windwakerguy430 The Black Death RP

Windwakerguy430 posted on Jun 30, 2016 at 04:12PM
In the Country of Edrain, the towns and land was swept with chaos and destruction. People were filled with hatred and selfishness, attacking and harming others so that they may help themselves. In retaliation to their hateful lifestyle, the Ancient Ones, a race of immortal beings who pass judgement across the world, had decided to bring a deadly disease known as The Black Death, a plague that brought forth monsters. Animals were turned into nightmarish creatures, the dead were brought back to life in many shapes and sizes, and those greedy enough to only care for themselves were turned into demons, witches, or other such monsters. Humanity was left to fend for themselves, damning the Ancient Ones and living to protect themselves. However, a band of hunters have plotted to move across the country of Edrain to help those who need it. They only help in order to aid those who need it, and do so selflessly, in hopes of pleasing the Ancient Ones so that they may bring an end to the curse on Edrain.

Monsters - Each monster is different, and brute force isn’t the only way to defeat them. Strategy and teamwork will also be needed
Cerberus Spawns - Black dogs with red eyes with an eternal hunger that not even human flesh can satisfy, yet still pursue humans due to their hunger driving them mad.

Winged Demons - Humans that have done the worst deeds imaginable, turning their human form into that of a hideous demon that wishes for nothing but the blood of humans.

Deserted - Long forgotten corpses that have grown hateful for their abandonment, with their eyes on the palm of their hands, as their head has become nothing more than one large mouth.

Witches - A witch's appearance depends on their past human self. If they were kind and selfless, they have the appearance of a beautiful woman, but a hateful and greedy witch is ugly and murderous.

Silent Sea - The corpse of a whale long left to rot at the bottom of the sea, now brought back as a vengeful spirit to destroy the ships that pass through it’s ocean.

Berserker - Common criminals and murderers who have been imprisoned in their own mind, unable to grasp human sanity, and have been turned into mad warriors with a lust for fighting.

Gargoyles - Once the stone guardians of large cities, they have been brought to life by the Black Death, and have become the destruction of once mighty towns and the deaths of hundreds.

Flesh Taker - Massive skeletons that have been created from the many bones of their victims. Some are still incomplete, lacking the right amount of bones to complete their massive bodies.

Lich - An undead warlock that have returned as vengeful spirits for their wrongful death. They bring death and destruction, as their bodies carry the Black Death and their magic is as strong as that of an Ancient One.

Corrupted - Zombie like townsfolk that have been corrupted and are in the early stages of turning. They have already become violent and murderous, and no hope remains for them.

Classes - Hunters come in many different classes, each with different pros and cons

Mercenary - Better with larger blades and has stronger defense. Not as respected by townsfolk

Soldier - Best with firearms and has quicker attacks. Not very fast or agile

Traveller - Easier to get discounts in shops and can earn better. Not the best fighter

Thief - More stealthy than others, much faster and quicker dodges. Low defense

Bandit - powerful attacks and can wield heavy weapons. The slowest Hunter. Hated by townsfolk

Hunter - Can climb better and is better at using firearms. Has low defense

Alchemist - Can heal himself and is more powerful against magic. Terrible with weapons

Psychopath - Casts long lasting fire damage and can take more damage. Weak with weapons

Priest - Heals others within a group and is better at shielding himself. Does not fight at all

