HUGE fan of Matsuyama Kenichi,L, Urahara KIsuke,Uchiha Itachi, johnny depp♥

fan dal June 2009

  • Female, 31 years old
  • Greece
  • Favorite TV Show: death note, bleach, naruto, black butler, fairy tail,xxxholic, higurashi, gintama, shaman king, hell girl
    Favorite Movie: death note movies, pirates of caribbean, harry potter, tim burton's Film
    Favorite Musician: Evanescence, 3 doors down, breaking benjamin,broken iris, j-rock
    Favorite Book or Author: Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, another note, manga
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Dedicated Fan in 9 clubs Dedicated (9) Die-Hard Fan in 33 clubs Die-Hard (33) Fanatic in 12 clubs Fanatic (12)

la mia bacheca

PrueFever mi ha dato omaggio per my images
Thank te for the add back :)

Any chance I could get te to vote and maybe leave a commento in this Disney sondaggio I made here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and commento and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) postato più di un anno fa
michellepotter commentato…
ciao friend!! thank te for adding me! sure :) I'll vote :D più di un anno fa
UchihaSasukeKun mi ha dato omaggio per my videos
axouu re girisaaa XD :P yaaaay bro hug my itachi hugged me :P Amore Amore i feel the Amore :d xronia ki zamania
mia xara exw kapos 3eperase olo auto to hate p efaga egw ki h koliti m * mipos fteei p eimai gay ki auth einai lesbia ki apla eimaste 2FAB FOR THEM?lol kidding * pantos mia xara eimai twra kanoniza ta gene8lia tis kolitis m mazi tis epidh mporei na pame sthn 8alassa na ta kanoume me Anime summer cosplay ;) XD ki olla einai mia xara postato più di un anno fa
UchihaSasukeKun commentato…
kita psonia einai ki malista poli kiolas egw kanw cosplay posa xronia twra ki 8a er8oun ta 16xrona p molias arxisan ki 8a me kritikaroun ki 8a m lene oti tous antigrafo? mantepse kati allo? exoun kanei ena cosplay group edo ki 5 mines ki tana, den eixan kanei official fb page ki olla auta ki h koliti m arxize na kanei filous ki prin kati meres ekane to official tis group ki fb page ki meta apo 2 meres ta psonia kanane ki auta selida dld ti perimenane 5 mines? tin koliti m? ki meta tis fonazan oti tous antigrafe -_-ki h fili m twra grigora grigora ekane to group ..epsaxne pedia 6 xronia twra ki etixe sto gameathlon na vrei kapia kala pedia ki tous rotise an 8eloun na kanoun group ki merika apo ta pedia htan eidi se group alla simfonisan ki ta psonia apla eprepe na pane ki na tis kanoun hate -_- ok ok tana, den to exw 3eperasei apo ti fenete apla tana, den m fenete wreo m erxete na parw tin koliti m ki na pame na zisoume sthn xwra m sthn iapwnia ekei 8a einai kalhtera -_- più di un anno fa
UchihaSasukeKun mi ha dato omaggio per my images
ooooo se exoun pni3ei ta ma8hmata eh? kahmenoulaa:P ela a bro hug *bro hug* XD
itachiiiiiii :3 ki emena m elipses :P xronia ki zamania opos lene :P gia panta ki gia panta epidh eimaste ta uchiha brothers :p polles glosses vlepo ki tana, den m aresei :p postato più di un anno fa
UchihaSasukeKun commentato…
NAI re to sinexizopio dimiourgika twra epidh eiparxoun pedia p einai psonia ki apla 8elo na tous valo sthn 8esh tous me ta coslay m akouse ekei 8a kanoun hate sthn koliti m eno tana, den eixe kanei tpt tous vlakes .. a oxi tis ftiaxnw monos m :3 opos panmta :P kai oxi exw epekta8ei palia ekana mono apo ta pio gnosta ki merika Yaoi twra kanw perisotera :P più di un anno fa