The Backstreet Boys Wall

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Makeupdiva detto …
They aren't THE Backstreet Boys, just Backstreet Boys. Not sure who made this club but if they are a fan of the group, they would know that there is no THE. postato più di un anno fa
Mommasan detto …
I would like to begin da saying our whole family were fan of the group when we heard them on the radio. Both of our daughters informed me that they wanted tickets to your Edmonton concerto which occurs in the mese between both of their birthdays. At a 2018 Natale event I requested the DJ play a BSB's song and both daughters were asked to dance, which they did to get tickets to the concert. With the economic downturn and Lost jobs and bad luck, I will still be getting them affordable tickets postato più di un anno fa
lizmic detto …
I have got to find a way to get 4 tickets for my daughter as her wedding present. I want to give them to her for her bridesmaids & her can go together in Pittsburgh! This is the 1 group we both agree on! lol postato più di un anno fa
hedley12 detto …
I Amore the backstreet boys but mostly Nick Carter postato più di un anno fa
IluvMarapets commentato…
I too Amore Nick Carter. And I always been a BSB fan, i really Amore their Musica :) più di un anno fa
tesia_89 detto …
ciao guys i am huge of BSB since i was a lil girl and
I still Amore the songs and music's that y'all made. I
want to say thank te for the Musica and i am 26
yearold.... I got alot of y'all songs on my phone
when i was a lil girl i get bully da other kids and
when i get home from school i always put in my bsb
cd cause y'all Musica keep me calm
I Amore BSB

Amore tesia postato più di un anno fa
toniwalsh detto …
Hi nick , I'm toni walsh and I'm from new Zealand and I'm 26 years old and its nice to meet te and my grandmother Allison passed away postato più di un anno fa
kmc01 detto …
Nick Carter and Jordan Knight got together and have a new album. Saw them in concerto last year. Amazing... postato più di un anno fa
FanFic_Girl_26 detto …
I've been a fan of the Backstreet Boys ever since I was in middle school. Of course, I see them as one of my Scrivere muses too (as I like to write fanfiction, and the Backstreet Boys are no exception there). :) postato più di un anno fa
rymoney detto …
Luv postato più di un anno fa
bonemommie detto …
Ive been a bsb fan since 1998 omg now im 30, do the math, I just want to say i Amore them always. I cant wait til they come back to Orlando and do a concert. I Amore te AJ!!!!!! postato più di un anno fa
CF_the_Kid2 detto …
my gosh, I Amore BB so much <3 postato più di un anno fa
laurarmk detto …
Heey so I am a huge backstreet boys fan and for a college project I am basing a radio documentary on them, so was wondering if there is any fan in IRELAND that would like to contribute for an interview ? I am obviously going to the concerto April 1st so if anyone is and is interested let me know :) postato più di un anno fa
emelyzapata detto …
My preferito song mostra 'Em (What You're Made Of) postato più di un anno fa
NothingButNerd detto …
I like there song "I want it that way" <3 postato più di un anno fa
Thresher55 commentato…
i remember that song xD più di un anno fa
NothingButNerd commentato…
I have it on my iPod più di un anno fa
brauer83 detto …
I just got the new album, I'm listening to it right now! postato più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh commentato…
It's really amazing , isn't it ? più di un anno fa
brauer83 commentato…
I don't know, I'm not gay o anything! più di un anno fa
fouadfo2sh detto …
Guys There's a new song called "In A World Like This" and it was shot and now it's on vevo , and the new Album "In A World Like This" will be released after 2 days postato più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh commentato…
Yeah !! and the new album sounds really amazing <33 più di un anno fa
big smile
AlOoOosh detto …
The song " this is us " is really amazing <333 postato più di un anno fa
sini12 commentato…
i'll also listen it then:D!!! più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh commentato…
Yes please do it :) più di un anno fa
sini12 commentato…
♥~! più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh detto …
I'm here with my confession
Got nothing to hide no more
I don't know where to start
But to mostra te the shape of my heart.. postato più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh detto …
I Amore the song : in a world like this <3 postato più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh detto …
Now I'm climbing the walls cuz I miss te ..... postato più di un anno fa
mne detto …
I lobe their songs postato più di un anno fa
luvhoranhugs detto …
Backstreet boys should make a come back postato più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh detto …
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear te say
I want it that way postato più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh detto …
I can't imagine it any other way
A world without te is only wasted space
You're gone and I'll always wonder
Why it can't be any other way
Any other way

Since te drained all the color out of the sky
How am I supposed to feel?
It's like I'm livin' in somebody else's life
Tell me it's not real. postato più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh detto …
link postato più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh detto …
I can't imagine life without your love.
And even forever don't seem like long enough.