Do not kill anyone’s character without permission
Do not create overpowered and flawless characters
Do not make problems vanish with the snap of a finger
Do not steal other characters ideas
If you have an idea, feel free to ask
Have fun
last edited on May 20, 2018 at 04:38AM

windwakerguy430 13264 risposte

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più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Helga: ..You know I'm going to say yes? Hmm.. I think you're being too cocky for someone who was about to leave me without even a kiss. Hmph, I guess I can clear my day for you. *rolls her eyes in a teasing manner, then grasps his hand in hers tightly, then places a kiss on it* It takes more than an idiot with evil powers who calls me a mutt to move me from your side. *kisses the center of his chest* I will protect you unlike earlier. *kisses his collarbone.* I will fight for you until that last breath escapes my chest. *kisses his neck* I will fuck you like there's no tomorrow, and love you for eternity. *kisses his chin* And I'll have kids with you. *kisses his nose* And we'll be the happiest family in the world. Of course with the best wife and children. Don't get discouraged by a man who doesn't even wash his hands after attending to his sanitary needs. You locked him once, and you'll do it again. *places a kiss on his lips* Did I ever tell you how delicious you are? You taste like a strawberry. I want to eat you. *nibbles on his ear*
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più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: (Walks into the Capital) Come on, we need to hurry
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: Oh Geez, we're gonna die, we're gonna die... *grasps his bag of potions tightly*
più di un anno fa -Universe_COLA- said…
"Jeez..." Wiezen chuckled as she nibbled on his ear, kissing at her neck a little before biting down and suckling some as he began to leave a few territorial marks of his on. "Oh and I'll do more than just fuck the hell out of you." He grinned, biting down a little harder and sliding his tongue in a circular motion across the forming purplish marks that he was leaving behind. "But its good that I could still hold back a good bit." He grinned. "So each time it'll get better, and better." He placed small lovable kisses down her neck and nibbled at her collarbone some. "There'll be lores about a beautiful woman's moans feeling this entire forest."
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Helga: Ooh yes, I like that story! But what about you? You're a loud baby sometimes. ..Just waves of moans of ecstasy.. *smirks while interpreting her own moans* ..O-Oh, Wie.. Wiezen.. Ahh.. Wieze- ahhh.. Mmmm.. Ooh- ahh hehe W-Wiezen.. *grins* Hm yes, a good folklore.. I'll just need you to bury your face in between my thighs for inspiration. *glances down at her chest with hickeys* Hmm, at least you do it right unlike that psychopathic version of you. *kisses his cheek while releasing a sigh of satisfaction* ..that Oni better be preparing something worth eating. Something good besides alcohol. And if you're gonna fight off your evil twin you must fight with a full stomach. *fixes her hair into a large, messy bun while leaning off the bed to retrieve her bottle of rum and take a sip from it* I would offer you tails or spiders, but I understand you're too afraid of them. *grins with a tease* More for me.
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Flynn. We're not gonna die. I promise you that (Walks into the town, looking at a horde of Corrupted, and starts to shoot them)
più di un anno fa -Universe_COLA- said…
"They taste pretty good actually, better than I thought they would really." Wiezen replied. "Now that I think about it...I haven't really eaten anything yet either. As for Buroa, I think she's a pretty good cook. Come to find out that when Onis drink they get better at...well, everything." He says. "And that's some of the best liquor I've ever had. That gourd she has alwa--"

"Why thank you, so sweet." Buroa's voice came into play as her head poked in from outside as she hung upside down from where the cottage was destroyed. "But don't go around telling off a bunch of secrets." She grinned. "And you had sex? Without inviting me? Oh now that's just wrong Waterworks." She says jokingly as she dropped down and landed on her feet. "Its time to get going, they've arrived darling."

"What? Already?" Wiezen sat up in the bed, not really bothered by the fact that he was still naked as he crossed his legs indian style, scratching the back of his head. "I knew they were coming and all, but sheesh, talk about timing."

"Well of course they're going to be there on time, considering the fact that there IS a war that's supposed to be clouding up." Buroa says, her eyes wondering across Wiezen's body. "We need to focus on getting more of your strength back." She licked her lips. "Mmmhmmm." She growls in approval. "You've healed physically, that's good. But we still have to work on a strategy since he has all of your magic and all."

"Yeah...I don't think I'm getting that back either, so I'll just work with what I've got. I can still tap into some of that unstable portion with life force. But its good that magic doesn't exactly effect you, that's something we can use to a big advantage." Wiezen said, crossing his arms in thought.

