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WinxGirls! Domanda

Our motto

Let's all give our ideas for mottos,then one of them could be chosen for our group and I'll change it!!!!!!!
I've put up a pick with these answers!let's choose!
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WinxGirls! Risposte

zanhar1 said:
Close your eyes and open your cuore believe in yourself and thats how it starts.
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posted più di un anno fa 
Amore it! :D Beginning line from the 4kids theme! <3
lovebaltor posted più di un anno fa
I Amore it too!
LunaAcores94 posted più di un anno fa
So do I!
Flora_Bloom posted più di un anno fa
Amore it!
samoangirl96 posted più di un anno fa
Gretsel said:
I have 2(my ideas came from zanhar1's choose-because she gets it from a winx song-and so i)

1)If te desire,you can become one of our bunch

2)We're each other's dearest friends,with a feeling we can take flight,Watch us!!
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Flora_Bloom posted più di un anno fa
LunaAcores94 said:
We got the sytle,Without the Flare!Though i dont know but oh well!
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Flora_Bloom posted più di un anno fa
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