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WinxGirls! Domanda

Does someone wants a sweet consigli from someone loved?(you're free to answer here)♥

(winxlove made this and I asked her if I could post this here)
Anyone who has a problem,a domanda o anything will post it here and ask for consigli to his/her best friend.

e.g:I want(something te want o te have a problem with that).What should I do,(to the person te want consigli from) ?

Maybe in this way te will find an answer for te problem.
I hope te have fun and receive very good help.

P.S:You can ask me too,but only if te trust in me o te have me a good friend.

thanks for crediting me!but if te really have a problem,you should post something on the winx club spot.If not,then go ahead! :D
Winxlove posted più di un anno fa
Still,this is for ranting and for us girls who Amore winx,so we could post it here,too!
Flora_Bloom posted più di un anno fa
Yes i know it ☺
Winxlove posted più di un anno fa
 Flora_Bloom posted più di un anno fa
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