Superman (il film) Updates

a video è stato aggiunto: Superman II - Lois Risks Her Life | Super Scenes ·2 mesi fa by rakshasa
a video è stato aggiunto: Superman II - Fortress of Solitude data | Super Scenes ·3 mesi fa by rakshasa
a photo è stato aggiunto: Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story | Promotional poster ·3 mesi fa by rakshasa
a video è stato aggiunto: Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story | Official Trailer ·3 mesi fa by rakshasa
a video è stato aggiunto: Superman II - Superman at Niagara Falls | Super Scenes ·3 mesi fa by rakshasa
a video è stato aggiunto: Superman: The Movie - Lois Lane Interviews Superman | Super Scenes ·3 mesi fa by rakshasa
a video è stato aggiunto: 10 Christopher Reeve Superman Movie Moments That Still Hold Up Over 35 Years Later più di un anno fa by rakshasa
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Christopher Reeve as Superman ⬙ più di un anno fa by rakshasa
a wallpaper è stato aggiunto: Christopher Reeve as Superman ⬙ più di un anno fa by rakshasa
a video è stato aggiunto: Superman: The Movie - Lois & Clark's Night Out | Super Scenes | DC più di un anno fa by rakshasa
a link è stato aggiunto: My Superman 1-shot più di un anno fa by trisha1
a video è stato aggiunto: Superman | Full Movie anteprima | Warner Bros. Entertainment più di un anno fa by rakshasa
an article è stato aggiunto: Richard Donner, The Person Who Made Superhero Films Successful più di un anno fa by whatsupbugs
an article è stato aggiunto: The Importance Of The Superman Movie Cast (1978) più di un anno fa by whatsupbugs
an icon è stato aggiunto: Superman II più di un anno fa by Tripod75
a poll è stato aggiunto: When Clark detto "Well, let's.. push off, shall we?" did te think he was talking about peeing? più di un anno fa by trisha1
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Superman più di un anno fa by horakja
a comment was made to the article: Superman and Christopher Reeve più di un anno fa by monique112
a comment was made to the poll: Which Lex Luthor was better? più di un anno fa by curlycat17
a comment was made to the poll: Who's the better Superman? Reeve o Routh? più di un anno fa by curlycat17
a comment was made to the poll: Who's the best Clark Kent? più di un anno fa by curlycat17
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Superman più di un anno fa by grandabraham
a comment was made to the poll: Who is the best villain? più di un anno fa by KennethKalEl
a pop quiz question è stato aggiunto: where did clark get his name? più di un anno fa by lead
a pop quiz question è stato aggiunto: when jonathan kent died,what fiore did clark give to martha? più di un anno fa by lead
a comment was made to the photo: Superman II più di un anno fa by soemarto
a link è stato aggiunto: Superman fan Commentary più di un anno fa by gbriggs
a video è stato aggiunto: Superman fan Commentary più di un anno fa by gbriggs
a pop quiz question è stato aggiunto: Were the producers planning on having Reeve wear a muscle suit for the role? più di un anno fa by GrantGarcia
a comment was made to the video: Superman 3 (Theatrical Trailer) più di un anno fa by aubreymay
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Superman wallpaper più di un anno fa by J_EGYPT
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Christopher Reeve più di un anno fa by J_EGYPT
a comment was made to the video: Superman II Recut Ending più di un anno fa by MisterWilson
a pop quiz question è stato aggiunto: What is Superman's entire Kryptonian birth name (two words)? più di un anno fa by MisterWilson
a comment was made to the poll: What do te think about Henry Cavill as Superman? più di un anno fa by slash5
a link è stato aggiunto: Superman bubble at bublaa! più di un anno fa by Moonset
a link è stato aggiunto: Christopher Reeve at più di un anno fa by eagle393
a link è stato aggiunto: Superman Requiem: a fan film coming soon più di un anno fa by william_laughs
a comment was made to the fan art: Drinking Superman GIF più di un anno fa by judesmommy
a comment was made to the fan art: Superman's Monday più di un anno fa by william_laughs
a comment was made to the photo: Oh, no! Superman. più di un anno fa by judesmommy
a comment was made to the link: Former child stella, stella, star Jackie Cooper dies at 88 più di un anno fa by judesmommy
a link è stato aggiunto: Former child stella, stella, star Jackie Cooper dies at 88 più di un anno fa by judesmommy
a comment was made to the poll: How do te feel about Superman renouncing his citizenship in the comics? più di un anno fa by william_laughs
a poll è stato aggiunto: How do te feel about Superman renouncing his citizenship in the comics? più di un anno fa by william_laughs