Lenora Shadow

fan dal March 2012

  • Female, 27 years old
  • Gondor
  • Favorite TV Show: Shingeki no Kyujin, Breaking Bad, Merlin, Chuno, City Hunter, Sherlock, Game of Thrones
    Favorite Movie: The Lord of the Rings, stella, star Wars, Braveheart, The Prestige, Batman, Rush Hour, V for Vendetta, Terminator 2
    Favorite Musician: A7X, Metallica, Queen, Jesper Kyd, Slash, GnR, Hans Zimmer, Breaking Benjamin, Adrian Zielger, Amethystium, Lorne Balfe, Gregory Isakov, Aurora
    Favorite Book or Author: Lord of the Rings, Once and Future King (T H White), The Secret History, A wizard of Earthsea, The Shadow Of The Wind, Inheritance, & many più
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Lenora97 ha detto riguardo a Attack on Titan
I can honestly say that I've never been più attracted to any other Anime than this one. Ever. Brilliant in every way. postato più di un anno fa
Greyawsome4 commentato…
I KNOW RIGHT!!? :D più di un anno fa
Blu-e mi ha dato omaggio per my answers
Thanks For Adding Me! postato più di un anno fa
big smile
to0ota111 mi ha dato omaggio per my pop quiz questions

happy Halloween :) postato più di un anno fa