Steven universe Wall

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SmolKitten detto …
OOOOOOOH! HE'S A Frozen TREAT WITH AN ALL NEW TASTE! postato più di un anno fa
BB2010 detto …
Steven Universe comes back December 17! postato più di un anno fa
Oldmanbob95 detto …
When is season six coming out? postato più di un anno fa
SmolKitten commentato…
I don't know! BUT IT NEEDS TO COME OUT NOW! più di un anno fa
BB2010 commentato…
December 17! più di un anno fa
Oldmanbob95 detto …
I like Sapphire postato più di un anno fa
SmolKitten commentato…
Nice!! più di un anno fa
SmolKitten detto …
RUBY IS BEST GEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amore HER!! postato più di un anno fa
melvin26 detto …
One più he was caught cuz he dont want his Friends to be caught so he told aqua marine that he was rose quartz .. and he was brought to home world trial .. like in a jury where steven was intrusted with a lawyer, a defender .. where lawyer explain to the diamond how ounk diamond died but there was no proof that rose killed rosa diamond.. stevens lawyer explain how did rose shatterd pnk diamond .. she detto how can rose alone infultrated pnk diamonds place with guard and everygem postato più di un anno fa
melvin26 detto …
ciao everyone .. im new here. Have te watch the new episodes where steven Caught himself da aqua marine and topaz in episode stuck together so cool .. topaz was a girl when fuse . And on lars head episode where his hair is white like lions mane cuz steven healed him cuz he died.. . Then his body turn rosa and his hair is white.. is this mean lion died a long time fa and rose healed him? And one più steven can go on his mother secret place da using lars head like lion .. im wo excited on s5ep5 postato più di un anno fa
garnetmeup detto …
ciao i thought of a cool idea for a game . they should make a undertale version of steven universe but the story line will be diffrent adnthe attakc methed will be the sma ebut ht emoves are diffent. if te like to hear mor eabout this reply syaing yes please say yes cuas ei Amore to hsre hts to the steven univers ean dundertlae fan also sorr yofr bad ytping postato più di un anno fa
big smile
purplesaphire detto …
who likes steven universe? postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Chipette commentato…
Me! :) più di un anno fa
YayStevonnie detto …
I can't wait for the successivo episode of SU!!!!! Waiting for it is KILLING ME!!!!! I've been watching the precedente episodes over and over again. I've watched Mindful Education about 59 times!!! postato più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 detto …
Me and my sister can sing a perfect duet of Do It for Him/Her. We are very proud this. postato più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 detto …
My life is complete! Ashley Burch, one f my ALL TIME preferito VOICE ACTORS, just detto she's gonna be in Steven Universe. *does victory dance* postato più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 commentato…
For anyone who doesn't know who she is but has seen the dub of Attack On Titan, she was Sasha. She was also Chloe in Life is Strange più di un anno fa
Bumbl_ee commentato…
I'm so excited for this! Who do te think she'll voice? più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 commentato…
I am BEGGING for her to be either the mystery girl o a fusion of Lapis and Peridot! But so long as I can hear the voice of my preferito potato-eating Titan killer in SU, I'll be happy più di un anno fa
Bumbl_ee commentato…
I was thinking that too! I can't wait! più di un anno fa
Nick2442 detto …
I think I like Pearl postato più di un anno fa
purplesaphire commentato…
yah right più di un anno fa
Nick2442 detto …
What do te think about Pearl postato più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 commentato…
Shes awesome più di un anno fa
YayStevonnie commentato…
She's protective and loves Steven. She's also determined and graceful. più di un anno fa
purplesaphire commentato…
ok? i gess più di un anno fa
Nick2442 detto …
Do te like baciare postato più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 detto …
'Beta' and 'Earthlings'.....OMG!!! So much going on in my head right now.... postato più di un anno fa
Jib1001 detto …
Steven Universe is so Awesome i would be die hard for this Show! postato più di un anno fa
alinah_09 detto …
Awww shucks, Pearl finally gaining self-confidence and happiness (chatting with Greg and a bit lighthearted joking in Connie's first mission) and Lapis finally having courage and letting loose from her past (saying "No" to Jasper because she's powerful like that and being proper fienile, granaio mates with Peri); It just makes me proud of them, y'know? Now all that's left is to get through Amethyst since even Peridot overcame her insecurity. :) postato più di un anno fa
Scintilllate detto …
Follow me on INSTAGRAM and unisciti my Authority! It's so fun! te get to draw your own gem and rp/chat with others! My instagram is my Username, @Scintilllate (Yes three L's) THANKS -xoxo postato più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 detto …
WHO ELSE IS READY FOR THE 100th EPISODE??!! postato più di un anno fa
Bumbl_ee commentato…
I am! I'm so excited to see più of Bismuth! più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 commentato…
It's today!!! più di un anno fa
alinah_09 commentato…
I didn't really get why they have to bubble her again...I mean she's not corrupted yet so there's still a chance for negotiations and reconciliation right? più di un anno fa
