Sean Horace

fan dal June 2012

  • Male, 31 years old
  • Massapequa , United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: Barney, Muppets, Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune, ciao Arnold!, Little Einsteins, Glee
    Favorite Movie: Disney Flims, The Muppet Movie,
    Favorite Musician: Elton John, Backstreet Boys, Glee cast,
    Favorite Book or Author: Equus, To Kill A Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies
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I miei club

Dedicated Fan in 16 clubs Dedicated (16) Die-Hard Fan in 11 clubs Die-Hard (11) Fanatic in 1 club Fanatic (1)

la mia bacheca

whatsupbugs mi ha dato omaggio per my comments
I noticed that te like The Ghost and Molly McGee. I have a couple of club about it if you're interested.
link postato più di un anno fa
doubletrouble7 detto …
hi what a name my name is doubletrouble7 i also like being called tori.
i'm from omaha,ne i Amore the muppet movie plus the muppet cappero and the muppets take manhatten.
bye now postato più di un anno fa
Angeelous mi ha dato omaggio per my images
Thank te for the add ;3 postato più di un anno fa