'Cause every time I breathe I take te in,
And my cuore beats again
Baby I can't help it.
te keep me drowning in your love.

And every time I try to rise above,
I'm swept away da love.
Baby I can't help it,
te keep me drowning in your love. postato più di un anno fa
Winterose detto …
All Boys were in their teens Kevin is the oldest he was 19, Brian was 17 o 18 he graduated high school, Aj was 15 I'm not sure about Howie how old he was joined the group but last but not least Nick Carter he was 13 years old and he is my preferito backstreet member postato più di un anno fa
big smile
animega detto …
aw godds... i Amore BSB!! postato più di un anno fa
babygirl413 detto …
backstreet boyz rock postato più di un anno fa
AlOoOosh detto …
The things we did...
The things we said..
Keep coming back to me and make me smile again :) postato più di un anno fa
mikejackson detto …
It's gotta be youuuuu!!!
<33333 postato più di un anno fa
jakkilovedog1 detto …
I Amore there song I'll never brake your cuore
postato più di un anno fa
hannah444 detto …
I Amore BSB...
SPICIALY NICK.. postato più di un anno fa
babiegirl21 detto …
yall are so awsome! i Amore yalls Musica so much that every time i listen to yalls Musica it make me feel like i am enlove with ever single one of yall.

Amore ya xxxxxx postato più di un anno fa
purobi97 detto …
But my Amore is all,I have to give.
Without your songs,I don't think I can live.
I wish I could give the world to you.
But Amore & respect are all I have to give to te !

