pain full death
if te say normal she will get confused and then te take off and run. Some people believe that she was just a Lost mental patent o some one in a terrible car accident no one knows.

Thanks for Leggere and this is just A URBAN LENGEND THAT I REWRITTEN
posted by invaderblaze
there was a girl named Mary and her parents work the night shift. she gets frightened very easily so her parents got her a dog that licked her hand every time she gets one night she was awoken da a drip...drip...drip. she knew it was the sink but she was scared anyways, so she put her under her letto so that the dog could lick it. the dog did, and it made her feel better. but she heard it again drip...drip...drip. she put her hand back down and the dog licked it and she felt better. she heard it once again drip...drip...drip. she put her hand down one last time and the dog licked it long enough for to gain enough confidence to turn of the sink. she got out of bed,opened the door into the dark hallway,opened the bathroom door to find her dog's body hanging da a rope da the shower. and it was the sound of the Cani blood going drip...drip...drip. and written with the Cani blood was maniacs like to lick hands too.
posted by Seastar4374
On a dark and starless night a few kids decided to leave their houses and meet up at an abandoned shack in the far neck of the woods. So around 10 pm.ish they all left. Now they were all from different places. Holly, who was the oldest, was the closest since her house is only a short walk from there, Dustin had a little longer of a walk but not da much. Ashley was pretty far away from where they're going. Then Seth was pretty far.

Anyway they all left and of course agrifoglio got there first. She stood outside the old, abandoned shack waiting for everyone else then she hears a scream. It didn't...
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posted by Eviem99
There was an old couple who had hired a new maid to help around their house. The wife had a huge doll collection, and the maid was expected to dust them once a week. So once a week the maid walked into the room where the bambole were stored and looked at them in disgust. She hated dolls. While she was dusting, she came across a particularly strange doll. It was a talking doll and it had a cord in the back. The maid was intrested and pulled the cord. The doll said, “Hello.” The maid pulled the cord again. “I Amore my momma”, detto the doll. The maid put the doll back and continued cleaning....
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posted by usernameinvalid
In 1986, Cokeville, Wyoming’s precedente town marshal, David Young, and his wife Doris entered Cokeville Elementary School with pistole and a homemade gasoline bomb.

The Youngs took over 160 students and teachers hostage and refused to release them until he received 300 million dollars and a phone call from the President. David Young often yelled, “This is a revolution!” during the situation.

When David left Doris and all of the students being held hostage in a single room, the gasoline bomb was set off and instantly killed her. David returned, saw his wife’s body, and killed himself with...
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------ Bulletin Message ------

They pushed her down a sewer

About 6 years fa in Indiana, Carmen Winstead was pushed down a sewer opening da 5 girls in her school, trying to embarrass her in front of her school during a fuoco drill. When she didn't submerge the police were called. They went down and brought up 17 anno old Carmen Winstead's body, her neck broke hitting the ladder, then side concrete at the bottom. The girls told everyone she fell... They believed them.

FACT: 2 months ago, 16 anno old David Gregory read this post and didn't repost it. When he went to take a doccia he heard laughter...
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posted by awsomegtax
A young girl is left home alone with only her dog to protect her. On the news that night, they announced there was a serial killer on the loose in the local area. Before she goes to bed, she locks all the doors and tries to lock all the windows, but the one in the basement won't close. She decides to leave it open, but locks the basement door and goes to bed. Her dog takes its customary place under her bed.
In the deep of night she awakens to a dripping sound coming from the bathroom. The girl is too scared to go check so she reaches her hand under the bed. She feels a reassuring lick from her...
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posted by awsomegtax
Carmen was 17 years old when her parents decided to sposta to Indiana. Her father had Lost his job and the only way he could find new employment was da moving to a new state. The relocation caused a lot of problems for Carmen. She had to leave her Friends behind and attend a whole new school in Indiana.

Carmen had a hard time making Friends when she changed schools. It was the middle of the school anno and most of the students had no interest in befriending the new girl. Initially, she spent many days alone, walking from class to class without speaking to anyone, but she eventually started hanging...
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posted by invaderblaze
It was nine o'clock in the evening. Everybody was sitting on the divano in front of the TV. There were Richard, Brian, Jenny and Doreen, the babysitter.
The telephone rang.
"Maybe it's your mother," detto Doreen. She picked up the phone. Before she could say a word, a man laughed hysterically and hung up.
"Who was it?" asked Richard.
"Some nut," detto Doreen. "What did I miss?"

At nine-thirty the telephone rang again. Doreen answered it. It was the man who had called before. "I'll be there soon," he said, and he laughed and hung up.
"Who was it?" the children asked.
"Some crazy person,"...
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posted by fake_alibi13
I am not sure why I am Scrivere this down.I guess I just felt like it, telling my story.It was years fa and although it was on some papers and local news, the story gradually faded and got forgotten da everyone. Everyone but me, and I know to this giorno that what people heard was not the true story.Of course, even then as a small child I knew that telling it would only do più harm to me than good, I would be called crazy and they wouldn't even try to protect me from something that they would call the ravings of a demented little girl.
Ten years have passed since, I was a quiet kid, barely six...
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posted by Seastar4374
Kelsey was an ordinary college girl. Well she was anyway before she enciuntered something that was bound to change her life forever. Okay lets start from the beginning. Kelsey grew up in a small town and didn't really have much to her name. After she went to college that all changed. She got there the first giorno and was glad she was there. She got along real well with her roommate Amber , who was a eyar older than Kelsey. Anyway they were both getting settled in when a knock was at the door. Kelsey looked at Amber and Amber just shrugged. Kelsey walked over to the door and saw a guy standing...
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posted by DxCFan123
One eerie night, A girl 17 anno old girl named Alice arose from her bed, cotton-mouthed. She quietly got out of bed, careful not to wake her little brother, and went down stairs to the kitchen. She got a glass of water and sat at the table, in the dark room, with small rays of light shining in. She stared outside, sipping on her water. Then she noticed something, the trees, they, were moving. She was startled to see this, because it was not windy. Then, it formed a face. The face of a beautiful woman. She then heard a faint voice coming from outside. " I will watch te from the scyamore trees."...
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posted by Channy101
A girl was babysitting at a friend's house and it was for her friend's two younger brothers. The family she sat for had this odd looking clown statue standing in the corner of the living room almost life sized. It was just sooo creepy, she couldn't keep from looking at it every so often. Eventually, it got darker and she sent the two boys to bed. She went back downstairs to watch T.V. while she waited for her friend to call.

The clown just stood there with an eerie smile on it's face and a weird look in its unmoving eyes. She couldn't take any più of the weirdness, so she covered up the clown...
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