Buroa gave a grin, her eyes still searching over him. "Big indeed." She chuckled a bit. "Come, we still have more to gather if we want to have people on our side. We'll need a lot more than just a few power houses at our disposal if this is something we're gonna try to win. We're heavily out numbered at the moment, and I think that numbers only going to keep growing with enough people terrified as it is. And even with the both of us, we can't take them on by ourselves."

"Doesn't hurt to try right?" Wiezen says with a yawn.

"Wie--zen." Buroa says sternly. "There's already been an attack on the Capital. You know, where hunters go to get paid? Now off your ass, we've got work to do."

"Uuuuugh. Fiiiiine." Wiezen groans. "But I've already decided that I'm takin' some time off after this. My strategy is go in, kick some ass, get it over with so I'm takin names later." He mumbled.
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più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Helga didn't seem embarrassed of being naked in front of someone new, she just slightly rolled her eyes when the Oni appeared and glared at her for ruining the fun. The witch stands from the bed and takes another drink of rum, walking around her destroyed cottage to get to the record player. She makes the machine disappear so that she could use it anywhere later. She later makes a purple, medieval dress appear on her body with a snap and walks past the others while she waits outside.


Flynn: Ehh, let's not promise things we can't keep. *takes out his enchanted dagger that Helga gave him and uses it to stab a few corrupted*
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: (Throws a bottle of fire potion at one of the Corrupted, killing a group of them)
Rosemary: (Stays hidden behind the group, not wanting to see what's happening)
più di un anno fa -Universe_COLA- said…
Buroa rolled her eyes. "Like its going to be that easy." She says. "Here--" She tossed his sword to him. "So what? You gonna fight'em all naked to?" She laughs before smirking. "Actually, that sounds like a good idea for me." She tossed him a pair of clothes that she had brought along.

"Whatever." Wiezen laughs a little too, catching the sword first as well as the clothes when she gave them to him. He slipped on the clothes, but left his shirt off as he strapped his sheathed blade to his back, the straps going of his shoulders and connecting at an intersection at his waist. "So where's the meet and greet?"

"Back at the mountains. I've already packed us some food for us to stuff our faces with too. And of course, the gourd's refilled itself so we'll have plenty to drink." Buroa says. "You take care of the douche?"

"Yep. All it took was a little face to face with the bottom of a sword handle and I think we came to a mutual understanding." Wiezen replied while getting to his feet. He tossed his shirt across his shoulder. "Lets get going. Don't wanna leave them waiting." He says as he walks outside with her right at his side. "We've got alotta work to do. We'll have to head out to the Capital later to see what the situation's like."
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più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: You know, I think I'm getting the hang of killing and it's kind of scary. *dodges a swing and stabs a corrupted through its head, then takes control of his weapon and uses it to slice in half the other monster coming from behind him*

* * *

Helga: *drinks another sip of rum, saving the bottle on the side of her belt while she follows the two creature remaining silent. She hummed to herself the song she was singing earlier to pass the time, admiring the view of the tall trees that surrounded her now destroyed house.*
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Good to hear (Keeps shooting as he moves forward, not stopping his momentum, and just shoots every Corrupted nearby in the head)
più di un anno fa -Universe_COLA- said…
"From what I've heard, that's one of the places that the war was announced in. Ears from close by the area said that some people had been corrupted as well. But get this, it was by the screech of a, and I quote, "Winged demon that was huge as fuck"." Buroa spoke. "But that's not the only place that it was announced either. There were a few towns further off the side of the borderline that were attacked, some even being infested with nasties." She continued, picking up her gourd as she did so.

Wiezen nodded for a moment. "Then we'll just have to look into this further than I thought. We might have to go ahead and do some exterminating while we're at it. No telling what we're liable to run up against out there."

"Right. I can drink to that." Buroa pulled the plug from the top of her gourd and gulped down a bit of it before passing it over. "You would think that with all of this war talk more people would step in to help out."