te guys are the best ! ! ! ! I Amore your songs very much ! ! ! postato più di un anno fa
parulamusicstar detto …
u'r the only whose each n every song touch ma heart,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i Amore your all song all songs means all songs........ postato più di un anno fa
parulamusicstar detto …
ciao hi i m very big fan of yours n i've come here so that i can connect to u.......we'll meet soooon.....
byeeeeeeeeee........ postato più di un anno fa
jlmackey detto …
My 13 anno old son, Jason's, preferito songs are "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" and "Larger Than Life". postato più di un anno fa
ebonyhammond detto …
i Amore te and my favourte songs r every body and larger than life postato più di un anno fa
christina-lou detto …
just found their songs are great! Amore The BaCkStreet BoyS ! postato più di un anno fa
simpleplan1234 commentato…
I Amore the backstreet bpoy too nick carter is the best più di un anno fa
simpleplan1234 detto …
I Amore the backstreet boys nick carter is the best postato più di un anno fa
surbhi-sm10 detto …
i luv their songs "incomplete" and "i want it that way"
believe me,i heard them in 2011! postato più di un anno fa
pinkmare commentato…
ciao i Amore those songs hi the name's valeria and yours? più di un anno fa
surbhi-sm10 commentato…
hi! i'm surbhi mahajan from india,everything fine? più di un anno fa
Tomsgirl2012 commentato…
IKR! There song's rock... più di un anno fa
simpleplan1234 commentato…
I Amore the backstreet boys I went to see them live last summer at rogers arena più di un anno fa
bsb4ever93 detto …
i would just like to say that first of i have loved this band since i was 2 and still like them now and i am darn proud of that fact . i would like to also wish my nicky a happy happy 32nd birthday i wuv him so much !!! hes my fracky and hes just awesome and i hope all his wishes come true ! he deserves it !! <3 <3 postato più di un anno fa
bratski2192 detto …
I Amore this band always. Been a fan of them since I was 6-7 (almost 20). I don't care what anyone says: Backstreet Boys are the best! I'll Amore them no matter what. My ultimate preferito band period. =D postato più di un anno fa
DSLady commentato…
I'm not ashamed of loving of our boys either :D più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
A.J McLean,happy birthday.I Amore you.I wish te all the best of the world.
postato più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
Backstreet Boys,Happy New anno and I wish te all the best of the world.You are my Heroes that te protect me all of time. postato più di un anno fa
big smile
nutsy detto …
Happy New anno Everyone ;D!!!! KTBPA postato più di un anno fa
surbhi-sm10 detto …
i luvv the backstreet boys!
the most awesome band!!!!!!!
all of their songs are great but my preferito are "as long as te Amore me" and "incomplete" and "show me the meaning of being lonely" postato più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
I'm a Backstreet Girl.<3<3<3<3<3. postato più di un anno fa
ded99 detto …
I adore their song "Incomplete" postato più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel commentato…
Me too :) I adore all their songs lol. più di un anno fa
Haley-Lautner detto …
YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! postato più di un anno fa
050801090907 commentato…
Congratz! =] più di un anno fa
Haley-Lautner commentato…
thx più di un anno fa
surbhi-sm10 commentato…
congrats!,well done! più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
Happy birthday,Kevin.Please,come back to Backstreet Boys.We Amore te sooooooo much.Kevin,I miss you. :(:(:(:(:(. postato più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
Backstreet Boys are Unbreakable.I Amore youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.I will never forget you. postato più di un anno fa
candygirl2011 commentato…
luv them too:D..GOOO BSB^_^ più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
I Amore youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.You are my life.Keeping the Backstreet Pride Alive!<3<3<3<3<3.
postato più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
Happy Birthday Howie.We Amore te sooooooooooooo much.Good Luck for te and for Kevin,Brian,A.J and Nick.We Amore you.You will be FOREVER THE BEST SINGERS AND BOY BAND in the WORLD.<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3.You are LEGEND.Kevin,pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee come back to Backstreet Boys.We miss te sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. postato più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
Happy Birthday Howie.I Amore te soooooo much. postato più di un anno fa
pariapink commentato…
happy b-day!! più di un anno fa
Spn7 detto …
OMG I got to meet all the BSB guys when I went to the NKOTBSB concerto in Kansas City July autographs, pics with them, & hugs...Brian was the sweetest he came over to us fan da buses like 5 times...Nick was so cute & nice was a DREAM COME TRUE... postato più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel commentato…
te are so lucky! I wish I was there... più di un anno fa
rosaliefan43 detto …
I Amore them sooooo much!!!!! I have all there CDs. I listen to them all the time. I can't get enough of Backstreet Boys postato più di un anno fa
aznpwincess commentato…
Same with me :D più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel commentato…
Me too <3 più di un anno fa
Passion_5 detto …
please unisciti my group on face book its all about Amore & emo ..!! postato più di un anno fa
Spn7 detto …
I am seeing BSB along with NKOTB July 16th & cant wait...keep hearing everyone talk about seeing them in concerto makes me want to rush to the data i see them...super excited postato più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel commentato…
Great! Have fun! più di un anno fa
superstar_kk detto …
Omg I saw them last night. Shook Nick & Brian's hand when they walked through the crowd during Shape Of My Heart. I think my life is complete now! :D postato più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel commentato…
te make one Backstreet fan very jealous! You're so lucky! più di un anno fa
FatimaBSBLover commentato…
WOW!!!! più di un anno fa
TayTayBieber commentato…
Aww lucky. :) più di un anno fa
Haley-Lautner detto …
cool icona and banner i like it :) postato più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel commentato…
I Amore the new spot look too! più di un anno fa
elmi commentato…
I Amore the new spot look too!! più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel detto …
I remember the time when our fan club was stalking the Boys at the Hilton hotel. After 3 days, my Friends caught Nick and AJ walking out of the elevator:) Nick looked like he just got out of letto lol. Took some pics, asked for autographs, then parted ways with them. AJ's words to a staff kept reverberating in my mind: "I told you. They're gonna be here." Amore you, Boys... postato più di un anno fa
Nsyncfan619 detto …
I wasnt really a big backstreet boys fan. i was più a nysunc fan. but after i started to listen to their songs. i was becoming a più bigger fan of backstreet boys. I mostly Amore kevin and aj and nick postato più di un anno fa
Haley-Lautner detto …
I GOT MY Dedicated MEDAL :)
I'M SO HAPPY YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! postato più di un anno fa
Mrs-Gyllenhaal commentato…
ciao i think that recently ya have heard Usher oh my god più di un anno fa
Haley-Lautner commentato…
yeah! più di un anno fa
Haley-Lautner commentato…
thx più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
Kevin-I miss you.Pleaseeeeeeee come back to Backstreet Boys :(:(:( postato più di un anno fa
Nsyncfan619 commentato…
YEAAAAAA PLZ KEVIN più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel commentato…
I miss him too:( più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
I've heard their songs when I was 7 years old.the first song of them was 'we have got goin on' and I just liked listening more. continue to be a crazy fan of them and so will always be. I want più them and will be forever the best band. postato più di un anno fa
superstar_kk detto …
The Backstreet boys and NKOTB are going to be on the today mostra on June 3rd ! :) postato più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel commentato…
Really? Awesome! più di un anno fa
DSLady commentato…
Sweet :) più di un anno fa
sahour95 detto …
Do they have any new album coming out soon?? postato più di un anno fa
FatimaBSBLover commentato…
Yes! :)On 25th may with NKOTB... più di un anno fa
sahour95 commentato…
YAYY! COOL! Thanx for telling me :D più di un anno fa
FatimaBSBLover detto …
I pledge my undying loyalty to The Backstreet Boys!!! link

