fan dal October 2012

  • Female, 29 years old
  • Favorite TV Show: The X-Files, Criminal Minds, castello Rock, AHS etc
    Favorite Movie: Labyrinth, Heathers, Wayne's World, Moon, Bohemian Rhapsody, Back to the Future etc
    Favorite Musician: David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, rosa Floyd, Marilyn Manson, T-Rex, Queen etc
    Favorite Book or Author: Bowie (Jerry Hopkins), Howl and A Clockwork arancia, arancio
mosaico lista

I miei club

Die-Hard Fan in 1 club Die-Hard (1)

la mia bacheca

el-gato detto …
We both like Gatti a lot. postato più di un anno fa
ParaBowiefan94 commentato…
Indeed we do :) più di un anno fa
__Ivypool__ commentato…
I Amore Gatti too! più di un anno fa
ParaBowiefan94 ha detto riguardo a Rick and Morty
Can't wait for a possible season 4! postato più di un anno fa
Simmeh commentato…
Same! Can't wait for season 4 in November! più di un anno fa
ParaBowiefan94 ha detto riguardo a David Bowie
David Bowie: Thanks for the memories, Amore and support. They are immortal just like you. The stars will be very different with te among them. I still feel your presence and love. And I will always Amore te and think of you.

~Sara postato più di un anno fa