Wiezen gladly accepted and took a long drink from it before passing it back. "I guess its a matter of how much fear has been put to their necks already. Not only that, but I could assume that their are people switching over too. They don't feel safe as they are because they don't have any hope. And what better way to not be massacred than to go over to the side that's doing the conquering?"

"Yeah--" Buroa paused to take another chug from the gourd. "But the poor bastards are still probably gonna be caught up in this mess. They ain't safe by far, that's for sure. As soon as they become useless then they're gonna get fed to the grinder and that's gonna be that."
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più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: Hmm, I may be able to figure out what spell Helga used to enchant your swords so that it works the same way with bullets. Great, another gem to discover. *stabs the next corrupted, then searches for a specific bottle in his bags of potions* ...Yep, gonna have to make it from scratch. *climbs a building to get a better few and fights off the few on the roof*
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: (Throws another bottle of fire potion, burning a large group of them)
Enricho: Well, take your time (Shoots, killing three more)
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: I don't guarantee anything though. *returns to killing the corrupted*

* * *

Helga: *walks ahead of the group, humming to herself* Mmm Mm Mmmm mm mm mm mm mmmmmm.. *grabs a Spider from a tree on her way and nibbles off its legs*
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: (Keeps shooting) Goddamn. This never ends (Continues shooting)
più di un anno fa -Universe_COLA- said…
Wiezen sighed. "You're probably pretty accurate in saying that too. Because I would do the exact opposite of that if I were some all and powerful shithead to tell you truth. But maybe we're more alike than most would think..." He took the gourd as it was passed to him a second time, taking larger gulps than before and passing it back to its owner.

Buroa punched him in the arm lightly after taking her gourd back and putting it on her back for the time being. "Don't compare yourself to him. I don't even care if your just making an analysis, you're NOTHING like him. Not even a little. I don't care what anyone's told you in the past, or what they've blamed you for, he may be your counterpart but you don't take the blame for what he does, ya hear? And you don't let anybody tell you any different, I don't care who they are or how close they're suppose to be to you because they can go straight to hell!" She says, giving a small huff afterwards. "I follow a man who looks toward the light and doesn't give up, who also just so happens to have a rather....well toned body. Point is, I follow beside you, not some lunatic who's gone power crazy, you got that?"

Wiezen scratched the back of his head a little, chuckling a bit before giving a smile.Yeah...loud and clear. Thanks, Roa." He said, calling her by the nickname he had given her already.
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più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: Ya don't say, Enricho! I'll definitely need spices. Perhaps blood of some sort of animal. Or maybe feathers of one. Ooh, or maybe teeth of one. Eh, I'll worry about that later.. Geez, they just keep coming and coming! I say we gather them all in one place and let Franziska pour hell on them! Literally!
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: I like the sound of that
Enricho: Alright then. Let's get out of here. We'll head to the inner city. There's nothing left of the outer city
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: *nods* Gather as many of those monsters as you can and guide them to the center then. Franziska will be waiting for us with her potions ready. Oh, and most importantly: DON'T DIE! We have a little girl who's in need of people to care for her. Good luck. *begins making noise by tapping his dagger against the walls, attracting the corrupted and running through the streets as they chase him*
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: (Fires his gun into the air to get a large group of Corrupted to follow him, and continues shooting as he runs down the street to get the attention of more Corrupted)
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: Nghhh.. Keep running and you won't die, keep running, keep running, don't trip or else you're doomed, don't trip, don't trip.. *turns to another street and runs with all his might while he continues to make even more noise* Franziska, please tell me you're ready!!!
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: (Sits onto of a roof, humming as she waits for them)
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: I'll take that as a yes! *leads his group of corrupted to the inner part of the city, then looks around for Enricho as he begins to climb the tall building with his bare hands* Franziska, get ready!
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: (Runs over, as the Corrupted chase him, and starts to climb up the building) Okay, do it
Franziska: Okay (Takes the fire potion and throws it into the air. She then throws a rock at the bottle, shattering and the liquid inside splashing all of the Corrupted down below, which soon catches fire on them)
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: *releases a long sigh of relief as he arrives on the rooftop, throwing himself on the solid surface and panting heavily* G-Good job, Franziska.. Nngghh, at least we did something.. Something worth dying for, I guess.. *returns to panting* Now let's get Rosemary and go..
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Good. We'll head into the inner city and collect our money
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: You're still risking your damn life, OUR damn life to get your freakin' money?! Ngghh.. *rolls his eyes* Fine. Just hurry. I wish Helga was here to put some damn logic in you. You seem to only listen to her after all.
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: We aren't risking our lives anymore. The inner city is safe. Once we're in, it will be safe. We can rest here and after that, go our separate ways. Come on (Gets down from the roof and starts walking)
più di un anno fa -Universe_COLA- said…
There was silence between Wiezen and Buroa for a moment as they walked along. Wiezen looked up to the sky, his mind going back to before he had waken up.

