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posted by MissKitty28
March 2012 :

Katie Lucas: Who did te like together with Buffy the most: Angel, Riley, o Spike?

Joss Whedon:
te know what, I liked Spike. With Angel it’s too “Romeo and Juliet”. Which means, as soon as it happens you’re bored. Riley, te know he was a well-adjusted person who loved her in a much, much healthier way than the other two guys. Nobody wants to see that. With Buffy and Spike, they had a real Beatrice and Benedick kind of relationship, in “Much Ado About Nothing”. I think with the wedding, she would have tried to do something fast, but he would have made it elaborate and done everything wrong. It would have been extraordinarily counter-intuitive, and awesome!

added by Angie22
added by RoseLovesJack
added by ArabellaElfie
Source: Scythe (Jen)
added by Angie22
Source: Echidna , based da NautieBitz fanfiction
added by adwbuffy
added by adwbuffy
Source: Willow's site
added by laurabaybie
Slightly cheesy, but well edited and cute, Spike and Buffy season five centric vid. Song is "I Think I Amore You" da The Patridge Family. Made da Tranquility71. All clips belong to Fox.
added by karlyluvsam
Source: fotoflick
added by chameron4eva
Source: Blakravell
added by chameron4eva
Source: Ugly Business
added by chameron4eva
Source: Ugly Business
added by adwbuffy
Source: Ponedjeljak @ Litith Entertainment
added by laurabaybie
added by adwbuffy
Source: Comforting Lie
added by ArabellaElfie
Source: vampkiss
added by Angie22
added by spikes_girl
added by Angie22
Source: Noaluvjames