294 lifetime gold
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te can call me Winja o TheLastCyber Verified Dofus & Monster Galaxy Fangirl
fan dal April 2011
- Female, 27 years old
- Padina, Serbia and Montenegro
- My Website: FA
- Favorite TV Show: Sonic x,,Pokemon,Bleach,Full metal alchemist, Shugo Chara, Sponge Bob, Blue Dragon, Bakugan, Happy albero Friends, My Little pony FIM, Dick figures,Favorite Movie: The night at museum,All of Sonic,Alone in The House, Pirates Of The Caribbean, New Police Story, Naked GunFavorite Musician: Skillet, Vocaloid, Nightcore, Three days grace,Kesha, Rihanna, Cascada, Miley Cyrus, Good Charlotte, Breaking Benjamin, Trance, Story Of The Year,Favorite Book or Author: Sugar sugar rune, pesca, peach Girl, Read o Die (That Is My Fav Book)