purplesaphire commentato…
😃 più di un anno fa
MagnetoDorito detto …
I'm so excited for Gem Hunt and Crack the Whip! These will feature Jasper in it with her "controlled" corrupted gem. After that, new weapon upgrades from Bismuth. This week is L I T. postato più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 detto …
Omg! Who else just watched the episode Monster Reunion!? postato più di un anno fa
Bumbl_ee commentato…
I watched it and it was so amazing! più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 commentato…
I've always wondered if Gems had their own language. But that wouldn't explain why Peridot talked to Yellow Diamond in English. At least we know their written language is different. più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 detto …
Does anyone know when the successivo episodes are coming out? Didn't feel this was worthy of being an official question, but I'm curious. postato più di un anno fa
Bumbl_ee commentato…
I don't know the exact date, but I do know that there will be new episodes this summer. più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 commentato…
Speaking of which.,, più di un anno fa
alinah_09 detto …
Guyyyyyyysssss...!!! Just watched the episodes out right now for Season 3 and heck yeah! It's awesome! :D Though the first 3 is kind of's still pretty cool how they mostra Peridot caring about Steven. (and teamwork apparently x3) Also home gem Lapis is back! Yeah! postato più di un anno fa
alinah_09 commentato…
However, I did notice the lack of songs in the first few episodes--though I understand dato that it's about Malachite o the Cluster. più di un anno fa
BennieBear27 commentato…
I didn't even notice that til just now, but you're right. più di un anno fa
chatnoir69 detto …
link postato più di un anno fa
Wolfpaw6 detto …
the cluster if te could only know... What we really are... What we really are... postato più di un anno fa
alinah_09 detto …
What we really are. postato più di un anno fa
Jade_23 commentato…
WHAT WE REALLY ARE più di un anno fa
Derp569 detto …
WE ARE THE CRYSTAL GEMS WELL ALWAYS SAVE THE giorno AND IF te THINK WE CANT WELL ALWAYS FIND A WAY THATS WHY THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD believe steven ,garnet,amethyst and pearl AND STEVEN!!!!! :) postato più di un anno fa
Wolfpaw6 commentato…
swagger man got them all right swagger più di un anno fa
Declan_15 detto …
Amore the new clips postato più di un anno fa
carpalthought10 detto …
When is the successivo episode of Steven universe postato più di un anno fa
garnetmeup detto …
making the steven universe quiz of true steven universe fan i will post it on my fan page and this fan page. postato più di un anno fa
garnetmeup detto …
vote on the how load was steven nooo, Amore o hate peridot, who should unisciti the crystal gems, and what should be the successivo fuseon postato più di un anno fa
vetyking14 detto …
guys..... new episodes are out, why isn't anyone commenting about the episode, o anything at all? postato più di un anno fa
garnetmeup commentato…
i Amore the mini peridot in the new episode più di un anno fa
garnetmeup commentato…
happy now più di un anno fa
chloemichelle commentato…
she's so cute più di un anno fa
vetyking14 detto …
when is successivo episode going to be added i'm starting to get tired of waiting >_< postato più di un anno fa
MewStrawberry detto …
No one made a fan page for Rose Quartz, Steven's mommy. So I made one. fan it please everyone: link postato più di un anno fa
airby detto …
Amore Steven's cuore for magic postato più di un anno fa
Rae-Marie detto …
STEVEN'S PREGNANT???!!!! xD postato più di un anno fa
Derp569 commentato…
WTF??????? più di un anno fa
-SkySplitter- detto …
I Amore this mostra soooooooo much postato più di un anno fa
Jib1001 detto …
i Amore this show! postato più di un anno fa
pinkblossom2 detto …
steven's is awesome postato più di un anno fa
LaVocaGirl detto …
I'm so in Amore this the song Dance of Swords~ *o* postato più di un anno fa
LaVocaGirl commentato…
*with più di un anno fa
SasodeiYaoiLuv detto …
At Megacon I got to take a picture with a steven!!! :D steven rocks!!!! postato più di un anno fa
CF_the_Kid2 commentato…
awesome più di un anno fa
SasodeiYaoiLuv commentato…
ya i know!!! più di un anno fa
pbadventure18 detto …
pls unisciti the pearl club
link postato più di un anno fa
iolita commentato…
yes steven universe and pearl lapis garnet saphire and rubi più di un anno fa
bmazing detto …
Did anybody else think that it was just even the tiniest bit weird in cat fingers whenever Steven's fingers turned into cats,then his whole body? postato più di un anno fa
StarFox13 commentato…
I wouldn't come on a fansite just 2 critisize it,it's not a very kind thing to do. più di un anno fa
unknownguy222 commentato…
ciao told ya id meet ya here :3 più di un anno fa
Flamefever123 detto …
we should make all ocs postato più di un anno fa
frickityfrackle detto …
PETEY THOUGH AA AH <3 postato più di un anno fa
ChibiEmmy commentato…
How do te ppl think he's cute!?! più di un anno fa
ChibiEmmy commentato…
Then again I think Bill Cipher is the cutest thing xD più di un anno fa
CF_the_Kid detto …
This show's pretty cool so far. postato più di un anno fa
StarFox13 commentato…
yep più di un anno fa
AkiraTaifu detto …
Number 8!! postato più di un anno fa
StarFox13 commentato…
thank's:) più di un anno fa
savana89 detto …
yay im the 6 fan!!! as te can tell im fucken bored out of my mind postato più di un anno fa