IN the episode the night mare begins how long did it take them to grt to earth!!!!????

 IN the episode the night mare begins how long did it take them to grt to earth!!!!????
wistyaleese posted più di un anno fa
heh heh heh.....grt :D
InvadaMiz posted più di un anno fa
6 long months of doom doom doom doomy doom doomy doomy doomy
sonicyaoiboy510 posted più di un anno fa
6 months
invaderHailey posted più di un anno fa
 wistyaleese posted più di un anno fa
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Zim Risposte

ZimandJess01 said:
6 months
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ZaJR said:
6 months,duh
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guppi_sirus said:
fifty latte burgers............
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invadercari said:
Six months thats easy if you've studied every episode and almost memorized every line like I have muahahahahahahahahahah I Amore ZIM!!!!!!! Im crazy!
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posted più di un anno fa 
your like me ^^ ive gone zimsane ive gone loco and I like it!
thisperson1212 posted più di un anno fa
thisperson1212 said:
6 months of THE DOOM SONG sang da GIR
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invader_neko said:
Heh... It Took 6 MONTHS!!! YAAAY IT BURNS!!!! ~ GIR
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