Jessica Gilmore

fan dal April 2012

  • Female, 27 years old
  • Dayton, Ohio
  • Favorite TV Show: castello (duh!)
    Favorite Movie: She's the Man
    Favorite Musician: Katy Perry
    Favorite Book or Author: Naked Heat
mosaico lista

I miei club

la mia bacheca

big smile
iloveCASTLE97 ha detto riguardo a castello
I can't wait util castello starts again... I made castello binder covers for school and I almost had an asthma attack in the hallway because I got so excited!!! postato più di un anno fa
iloveCASTLE97 detto …
only 52 più days until Catl starts... I'm SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! postato più di un anno fa
big smile
kate41319 mi ha dato omaggio per my images
hi,i really like your icon, te did it? postato più di un anno fa
iloveCASTLE97 commentato…
no i found it... i forget where but i will let te know if i find it again ;) più di un anno fa
kate41319 commentato…
really i though that te did it :) più di un anno fa