Wiezen stared up at the red eyes that stared down at him from the doorway. "Can you...come in?" He repeated the question, backing further away from the door. When he looked behind him, all of the people that had been there were gone. There was no sound behind him, no one that saw what he was seeing. When he looked back to the doorway, he saw the mirror image of himself stepping through the doorway.

"Whelp, it's raining outside, so never mind. I'll just let myself in then. The other him stated as he walked in, his eyes burning into Wiezen's. "We need to have a little chat." He said, slamming the door behind him at the same time a loud rumble of thunder rolled through.

Wiezen found himself scooting back frantically and using the table to pull himself up off the floor as he searched for a weapon of some sort. "I don't need to talk to you. I don't want anything to do with you! There's nothing to talk about!"

"Oh but there is. There's so much to talk about that in fact, my knuckles are gonna be talkin' to your face while we're at it." His splitting image replied. "And if you ask me, this is what you wanted right? Otherwise I wouldn't be here. But I am. And I'm gonna take full advantage of it."

"Oi, Wiezen, you hear me?"

Wiezen blinked, his thoughts being set off track by the sound of the Oni's voice. " Sorry about that, what were you saying now?"

"I said, do you have any plans for tonight? I sort of...kinda want to talk to you about somethin in private." Buroa says for a second time, looking over to him with her round yellow eyes.

"Tonight? Well of cours--" Wiezen paused just as he was about to say yes. "Actually, yeah. I've got somethin' special to do with my Green Bean." He says, smiling to himself a bit. "What about?"

"N-nothin'. I'll just talk to you about it some other time then." Buroa says, her ears twitching slightly.

Wiezen gave a shrug. "Alright then. And can talk to me about anything alright? It's the least I can do for you taking care of me and all when I was out." He says, giving her a pat on the shoulder.
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più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: *murmurs* You don't know that.. *furrows his eyebrows while looking away with crossed arms for a moment, then releases an irritated sigh and follows him* Helga told me to protect you and not let you commit stupid actions, so that's what I'm going to do. It's the least I can do for her for what's she done for me. You're welcome, Witch..

* * *

Helga: *grins as she continues to munch on her spider legs while humming* Thank you, alchemist. I'll make sure you're rewarded greatly. ..Stuck with an Oni and a warlock. See ya soon. If I encounter a bruise on Rosemary I'll make you pay for it, wonderboy.

