sonic bases Club
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added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-Bunny
added by CosmoLuvsTails
Source: someone on DA..
added by superscrouge25
Source: Me
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by shadow759
Source: this base belong to sonnywolf
added by Sunnythewolf09
Source: sega and sunnythewolf09
added by VideoGameNerd
Source: Sunnythewolf09 and me
added by InvaderMaricruz
Source: me
added by cookiemaster
Source: cookiemaster
added by sakileven
Source: Sakileven
added by JudyNails
added by shadowgirl101
Source: shadowgirl101
added by RudyRedhedgie
Source: me
added by blossom1111
Source: to the base maker (characters mine)
added by blossom1111
Source: (i made the base someone made the picture)
added by DaisyFlower46
added by invaderlily
Source: Emo-Bunny
added by shadowluvgirl
Source: shadowluvgirl inc
added by shadowluvgirl
Source: shadowluvgirl
added by LunaAcores94
Source: Base(The_Drop_Base) Drawn(Me)