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posted by MissKitty28
March 2012 :

Katie Lucas: Who did te like together with Buffy the most: Angel, Riley, o Spike?

Joss Whedon:
te know what, I liked Spike. With Angel it’s too “Romeo and Juliet”. Which means, as soon as it happens you’re bored. Riley, te know he was a well-adjusted person who loved her in a much, much healthier way than the other two guys. Nobody wants to see that. With Buffy and Spike, they had a real Beatrice and Benedick kind of relationship, in “Much Ado About Nothing”. I think with the wedding, she would have tried to do something fast, but he would have made it elaborate and done everything wrong. It would have been extraordinarily counter-intuitive, and awesome!

posted by buffyl0v3r44
Reasons Why Amore We Spuffy!

1)Because she only dates hot dead guys.
2)Because when he first saw her dancing at the bronze, he couldn't take his eyes off her.
3)Because he's loved her ever since the first time he saw her.
4)Because he wants to save the world.
5)Because they're in a band.
6)Because maybe she hates him, but he's all she's got.
7)Because he knows love's a funny thing.
8)Because she brought him home to meet her mom.
9)Because he called her cutie.
10)Because he's love's bitch.
11)Because she can't fool him for some reason.
13)Because her new boy's got, what's the word? Vulnerability.
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In the articolo discusses my preferito moments of Spike & Buffy from the entire series.From Season 4-7. I will explain in each moment/episode of why it was my favorite.


This was my preferito because I Amore Buffy was seducing Spike with her neck like make him so torture that he can't drain Buffy. She and Spike were both very making fun of each other.lol.. Giles in the background was wicked funny talking to Willow about how Buffy and Spike would of been like kill one another:)


So funny, and interesting about how Spike...
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 te got you're soul for what. It was what te wanted right? Beneath te
You got you're soul for what. It was what you wanted right? Beneath You
In Season 7,theres denial,compassion,
loss,pain, suffering, power,and True Love.We see all this from Spike & Buffy in this Season.Ever Since Spike came back in Sunnydale things were not the same.


When Buffy discovered that Spike is a vampire with a soul. She was still keeping her distance away from Spike. The moments of rape and lusty attractions to use each other haunts both Spike & Buffy in Season 7. After Buffy figured out the Big Bad The First, was tormenting Spike because has a soul, Buffy was helping him to fight it. She saw the monster within him and saw him fought it...
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(this is in no specific order)

1. "You think we're dancing?"-Buffy
"That's all we've ever done."-Spike (5x7 Fool For Love)
^^ They could never kill each other!

2. "How long was I gone?"-Buffy
"Hundred forty-seven days yesterday. Uh ... hundred forty-eight today. 'Cept today doesn't count, does it?"-Spike (6x3 Afterlife)
^^ He counted the number of days she was gone

3. They made fuoco (7x22 Chosen)

4. "What's wrong?"-Spike
"I don't want to talk about it."-Buffy
"Is there something I can do?"-Spike (5x7 Fool For Love)
^^ Spike is always there for Buffy

5. "You've got another demon fighter now."-Spike
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 Buffy & Spike *Love Will Works It's Will*
Buffy & Spike *Love Will Works It's Will*
I have domanda to all the Spuffy fan . Do te think there should be più Spuffy than Bangel? I mean when I watched the ending of "Chosen". I cried when Buffy Lost Spike at the end of the series. Even though we all know that Spike was back in Angel Season 5 . But that still not enough to satisfy my feelings over Buffy and Spike. Like they never see each other ever again. Neither has Angel, when Spike and Angel was in Rome they were looking inoltrare, avanti to see Buffy again. But Spike and Angel didn't see Buffy cause Andrew told them that she was gone . At the end of season 5 of Angel, Spike didn't...
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 Dead Things Season 6 Is The Best Example For Dark Seduction Of Spike & Buffy
Dead Things Season 6 Is The Best Example For Dark Seduction Of Spike & Buffy
From Season 6 Buffy was brought back to life da her own Friends from "Heaven". She was feeling that she wasn't there but feeling very Lost in reality. Somehow effected her feelings against her enemies. Like for example Spike was her arch nemisis of hers.