I Amore u guys!!!!!!! postato più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel commentato…
Keep the Backstreet Pride alive, my dear fellow Backstreet fans:) più di un anno fa
FatimaBSBLover commentato…
*agrees* We will!!! :):) più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
puppycute commentato…
=)) me 2! Amore BSB, Amore life! più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel detto …
This spot is getting quiet lately... Doesn't anyone care about the BSB anymore? postato più di un anno fa
shosho2014 commentato…
ofcourse not I do care 4 them più di un anno fa
BaxterHaze commentato…
i do 2.....alot..... più di un anno fa
jesse_hulm commentato…
This spot is getting quietly laid. Doesn't anyone hate the BSB anymore? più di un anno fa
cena-fan detto …
postato più di un anno fa
BaxterHaze commentato…
congrats on dat..... più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel detto …
I'm going to a BSB concerto in 3 weeks:) So excited! postato più di un anno fa
BaxterHaze commentato…
u a so lucky...wish dey wud cum to fiji.....!!! più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
superstar_kk detto …
omg got my fanatic medal! :D postato più di un anno fa
book_lover777 detto …
Omg, I've recently fallen in Amore with them all over again! I <3 the bsb!!! postato più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
BACKSTREET BOYS,I Amore te SOOO MUCH.YOU ARE MY LIFE.I'M A CRAZY fan FOR YOU.I Amore YOU,I Amore YOU,I Amore te MY BACKSTREET BOYS. postato più di un anno fa
MelodyLaurel commentato…
It's okay to mostra your Amore for them, though. più di un anno fa
CuteDiana detto …
i've just watched WE'VE GOT IT GOING ON, god such a great memories, their very first song <3 postato più di un anno fa
Delilah_Scruggs detto …
How many of te watched NKOTBSB on Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve on ABC New Years Eve????

I DID!!!!! And it was awesome!!! postato più di un anno fa
superstar_kk detto …
NKOTBSB performing tonight on Dick Clarks New Years Rockin Eve On ABC! postato più di un anno fa
cena-fan detto …

postato più di un anno fa
lorita detto …
lorita detto …
BACKSTREET BOYS,i Amore te sooooooo much,you are and will be the best band in the world.BSB FOREVER. postato più di un anno fa
superstar_kk detto …
Its official. BSB & NKOTB are going on a joint tour starting the summer of successivo year! postato più di un anno fa
JBfan516 commentato…
!!! :) <3 più di un anno fa
superstar_kk detto …
Backstreet Boys are going to be on Oprah November, 4!
Dont miss it postato più di un anno fa
Delilah_Scruggs detto …
I was prettty young when they were really popular, so I didn't really listen to them. Now that I do listen to their songs, I'm so mad at myself for not listening to them sooner! I Amore them!!!! postato più di un anno fa
teamjacob247 detto …
my absolute fav song has 2 b i want it that way...i was so mad when the broke up postato più di un anno fa
superstar_kk commentato…
They didnt break up, they just finished a world tour più di un anno fa
CassiLuvsBrndon commentato…
lol i never rlly liked them but one giorno i heard 'i want it that way' and i loved it!! più di un anno fa
PigRabitt detto …
my FAV BoyBand..... really Amore them..... postato più di un anno fa
superstar_kk detto …
Vote for Bsb for Glee!

link postato più di un anno fa
CuteDiana detto …
My FAV band EVER !!!!!!!!!!!! postato più di un anno fa
cena-fan detto …
YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! postato più di un anno fa
superstar_kk commentato…
Congrats ! I got my die hard 2 days fa :) più di un anno fa
vergil-vergil detto …
ONE OF MY preferito BAND! postato più di un anno fa
Yoli_Carter detto …
i Amore bsb postato più di un anno fa
bera commentato…
me toooooooo,who doesnt!!!!!!! più di un anno fa
Isbe commentato…
;) più di un anno fa
superstar_kk detto …
<3 postato più di un anno fa
Isbe commentato…
;) ;) più di un anno fa
Anchy85 detto …
they have a good songs ;)
postato più di un anno fa
bera commentato…
yah!!!!! più di un anno fa
bera detto …
BSB ROCK MY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 postato più di un anno fa
superstar_kk commentato…
totally agree! più di un anno fa