The Vampire Diaries Links
Damon tries to persuade Bonnie into taking his pain away. She gives in, but the healing process involves some disturbing side effects
Jeremy tells Elena about Bonnie’s weird behavior. Elena, alarmed, calls Damon to warn him, but learns that he’s having the time of his life. For some reason Elena isn’t too happy about that…
Katherine is alarmed da Damon’s sudden non-witchy interest in Bonnie…
As Caroline fills Elena in with what she found out, she gets a visit of an old friend…
One week later. Amber reveals some facts Caroline wasn’t supposed to know. Stefan interrogates Caroline about how things are going between Elena and Damon and isn’t too pleased with the answer…
Katherine's plan to deceive Bonnie fails miserably, and Damon learns the truth about Elena's refusal on looking for him...
Jeremy tries to get over Bonnie, Anna calls a truce and Elena lacks motivation…
Damon and Bonnie go get Damon’s stuff. Katherine knows something’s seriously wrong, but finds herself with her back against the wall…