* * *

Flynn: *blinks in confusion as he looks around*

* * *

Helga: *turns around and glares at Wiezen* I'm not a green bean. And if the oni needs to talk to you about something tonight I'll gladly wait.
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più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: Flynn's right. Don't do stupid things
Enricho: I'm a hunter. I hunt monsters. My entire life is about doing stupid things (Arrives at the gate to the inner city)
Guard: Hold it. Whose there
Enricho: Travellers. Let us in
Guard: Are any of you Corrupted?
Enricho: Do we look Corrupted to you
Guard: I can't take any chances
Enricho: I'm a hunter. I demand you let me in
Guard: A-A hunter..... Alright, but hurry up. We can't let those things in (The large doors slowly open for them)
Enricho: (To Franziska) Though, it seems doing stupid things pays off sometimes (Walks in)
più di un anno fa -Universe_COLA- said…
Wiezen grins and suddenly picks her up, carrying her as they continued to walk. "What? So you can get fed up and said that I bailed on you again? Not a chance, my precious greeeeen bean." He chuckles, kissing her on the tip of her nose. "And you're not about to try and bail either, or turn into any black cat to run off somewhere for an excuse you got that? Cuz there's somethin' else that I found out about myself. A hobby of sorts. An odd one for a person like me, but hell, it's somethin' worth giving a try."
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più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: Hmm.. *looks around* What a big place.. *follows Enricho through the gates* How often do you come here to collect your money?

* * *

Helga: ..I AM NOT A GREEN BEAN. *rolls her eyes as she's being carried* I can wait. I'm a very patient person. And she saved you too. So you shouldn't ignore a half naked troll. Besides, it gives me more time to fix myself up for you. Since you asked so suddenly. One minute your leaving me and the next your what humans say, "sexual assaulting" me.
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più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: After every major kill, the town nearby reports of a Hunter. We are all able to tell the what kind of Hunter's we are. See the feather on my hat. Notice it's colored red, and that it points west. I happen to be a Red Hunter of the West, so that way, they'll know who to pay. And given that I've done quite a lot of work recently, I'm sure there's a lot of money to collect
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: hmm.. What a living.. What do you do with so much money anyways? You don't have a wife or kids, do you? And I'm guessing you don't have parents. So what do you to with all the goods?
più di un anno fa -Universe_COLA- said…
"If that's what you want to call it, either way you still loved it." Wiezen shrugs. "And yes, you are a green bean. My green my bean. Further more, its only assault if I didn't have consent. And I think I had plenty." He says with a smirk before laughing. "And no, we ain't waitin' this time. You saw what happen the last time we waited, it ended up turning into complete shit with stench and dirty deeds included." He then smiled. "And besides, you don't have to fix anything up for me. You're perfect just the way you are, whether your a green bean or not. You're still you. And I don't care if I'll have to drag you out to this boat tonight, we're going on this date tonight!"
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più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Use it to buy supplies, head to the next town, and kill whatever's there. Really, you're right. I don't have parents, or any family of any kind. I have no other uses. My only goal is to kill every monster I see, and then move on. Every other Hunter has families, or goals that they fight for. Mines just to continue fighting until either I die or I kill every monster alive (They continue walking, as the bells of a large cathedral starts to ring)
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Helga: You knew that I was going to follow you when you left so suddenly, didn't you? Nghh.. I'm too sensitive, I just had to. And I gave you no permission to touch me. Hmph. I was going to heal you and send you off, but you just snuck up behind me and touched me without my will. But then again, I guess you're right with the fact that I gave up on trying to stop you. What can I say? You bit my weak spot. That kiss in the tavern did not impress me. But last night did. ..And a boat, you say? *grins while looking away* ..Hmm, I don't know if I have proper clothing for the water. My hair seems too good for getting wet.

