Ashley Gray

fan dal September 2010

  • Female, 33 years old
  • Stati Uniti d’America
  • Favorite TV Show: I dont watch TV any more. My primary fonte of entertainment is Anime on the internet and KH in my Ps2 :P All Tv is anymore is imorality.
    Favorite Movie: Anime movies(ALL I am open to anything anime), Harry Potter, Disney classics
    Favorite Musician: Micheal Jackson, Evanescence, nickleback, greenday, Aqua Timez, phil collins, anything Japanese, Bad Luck and Yui !
    Favorite Book or Author: ANY manga but mostly Black Butler, Death Note and CLAMP libri :D
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Dedicated Fan in 30 clubs Dedicated (30) Die-Hard Fan in 21 clubs Die-Hard (21) Fanatic in 2 clubs Fanatic (2)

la mia bacheca

Animeanimal ha detto riguardo a Naruto
Reads chapter 667 *puts head through wall* damn Kishimoto what are te doing to me!? postato più di un anno fa
ImAnEasel commentato…
I'm so tempted to read it now... but I must resist... I don't want spoilers... I guess I'll find out one day, anyway. XP più di un anno fa
Animeanimal detto …
Oh my gosh its been a long time....I almost forgot I had a fanpop account lol XD Anyway a lot has changed in me since we last met. I was back into the Naruto anime, and was LOVING it btw, that is until Kishimoto totally flipped his lid and now hes on my hit lista lol postato più di un anno fa
Amore THIS~ postato più di un anno fa