Leonardo Serrano L

fan dal September 2013

  • Male, 23 years old
  • Valencia, Spain
  • Favorite TV Show: Avatar: The Legend of Korra and The legend of Aang, Dragon Ball Z and Super.
    Favorite Movie: Dr Strange
    Favorite Musician: Luwing furgone, van Beethoven
    Favorite Book or Author:
mosaico lista

I miei club

la mia bacheca

qwert243 ha detto riguardo a EvermoreCR
So, crazy idea. What if I take this club and actually do something with it? It could potentially work as an archive. postato un mese fa
qwert243 detto …
Going here once in a while certainly feels archaic. Wow. postato un mese fa
qwert243 detto …
Yeah, I do realize I have matured a LOT since I joined in 2013. What I did in here, was a past I probably would never forget, but I guess it is time to do something different and give a proper goodbye to these good ol' days. Thank te Fanpop, thank te for everything I got from you. And thanks to all the guys who visited and saw my posts in every one of my clubs! Farewell! postato più di un anno fa
MoreThanFangirl commentato…
xD più di un anno fa
qwert243 commentato…
xD più di un anno fa
Lumizznun commentato…
And now, I came back! xD o at least I think so :v più di un anno fa
hazbinfangirl commentato…
And so did I =) (??? più di un anno fa