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The Cheshire Cat Domanda

why can the cheshire cat dissapeare?

 why can the cheshire cat dissapeare?
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The Cheshire Cat Risposte

oreocat134 said:
Because he's magic duh! :D
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irkeninvadermay said:
he has "evaporating powers" skills, things, whatever...
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MadamOcta13 said:
Hello? It's Wonderland! Like Alice detto in at the end of the movie: " I try to believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Count them, Alice. One, there are drinks that make te shrink. Two, there are foods that make te grow. Three, animali can talk. Four, Gatti can disappear. Five, there is a place called Underland. Six, I can slay the Jabberwocky."

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that part.
kittylove561 posted più di un anno fa
warriorpeeps said:
idk, probely because its a dream that alice falls into and in dreams animali can do anything.
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Everybodylies94 said:
Beacuse he's a cheshire cat! :P
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futterwaken said:
'Cause he's AWESOME.
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adanielski said:
If te want to know the answer, te need to read my book: link
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kittylove561 said:
te owe me BIG time buddy. HE'S FREAKIN MAGICAL!!! D-DUH

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