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Wantadog’s superiore, in alto 50 Anime Characters. 40-31

40: Brock. (Pokemon)
Brock. Is. Awesome. I watched the Best Wishes series, o whatever the black and white series is called…Cilan < Brock. Simple as that. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen those Nurse Joy’s o Officer Jenny’s say no. te know they want it. Brock has his priorities straight! He will be calm and awesome, but the secondo a hot girl goes by, he ditches them younglings. The bad….he gave up his dream to be the best breeder…seriously? They had that as his dream for how many seasons? Then they decided to f*** it up! What’s next, Ash deciding he would rather work at a Pokemon Center instead of being a Pokemon Master? Brock sadly only get’s #40. Darn te Pokemon Company. Just darn you!!

39: Yusuke Urameshi. (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Yusuke, he was proving violence was the answer before Kenpachi did it. He can fuoco a Kamehameha out of his finger. That right there is enough to get him on the list. He’s hilarious, awesome, and he’s a Spirit Detective…it’s a useless title, but still…If it wasn’t for that Keiko shit, he would be so much cooler. I’m all for romance in anime, but Keiko is just plain annoying. Her voice…it grates…but seriously. Yu Yu Hakusho has got to be one of my absolute preferito anime, and Yusuke is one of the main reasons for that. This badass is #39

38: Yu Kanda. (D. Gray-Man)
Explanation not necessary. #38

37: Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck
Nel is one of my absolute preferito Bleach characters. Heck, she is my favorite. She is so wicked in her adult form. Little to no clothing (Always a plus) and she can turn into a freaking centaur! Then we have her child form. Hilarious. Every word out of her mouth makes me like her more. She even yelled at Orihime for being scared of Ichigo. Ha! As if Ichigo has enough strength to be scared of. Anyway. She is also a pretty cute character. Her personality is awesome, both when she was an Espada, and when she was an Arrancar. I must say I prefer her as an Arrancar. She is a great character, but she has some flaws. There are also two other reason’s that I like her, around the chest area, but I don’t think I need to go on about that. #37

36: Pride. (FMAB)
This guy has to be one of the superiore, in alto reasons that I liked FMAB so much. This guy was an all around awesome person. Awesome voice, awesome powers, awesome height to evil ratio. I never saw it coming. Someone shorter than Ed…hard to imagine. Anyway, I didn’t really like any of the other Homunculi that much, except for Greed of course, but Pride takes the cake. I never really tend to like villains a whole lot. I tend to stick with Heroes and anti-villains. Anyway. Pride, obvious, yet awesome. #36

35: Yoshi
*Slapped da random person* “YOSHI IS NOT AN Anime CHARACTER!”
Me: “But I like Yoshi…”
Him: “Not an Anime character, dude.”
Me: “I detto I LIKE YOSHI!!!!!”
Him: “Okay okay…you can use Yoshi…”
Me: “Yay!”

34: Celebi. (Pokemon)
Celebi is one of my preferito legendary Pokemon. I rarely am that interested in the legendaries. I tend to just capture them, then leave em in the computer. XD But Celebi is too badass. A TIME TRAVELER!!! Celebi can kick your ass, go back in time, kick your culo again, then go back in time again, kick your culo again, go back again, etc etc. And every time he kicks your ass, it doubles. First one Celebi is kicking your ass, then 2, then 4, then 8, etc etc. Awesome. He gets the #34 spot because he is Celebi, he’s also a Pokemon and barely counts as an Anime character XD.

33: Bunta Fujiwara. (Initial D)
Bunta is friggin awesome! He easily whoops the main characters butt in a race, is late più times than Kakashi, and he wears pink. If it exists, this guy can make it look cool. (Although rosa is an awesome color) Seriously! Every episode, he makes a prediction, and it turns out to be spot on. The only domanda I haven’t figured out yet is how someone who runs a tofu negozio can have to go to so many meetings. Frankly, like I’ve detto for a lot of these characters. They deserve higher, but there are bigger and better characters to use, so he’ll have to settle for #33.

32: Ash Ketchum. (Pokemon)
successivo up, we have good old Ash Ketchum, the pride of Pallet Town. He’s an average Anime character, and frankly, he barely made the list. I’m shocked that I ended up giving him this high of a spot. Ash has some pretty good traits. In the beginning of the series, he was the coolest. Going through the Pokemon League, battling gyms, seeing new Pokemon, but it seems he just gets worse with time. He doesn’t age, which I guess is cool, but he’s not really Ash anymore in the new series. For one thing, his new look in the mostra SUCKS! He doesn’t seem to do anything new, in fact, it’s gotten so repetitive that it’s boring to watch the mostra nowadays. But despite all that, he’s got some cool traits. Nobody else can steal a bike (And prompty crash it) like Ash Ketchum can. He’s the character that goes through the stuff like a normal person, but when he decides to get serious, he can be pretty badass. Ash Ketchum, #32

31: Gintoki Sakata. (Gintama)
Forget what I detto about Ash, this guy is badass. He’s laid back most of the time, but when he decides to fight, te had better hope you’re nowhere near him. He’s the only reason I still watch that anime. Everytime I’m not a huge fan of the show, but this guy makes it worth it. Everything he does is either Hilarious, o just plain awesome. Also that hair of his is awesome. Now if only I could see him battle a really really serious fight, then it would be perfect, o sorta perfect, he can be a bit annoying at times, hence why he get’s the low rating of #31, and ends this particular section of my superiore, in alto 50 XD.

Notes: Do keep in mind that these are all opinion based choices and I had to choose from hundreds of Anime characters. So if a character te like did not get as high of a spot as te would have done…deal with it. This is my superiore, in alto 50. Make your own. XDD Stay tuned for more.

I won't be able to put pics for each character up since fanpop won't let me embed them into the article.

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