Dee Nagara

fan dal January 2016

  • Female, 36 years old
  • Ipoh, Malaysia
  • Favorite TV Show: Downtown Abbey, Korean Drama, Miss Universe, Miss World
    Favorite Movie: Captain America, The Green Lantern, The Da Vinci Code, Wreck-It-Ralph, Inside Out
    Favorite Musician: Katy Perry, Adam Lambert, Carrie Underwood, Il Divo
    Favorite Book or Author: The Da Vinci Code, angeli and Demon, Inferno, When arcobaleno Ends
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deedragongirl ha detto riguardo a BB2010
Troll postato ·29 giorni fa
deedragongirl ha detto riguardo a Principesse Disney
Saw Moana 2 yesterday! postato ·2 mesi fa
MalloMar commentato…
What did te think? ·2 mesi fa
deedragongirl commentato…
It was great, the climax was tearjerking but it ends in a happy ending! Not going to give spoilers away! ·2 mesi fa
WinterBelle commentato…
I saw it too, althrough that movie isn't my personal taste I would say that I prefer Moana's personality much più in this sequel. un mese fa
deedragongirl ha detto riguardo a Principesse Disney
Has anyone seen Wish? I heard that it's not worth watching. postato ·7 mesi fa
MalloMar commentato…
It had potential but it felt rushed, and passionless. ·2 mesi fa
Whitecrown commentato…
I watched it a week ago. It really wasn't worth watching. One of the worst Film I've ever seen objectively speaking. ·2 mesi fa