* * *

Flynn: ...Well, you have us as your friends now to fight for. And Helga.. *follows him in*
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: I guess so
(As they talk, a strange man appears in front of them, wearing a black suit, and bumps into Enricho)
???: Damnit. What where you're going
Enricho: Sorry
???: You should be. Young folks. Never looking to where their going (Walks past him and heads into the cathedral)
Franziska: (Sticks her tongue out at him as his back is turned)
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: Hmm.. *observes him as he walks into the cathedral* ..He's rather rude.. *looks up at the buildings* This is actually quite the sight..
più di un anno fa -Universe_COLA- said…
"Hey! Compared to now that one time back at the tavern didn't count!" Wiezen exclaimed. "And you still loved it so hah!" He grinned a bit himself. "I will throw you down in that water myself if I have to! MUHAHAHAHA! I SHALL SEE YOUR BODY WET!" He jokes. "On a serious note though, yes, I did know that you were going to follow when I left. That's why I didn't bother asking to begin with. See? I can use logic sometimes when it's needed."
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: That Cathedral was closed down years ago? The other one is on the other side of the Inner city. They go there all the time to worship the Ancient Ones to ask for forgiveness from this one annoying old man there. When did they reopen this one?

(Oh boy, I can finally make an evil character. I love making those kinds of characters :D)
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più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: I don't know, you tell me. I've never been in here.. I don't hunt monsters for living, I was a busboy in a bar. Pathetic, really.

* * *

Helga: Oh, seeing my body wet would be quite the sight. You have seen it before, you just don't remember it. Luckily I remember yours. Yes, you were shivering in that lake. I could tell you were used to those human "showers", meanwhile I like using the old fashioned ways. ..Oh, and that kiss in the tavern did count. You call that a kiss? It was so weak and there was so much hesitation in it. It was just a peck. Children kiss their mutts like that. I was desperate, which was why I liked it. Luckily I, being such a good green bean, taught you the proper way on kissing someone. More like making out with someone. You were high off my kiss. It looked like you were drunk. Hmm, perhaps I can nickname you after that kiss? Let's see what I can think of.. Wimpy? ..I outta call you a llama for the way you kissed. Or maybe a camel. *chuckles*
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: ... I'm gonna check it out (Walks over)
Franziska: Enricho, we shouldn't
(He continues to ignore her and heads to the Cathedral)
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Flynn: This guy is gonna get himself killed even before the war starts.. *rolls his eyes in annoyance, then looks at Franziska* That's one thing I can agree with you.
più di un anno fa -Universe_COLA- said…
Wiezen rolled his eyes. "There's a first time for everything, and considering that was technically mine in a sort of sense to say, I still state that that one didn't count green bean. And I swear if you start calling me Wimpy your new name with be Cabbage Witch from this point until the end of time. Or maybe lettuce...." His ears perked up as a grin came to his face and he tried to hold in a laugh. "Oh...I-I know what would work even better than that--" He continued to try to hold in his laugh. "How about--" A few smalls laughs escape as he managed to hold them back. "C-Cucumber!" He started laughing. "That's it! That's near damn perfect!" He continued to laugh, snuggling her close to him as he carried her.

last edited più di un anno fa
più di un anno fa Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: (Opens the door)
(The man in the black suit begins talking to the people in the cathedral)
???: The Ancient Ones have abandoned us, people. They have left us all to die. Once they left us to die, they gave up the right to be called our Gods. But, we have a new god. The Land Mover. A behemoth among mortals, who lives in the ground. The Land Mover believes in us, and cares for us, as if we are it's children. We must do what we must to show our appreciation for such a majestic being. Let the Ancient Ones fade from our minds. Now, we have the Land Mover to bring us to salvation
Enricho: (To Flynn and Franziska) This guy's insane
più di un anno fa Jade_23 said…
Helga: Cucumber?! *blushes a deep green as she wrinkles her nose and furrows her eyebrows in slight annoyance* I'll shove one up your ass if you say that again. Thou wouldn't dare, Wimpy! ...Green Bean is enough for me. Dare call me such ludicrous names and you'll regret it tonight when you're begging me to have sex with you! Thou shall be taking back every word when I spread my legs and only let you see but not touch! Hah, joke's on you now, Wimpy!

* * *
Flynn: Usually, I wouldn't judge too soon, but yes, this guy is rather disturbing for even thinking about the Ancient Ones just disappearing into thin air.. Should we get out of here?