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added by caesar213
added by BBFreezer
Source: Me
added by Handawesome22
Source: qMargot
added by Handawesome22
Source: xx0claire0xx
added by joeynigro
posted by Isabella121797
 Tokyo from Courtney's view.
Tokyo from Courtney's view.
My P.O.V
Hi I am starting a series. This series is called The New Arise and it's about how I would have loved to see their Total Drama Lifes tearn out. I hope te like it. (hint: there is gonna be alot of TxC!)

Courtney's P.O.V:

I was falling...yeah I know what your thinking! Falling out of a plane. I was kind of glad because I had found out my bf Duncan was cheating on me. On superiore, in alto of that with a girl I was getting to become Friends with. Yeah.....what a sick heartless jerk. A sick heartless jerk I trusted. Little did I know that the journey I was leaving was just a chapter in my life yet to come....
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added by caesar213
Source: amiree on deviantART
added by caesar213
added by Courtney_andy
Source: cit courtney at deviantART
added by caesar213
 All of Mikes Alternates
All of Mikes Alternates
(I own nothing. All rights go to Total drama wikia)

Mike admits to having Multiple Personality Disorder in Ice Ice Baby (season 4 episode 3), but has been shifting into other personalities since Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!. Mike is aware of his alternate personalities, but says he cannot control them. When another personality takes over, Mike does not remember what happens during that time. Within Mike's subconscious a personality is able to hear o feel their trigger but not necessarily be able to see the outside world. Whenever Mike is about to change personality, he breathes in deeply and...
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added by caesar213
added by caesar213
Source: kovacs1717 on deviantART
added by caesar213
added by NetflixFan1994
Source: BrenTheNewFan2020 on DeviantArt
added by joeynigro
added by caesar213
Source: Flo_and_Trent
added by caesar213
Source: H2ofan210
added by courtneyrocks12
added by caesar213
Source: LeshawnaGirl