The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air BBC Documentary - Looking for superfans!

mthsimpson posted on Jun 26, 2017 at 03:38PM
Hello all!

My name is Matt, and I am working for the BBC on a TV programme called 'Bring Back The Fresh Prince of Bel Air', in which a famous UK comedian meets with the cast and writers of the show to reminisce about his ;love affair with the series. The show will be a celebration of the show, its cultural impact both at the time and beyond, and how it dealt with the various social issues it tackles.

As part of the programme we are looking for the biggest fans of the show to come on and talk about what it means to them. We're looking for those people who watched the show growing up, and felt it really resonated with them. People with memorabilia, merchandise and photos of them with the cast would be even better!

If you think you fit the bill and would like to come and talk to us about the Fresh Prince, get in touch. Email with a description of what the show means to you, as well as any photos you may have showing your memorabilia or meetings with the cast.

Thank you in advance!

Matt Simpson

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