Skipper: The penguins of madagascar Club
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added by Tressa-pom
Source: Some episodes
added by skipperluvs
Source: IDK
added by Tressa-pom
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Some episodes
added by cattoy10
added by SkipperFan
added by skipperluvs
Source: IDK
added by Tressa-pom
Chase Scene: Take 1

Julien: "...Ah! A thief!
Keep dancing!"

Maurice: "But there's no music!"

Julien: "I'll pretend I did not hear that!"

Julien: "Come back te Musica hater!"

Skipper: "I don't hate music! I hate--"


Chase Scene: Take 2

Julien: "Come back te Musica hater!"

Skipper: "I don't hate music! I hate noise!"

Julien: *causes Skipper to slip on bananas, causing him to drop a battery which he intercepts*

*Jumps to get another, misses, swings on a pole back around, and retrieves a secondo battery*

2 minuti later...

Skipper: "Ha, Lost him."

Julien: *swings in on snake...SMACK..."Oops. Sorry Skipper. Are te okay?"

Skipper: "I think I coughed up my spleen..."
added by Tressa-pom
added by Tressa-pom
added by Saracuda
Source: Me, Private The Plushie, & a Kodak camera.
added by skipperfan5431
Source: me!
added by pmmom38
posted by gina34
Skipper and kowalski are on the beach, he was baciare marlene he loved. Kowalski was surfing in the water, there were high waves. Than an ora later marlene would go swim in the sea. Skipper I go for a swim and surf, would te came too? No, skipper detto I go sunbathing. Than she was in, the waves are so high that the surfboard fell of her and fell onto her head and she lose consciousness. She fell onto the bottom of the sea, she was drowning. A quarter later, skipper realised marlene isn't coming back and he began to cerca for her, but he didn't find her. He calls his team to cerca in the...
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added by viliot
Source: ~viliot (me)
added by viliot
Source: ~viliot (me)
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Some episodes
added by pmmom38
Source: ME!!