True Amore fights back Club
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"you have to, stay after school Tuesdays and Thursdays for the successivo two weeks helping the janitor clean." she detto with a smirk shinning on her face, "okay thank you." I detto as I walked fast out the door, I didn't want her to change her mind as I got to the hall way I looked every were for Nick. but I saw nothing but then I smelled blood. and I looked to my feet to see a long line of blood leading to the boys bathroom. I ran in there to see what happened. Mike was standing there leaned over the sink, laughing at some boy in the third stall I walked over and say that it was my nick he was bleeding,...
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I looked over to her, and smiled and detto "Thanks I hated this camicia anyway!" but I lied again this was my preferito shirt. But da the time I got to the bathroom to clean the camicia off, Nick had a hold on my arm wiping the tears that were on my cheeks, off. "Emma. I can't do this to you, I Amore te so much but I can't let her do all this to you, I think we have to break up." I felt myself hit the floor, I rolled into a ball, and he came eo me and detto "Emma, I'm sorry please forgive me, I thought that was what te wanted." I looked at his green eyes and detto "never." and he held me tight and...
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posted by edward-lover456
Hey guys I'm so sorry about me finishing up some of my stories but I have some new one's I'm about to post! so please keep reading! I Amore te ALL!!!

Emma (POV)
Okay I kept telling myself, I felt like I was five again getting ready to go to the caramelle store but this time, Mom detto I could have anything I wanted. All I wanted was to see Nick again. every time I thought his name I could felt my cuore race and my palms, would become sweaty. All I could imagine was Nicks soft lips on mine. That made me Nervous. I knew I shouldn't be, but I haven't saw him in awhile. Okay maybe twenty four hours doesn't...
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"What is it?" I asked as we approached the waiting area. "Did my boyfriend do that to you're boyfriend?" She was dating my ex? How could she do that? I detto "Mom I'm sorry but this little girl is about to be put back in line." I took of my giacca and my earrings and detto "come on honey lets take this outside." she laughed but I could tell she was scared. As I got to the parking lot I saw that some of the football players at my school were there. They must have been bringing the couches wife some fiori she had had a cuore attack. "You ready?" I asked then I took her down to the ground "You...
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The Devils Handy Work
... She gave me the most dirtiest look I had ever saw. I just looked over at her and waved and smiled, I tried my hardest to make her face turn red and steam come out of her ears, but the only thing that happened was I Herd "The Devil" that was my new nick name for her. But I herd her tell a hole crowed of people I ha rubato, stola her boyfriend. But just as I got like two steps from her face to punch, punzone her. my Angel Nick walked to me and detto "Emma please she ant worth it!" and then he detto "Hey Ever body look, That's a girl who has to...
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posted by edward-lover456
"Just tell her that your already dating him Emma" he spoke soft and he put his hand in my hand I just wish I could mostra him how hard my cuore was beating. as I text-ed her back I prepared to end that friendship, She was a very jealous girl so she would make me feel honorable if I didn't let her go. As I finished eating Nick took my plate and gave it back to the people and he payed for me to.. I never taught this was how things would happen! he helped me out to his car and detto "do te want a ride, babe?" "yeah I'd Amore that" I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "I Amore you" he whisper in...
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this one is for My newest friend Katie (KatiiCullen94) te rock hun!!!

Emma POV
I raced down the stairs to see what my mother needed, She cut our phone-call short. All I wanted was to hold Nick in my arms. and whisper to him that I loved him. I got down to the hallway were I saw her, The Devil. Drenched in blood from what i had done to her in the parking lot. I took her to the bathroom were I nube, nuvola clean her off. "Vikki" Whoa it was the first time i had used her name in a while. "Let me clean te up." I finished. She shook her head and I lead her into the bathroom. I took a Cloth out from the...
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"Dad could you, no you'd te let my boyfriend live with you?" I herd nothing on the line then I herd a deep cough and he detto "I know it would not make-up for all I have done to te and you're mother, but to take the edge off the sharped pain yes I will take him." "Thank-you thank-you thank-you" I yelled and I hung up the phone. "Lets go get you're things Nick!" I almost yelled. "really?" my mother asked she was as surprised as I. "yeah, he detto something like he was sorry blah blah blah" I said. I looked at Nick and smiled a warm and loving smile and he laughed out loud. I looked out the car...
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This one's for Pie I think you've found the one hon Amore u!!!!!!

"yes, I'm Emma, is he okay?" "he's okay only a broken nose, Emma he wants te really bad can te come?" "yes ma'am" I followed her to the room he was in. I looked at him in a hospital letto and my cuore broke. I was only sixteen and I already had my soul mate it was so easy but could it last forever? "Nick baby I'm here." "come here" he spoke. "I need a kiss." and I leaned down and kissed his mouth, and I got in the letto with him and I let him hold me. I wanted him and only him. I told him "Nick I never thanked te for hurting him...
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posted by edward-lover456
"Hey Emma I had no idea, sorry for even going there i guess, bye the way your really lucky." as I read the words off the screen I felt my cuore go to my stomach. I felt mensurable. I knew that she only wrote that to me to make me feel bad and it's working, but I'm not going to let some girl who is o te could say was my friend, hurt our relationship. I ran to my room, the tears dropping like rain drops, I only could stand the pain because I waited-ed for the arcobaleno to come out, but it never came, So was this my life now. Hating myself for crushing a Friends heart, there was only one thing...
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posted by edward-lover456
As I was eating nick kept looking at me with a smile "what do I have something on my face?" I asked "No your just so pretty, your like an Angel o something, did I say that out loud?" he asked "yeah te did, but that's okay because..." he was turning so red I had to tell him how I felt "because I feel the same way, I wish te could be mine but I know, there are so many other girls at this school te like to right?" "no way te are the only one that made me look twice at you, is it okay if I um baciare you?" "sure if te want to...." I detto really scared "really?" he asked I kinda answered da leaning...
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posted by edward-lover456
There he was staring at me... again, but each time I'd look up he'd look away as if I wouldn't notice. I mean he's been looking at me for like a week. Today I'll have to ask him what his problem is, well he is new here, maybe I should just try and talk to him. "Hey Nick, whats up?" it sounded nice en-of to me. "nothing, why?" he said. "I was just wondering if I could mostra te around." "thanks but I've got it now anything else?" he added with a short but sweet smile I could tell he liked me. "yeah a bunch of us are going to Al's for ice cream te wanna go?" "sure thanks I'll see te there"....
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