Rachel ♥

fan dal September 2008

  • Female
  • Colorado the Best state ever!
  • Favorite TV Show: Heroes, Flapjack, Total drama Island, The Soup, and zuppa di pesce
    Favorite Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas,Get Smart, Goast Rider, Iron Man, The Dark Knight and Finding Nemo
    Favorite Musician: Panic at the Disco,Natasha Bedingfeild, and Green giorno
    Favorite Book or Author: The Charlie Bone series,The island of the Blue Dolphins,Cut and Soilder X
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Lizzy-ILoveJB mi ha dato omaggio per my videos
Hi!! postato più di un anno fa
Narmzi mi ha dato omaggio per my answers
hi postato più di un anno fa
The-Stig mi ha dato omaggio per my images
lol, that is a very random profilo pic, lol. Who's the guy? postato più di un anno fa