
fan dal April 2008

  • Female, 34 years old
  • Sosnowiec, Poland
  • Favorite TV Show: stella, star Trek (mainly TOS and DS9), Doctor Who (mainly new series), Torchwood
    Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction
    Favorite Musician: The Beatles
    Favorite Book or Author: The Master and margherita, margarita
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I miei club

Dedicated Fan in 10 clubs Dedicated (10) Die-Hard Fan in 4 clubs Die-Hard (4)

la mia bacheca

ShadowxSonicd45 mi ha dato omaggio per my images
Sup?~ postato più di un anno fa
AlyssAybss mi ha dato omaggio per my images
Poland~! >:D postato più di un anno fa
big smile
Blackjack167 mi ha dato omaggio per my videos
plz unisciti my new club called WoW world of warcraft
PS add me plz postato più di un anno fa