Sewing Updates

a comment was made to the poll: How do te prefer to sew? più di un anno fa by Odesta
an answer was added to this question: What's the biggest project you've done, and was it sewn by hand or machine? più di un anno fa by dramaticowl
a pop quiz question è stato aggiunto: What is the most hardest clothes to sew più di un anno fa by Steven-Teresa
a photo è stato aggiunto: dress più di un anno fa by Steven-Teresa
a comment was made to the photo: Ball toga, abito project più di un anno fa by TheRatKing1
a comment was made to the photo: dress project più di un anno fa by TheRatKing1
an answer was added to this question: What's the biggest project you've done, and was it sewn by hand or machine? più di un anno fa by nerdfighter68
a reply was made to the forum post: what are te working on?? più di un anno fa by hetalia4thewin
a poll è stato aggiunto: How often are te working on a project? più di un anno fa by hetalia4thewin
a question è stato aggiunto: What's the biggest project you've done, and was it sewn by hand or machine? più di un anno fa by hetalia4thewin
a question è stato aggiunto: Need help working an antique sewing machine più di un anno fa by silly_bats