Yes, totally racist. -_- Protecting yourself when someone is trying to kill you. Tell me, so Trayvan wasn't being racist calling him a 'cracker'?più di un anno fa
my skittles-i eat tht my ice tè -i drink tht but my hoodie i rock tht for justice for trayvon martin...R.I.P TRAY TELL MY DAD I detto HI..I Amore YU BIG BROpiù di un anno fa
R.I.P to trayvon martin and i know his family is gonna win that rally cause zimmerman had no business killin him im just soo upset and i didn't even know just giving my condolince to his family. `~WE ALL MISS AND Amore U TRAY`~<3
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Don't Worry Tray, Justice Will Prevail........ But For Now te Are In Our Hearts R.I.P Trayvon Martin Sign the petition at
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oooooo im so sory for him i reallly wish i could seee him sooory for him to die wen i herd dat i was criying and i know his mom and parents criying and i had a feallling dat they stilll in pain
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me and my Friends did dat we all black , we was wearin hoodies,and carryin skittles and arizona ice tè just lik him and juss walking around lik him was all my idea:)più di un anno fa
It's a shame what happen and I been wearing my hoodies #riptrayvon oh and he is to cute to have been through that much Amore goes to his faimly for takin a stand about his racial issue
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girl i know what te mean i Lost my cousin Keyon to violence a few years back its pointless. I have not been on this world long enough to know a lot about everything but i do know that violence is wrong.più di un anno fa
unisciti diz club mah dude got shot fuh no fuckin reason i wear hoodies i eat skittlez and i drink iced tè gona kill meh now N im blac
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