She was beginning to understand that her actions towards Spike was total different. Like Buffy was turning her whole feelings around to pain,suffering,and turning to lust. I finished watching Season 6 Review with the cast & crew about the Season. Saying that Buffy & Spike's relationship was in total "Darkness", Buffy was the first one...
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This is a fan fiction about what happened after the fade out in Chosen. Please note that while it may seem a little short, a lot of it is simply looking at each other, which is più effective and romantic on-screen than in words. Anyways, I hope te like it!

Buffy walked slowly down the stairs. When she reached the bottom of the flight, she turned to look at him. He had been sitting, the amulet dangling out in front of him. He had been examining it with careful eyes. At the sound of her footsteps he stood up. They stared at each other for a moment, then he spoke.

"What's up pet?"

Buffy walked...
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1. Touched- Spike's Speech to Buffy and when Buffy asks "will te just hold me?"
2. Chosen- Buffy holds Spike's hand and says "I Amore you" for the first time
3. Intervention- Buffy kisses Spike knowing that the secret of Dawn being the key was sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza with him
4. Fool for Love- Spike comforts Buffy
5. After Life- Buffy comes back from the dead, they look at each other with passion as she comes down the steps, he then takes care of her hands and she asks "How long was I gone?" Spike risposte the amount of days she was gone without a moments pause
6. End of Days- Spike tells Buffy "All I did was hold...
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posted by xQueenOfHearts
Because I Amore Spike & Buffy to much, I decide to make an articolo with my preferito Citazioni of them...or I think this is all of them?... I don't remember but anyways. I was looking through the other Spuffy articoli & I didn't find another articolo that had the Citazioni so I made one. If there was already one, well, i'm sorry for making another one LOL. Spike & Buffy FOREVAAAH!


Spike: te listen to me. I've been alive a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things te couldn't imagine, and done things I prefer te didn't. Don't exactly have a reputation for...
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posted by karlyluvsam
I died
So many years fa
But te can make me feel
Like it isn't so
And why te come to be with me
I think I finally know

You're scared
Ashamed of what te feel
And te can't tell the ones te Amore
You know they couldn't deal
Whisper in a dead man's ear
It doesn't make it real
That's great

But I don't wanna play
'Cause being with te touches me
More than I can say
And since I’m only dead to te
I’m saying stay away and
Let me rest in peace

Let me rest in peace
Let me get some sleep
Let me take my Amore and bury it
In a hole 6-foot deep
I can lay my body down
But I can't find my, sweet...
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posted by OCFan123
One of the most popolare debates among the fellow BtVS fan is if Buffy Summers, the heroine of the TV Show, was truly in Amore with Spike. The majority of fan who support Spike & Buffy say that she did - and some fan argue that she didn’t. Some may go as far to say that she wanted to - but she couldn’t Amore him, even after he gained his soul.
My opinion on the matter is nowhere near different then most of the Spike & Buffy fan - that Buffy was in Amore with Spike. Many may disagree with me, and many may agree.
Some of the statements that are listed down below are what fan who...
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Theese are the reasons i think Spike is best for Buffy, please note theese are not in chronoligical order.

1)Spike was able to Amore Buffy without having his soul.
2)He refused to tell Glory who the key was even after being tortured.
3)She treated him like a man even though he knew he didn't deserve it. "I know i'm a monster, but te treat me like a man"
4)When Buffy's Friends where all in hospital and Kendra was dead, Spike was the only one who helped her.
5) He was the first one to know Buffy had been in heaven not hell.
6) Even when he would have been easy to kill with the chip, Buffy didn't kill...
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 Thanks everyone :D
Thanks everyone :D
Congrats on your win this mese Emma! How do te feel?

