hi willow i am your biggest fan and every 1 says that we look like twins but i dont think thts true so i hope we can see each other one dai and im not one of those peeps who u see a famous persons and starts screaming and asking for auto i wait so i really hope we can see each other from your biggest fanpiù di un anno fa
So I assume you've been all over America, Europe, Asis, Canada, Africa, Iran, etc. Correct? Didn't think so... Hey! I call it like I see it, realest one on this pagepiù di un anno fa
willow smith is awesum and i like her songs, but in my opinon i think it was really stupid of her 2 shave her hed then dy da stubl rosa i understan that its her hair an she can do anything 2 it but still i think its strange that her BROTHER has più hair than she does #justsayin
postato più di un anno fa
Willow's dad, Will Smith is nominated for two 2012 Big Daddy Awards. Help him win da voting this MONDAY at www.bigdaddyawards.com!
postato più di un anno fa
i think that w2illow is a nice person i aint gona pop giunca, spazzatura on her bacheca i mean really what ever happens just say te Amore your hatters if te like this subscribe thank te if te like it im just being honest dont hate people aprceate i mean she went so far in her in her famous life i mean te dont want her to lose all her fan and become not famous thank te for your time much Amore and peace willow
postato più di un anno fa
ciao willow do not worry about these commenti ur butieful in ur own way and that is the way u are that there opinons a fact is that u sing butieful !! fan me
postato più di un anno fa
ciao guys this is some facts that i no about willow willow is losing fan because of her hair cut now people thanks she ugly hint hint. 2 fact people dont like her people asume that she likes people like jb and that she going to get him get over jb is dating selena. 3 fact its some i like calling HATTERS! alot of hatters! 4 fact people find her anyoing. 5 fact people dont like her music. 6 fact they dont like that shes famous they think the famous part should be for her parents and brother
postato più di un anno fa
are te sad that te got your hair cut off cause i dont like it and i am so sorry to say it and i like your brother i am 11 years old
postato più di un anno fa
can i ask te a qusetion willow how did te become famous and how can u become famous is it like and adition for something? dont no thanks if te answer i Amore that song im a fireball in the party
postato più di un anno fa
shut up te just mad cause u cant get raggio, ray raggio, ray and raggio, ray raggio, ray dont like her because she is bald so how te fill niggapiù di un anno fa
Yea it is imani aka zonnique carter when are yall comin back to my house tell ur mom kyneesha i detto what up tell my bro to add me back im talkin bout jahmirpiù di un anno fa
who are a Angel willow very creative and very pretty people going to say all kinds of cruel things. i go through it everyday. i shake them off its hard at times. its makes me feel so bad about myself. well, i say if god created me, then why should i feel bad about myself. forget does haters jealousy te are so pretty talent young rich they ain't lol. hold your head willow shake them off ok. Amore you!
postato più di un anno fa
ciao ciao dnt listing to them girl u know ur not wired o anything just stay wiping ur hair I,know I will set jus haterz tell ur brother I detto ciao I'm still
postato più di un anno fa
We are not hating we are just speaking the truth so stop hating on the haters te are annoying and u dont whip your hair back and forth u r just weird U need to stop whipping ur hair back and forth great job with 1 hit song try to get another 1 loser
postato più di un anno fa
i freakin hate willow smith!!!!!! and her stupid songs!! like whip ur hair that songs sooooooooooooooooooooo retarded!!!!!!!!!!!!
postato più di un anno fa
yea don't listen to her if u don't like her your opinion if te don't like her don't post dumb things about her no one cares but yourself so what te have to say :bpiù di un anno fa
im not sayin i dont like u cause i Amore the smiths but he wont shut up about u he like i wanna marrie her someday well peace143smilleewit a wink 4 my cuzo ........peace
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