Honestly I didn't even know I was nominated, so it's very flattering! Thanks everyone :D

1. Why don't te tell your fellow Spuffiers something about your self:

Um, let's see...I didn't get into Buffy until Cat practically made me about 6 months fa and I'm amazed at how soon I fell in Amore with the mostra and especially with Spuffy! I'm an American girl living in Australia, and I used to live in France. In two words, I'm a world traveler!

2. When did te first fall for the Spuffy pairing? Any particular scene that convinced te to ship them?...
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ciao Fans, this my first fanfiction about the Reunion of Spuffy.

After Spike sacrifice his life to save the world from "The First". He was back in LA resurrected trapped in Wolfram & Hart. Spike was hanging around in the lawform and finally got a package to restore his body. When he was back he finally got the nerve to work with his old friend Angel to fight and defeat the Black Thorn. Battle was over Spike decided to meet his one true Amore Buffy in Rome.

When Buffy was on nights partoling she found Spike and was shocked that he was alive. She didn't believe it at first. Thought it was...
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City of Rome
It was the middle of the night. Buffy was walking down the street, talking to someone in a really tiny microphone. There was a small earphone in her ear, so each time she’d say something pedestrians who passed da would give her strange looks, because it seemed as if she was talking to herself.
“Yes, Willow, I’m taking care of myself” Buffy reassured her ginger friend on the other side of the line. “I’m actually sitting in restaurant Chinappi as we speak” she added, before taking a bite of her sandwich
“I hear cars, Buffy” Willow replied a little offended. Did Buffy...
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posted by karlyluvsam
Life’s a mostra and we all play a part
And when the Musica starts,
We open up our hearts

It’s all right if some things come out wrong.
We’ll sing a happy song
And te can sing along.

Where’s there’s life,
There’s hope.
A gift.
Wishes can
Come true.
Whistle while
You work.
So hard
All day.

To be like other girls
To fit in in this glittering world.
Don’t give me songs.
Don’t give me songs.

Give me something to sing about.
I need something to sing about.

Life’s a song
You don’t get to rehearse.
And every single verse
Can make it that much worse.

Still my friends
Don’t know why I ignore
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 Just Let me Go.. I Can't ..I'm In Amore With You.. No te Don't .. te Think I Tried Not Too... Buffy & Spike "Dead Things"
Just Let me Go.. I Can't ..I'm In Love With You.. No You Don't .. You Think I Tried Not Too... Buffy & Spike "Dead Things"
So, We all know how Buffy & Spike's relationship was the most strangest,funniest,wanted couple on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. When I was finished watching the Overview Of Season 6 . Joss Whedon & James Marsters were discussing how Spike was in Amore with Buffy.

Joss Whedon detto that Spike had always been in Amore with Buffy. James Marsters however detto that Spike was that bad boy who always wants what he gets, also James was saying that he feels his character has that darkness that he shows to Buffy. Also Joss detto that Buffy wants feel from the dark shadows. He also detto that Buffy felt...
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Now i was just watching early season 6 Buffy (before OMWF) and i had a thought (:O omg big shocker) and so i decided to share it with te all. This isn't planned out o thought through o anything, i literally just paused the DVD about two minuti fa to write this.

It strikes me that the first time i watched the episodes pre OMWF, i kinda thought, big whoop. Buffy's being all depressed. I mean, not that i did';t like them, but that da that point i really wanted Spuffy to happen and hah heard they kissed in OMWF. I was rushing every so slightly to get there, and so wasn't particularly paying...
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posted by babybell
Here, i wrote down a few thoughts on Dead Things as i was watching it just now and thought i'd share them with te :P

Dead Things is very revealing when it comes to Spuffy. It is a point where we realize one) Buffy seriously listens to what Spike says even if she's trying no too and 2) she realizes she's falling for him.

The first of these points is rather obvious. The fact she goes to Tara for help is rather self explanatory, but it's very revealing to the secondo point.

In the scene before the very confusing murder scene, Buffy goes to Spike's door and they both caress it in a not-only-sexual-and-more-fluffy...
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