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Ah yes. Merchandise. Money, in other words. I adore the Disney princesses. They are all unique, and have good qualities. Some are even a little complex and the majority are at least decent role models. That's not how Disney markets them. Well, unless their name is Anna o Elsa. For the first 11 princess, they are downgraded into sparkle obsessed girls that look nothing like they did in their original film. Great princesses are forgotten in merchandise as well. The whole system is downright awful. For the Frozen sisters, Disney markets them as "I don't need a man". They tried that with Merida but now she's stuck with a sparkly dress. This articolo is going to discuss their new appearances and a ranking of how popolare each DP is in the line-up. Ok here we go.

Snow White:
Let's start at the superiore, in alto and go down. Her hair, which was once as black as ebony, now is black with a strange tint of blue. It also has più volume...I guess. Look at the picture to see what I'm talking about. Her hair is certainly not the worst of the princesses, but it changed significantly from the original.Her eyes. In the original film, her eyes are brown with a hint of red in them. They're small with long lashes. The new design keeps their color ok, but the lashes and eyeshape are off. Her nose is barely existent in the original so I don't blame them for changing that. Her lips and smile. What she is famous for. Her lips go from those beautiful rose red lips, to a pair of pinkish lips-_-. And her smile! Her precious smile, where eyes get all squinty...gone. Ugh. Her dress is basically a glitterified version of the original with an odd pattern on the yellow part of the dress. It's not awful, but it is way overdone. Her skin isn't really white as snow anymore, but it could be worse in that aspect. Snow White didn't get the worst of the redesign, but the poor girl looks nothing like the original Snow White.

Oh, where do I begin. Cenerentola is my current prettiest princess. She has the stunning blue eyes and long lashes, the beautiful smile, the perfect body, the color scheme, the hair, she has it all! Uh, then there's the um uh redesign. Ok let's start at the top. THE HAIR. Well her hair in the original film was a beautiful fragola blonde, o even orange. It was shoulder length. It the ever so lovely redesign, it is banana yellow, and in a bun way on superiore, in alto of her head. Based on the picture, her hair is a little longer. Also added volume yada yada yada WAIT banana HAIR? Her hair is now a lovely banana color that is so very attractive. Her eyes. They tried in the 2015 look with the eyes, but they failed to capture them. Her real eyes are light blue with long lashes. The shape is off in the redesign, but the rest is tolerable. Her nose...I honestly don't care. The new smile doesn't surprise me, but it doesn't have the same magic Cinderella's smile does. Her dress. BRIGHT BLUE!? It goes from silver to bright blue with a thousand gallons of sparkles. I'm done.

Another beautiful DP shamefully placed in her 2015 look. Overall, she looks like a Barbie doll. No really she does. Her hair has gone from the elegant, blonde curls to bright, oro curls. Her face, i'm not going into detail. It's a mess. Nothing like the original. Her dress is sparklified. Her look is awful. I don't have the time to explain my hatred for it. This is just a hating rant so far...

Ariel looks older in her design. Her hair has, te guessed it, a lot più volume. It keeps it's color and length though. The seashell earrings are weird... Sorry just getting that out of the way. Her eyes are definitely not as big. Blegh. And, lastly for the face, her lips turn a pale pink. And her dress. I Amore it. Wait what? Ok, Amore is a strong word. But the dress's color and shape, it looks great on her. Not movie accurate, but I'm being biased and saying that I Amore her dress. Her redesign isn't that bad imo.

Well it's no wonder that her name means beauty her looks have got no parallel....AH! Her new look is not good and doesn't compare with the original film. The hair. Oh lord THE HAIR! My, my Belle has your hair grown. It now has *gasp* più volume, and is much longer. The new eyeshape makes her look evil, but the rest of her face, though not perfect, is ok. The dress is just oversparklified, nothing new, but I still hate it. Why is she holding a rose? Why can't she hold a book, o te know something that relates to her character, rather than an object that is in the story but has nothing to do with Belle herself, I don't like this all.

Her new look is pretty bad, but could be much, much worse. Remember how I detto Snow White's hair was a little bluer? Well Jasmine's is now blue. Dark blue. What!? And the one strand hanging out? Oh how creative Disney.Her eyes have shrunken but nothing else is particularly bad with her face. Well her lips are pinker, but oh another shocker there-_-. Her skin is surprisingly accurate. So, there's a plus. Her outfit. Well, the picture explains it.

What did she ever do to the world? Her hair obviously has più volume and doesn't match up to the original. But it's not that bad. her skin. The beautiful copper has been turned to well, orangish brown. Her whole face is disproportioned and she is wearing feather earrings. FEATHER EARRINGS! That's enough to make me hate the redesign, but no. There's also ugly crap all over her dress. Speaking of which, is it just me o is her dress lighter now? Lastly, she's wearing boots. Yup, boots. That sums up her. I think she got the worst of it along with our successivo princess.

NO ANYONE BUT MULAN<3 Mulan is my preferito DP, but I am the first to admit her redesign is amung the worst of all of them. Her hair has miraculously grown and gained *crowd gasps again* volume. Her hair is now Aurora length? It's done in an updo we never see her wear, and it doesn't really compliment her. Her skin is paler than Snow White's. Her face has been severely altered. Her eyes are now really ugly. Her lips are totally different. Should I even talk about the dress? It's awful. Everything Mulan is against is in this dress. It's sparkly and highlights her "tiny waist". This redesign, Pocahontas's, and Cinderella's are probably the worst.

Probably the most accurate of the new merchandise looks. Her hair, dress, and eyes look pretty similar. Well, her eyes are a little smaller. Her nose is a bit thinner and maybe they overdue the sparkles a little but it isn't bad. The color of her lips change and the merchandise doesn't mostra off her gorgeous smile, but other than that, this redesign is shockingly accurate.

I hate hers. Her hair is più oro and voluminous (shocker). Her whole face looks awful. Her eyes and smile are not pretty and inaccurate. She goes from adorable to... this. Her dress is totally over-glitterified and it comes together to create a strange looking girl who looks nothing, NOTHING, like Rapunzel.

I'm not obsessed over keep Merida brave, but boy does her redesign look weird. Her hair isn't as cool. I mean it's curly but it looks flat and dull. Her face, is not... her face. Seriously, it doesn't look like her. Her eyes are different. Her smile is nothing like the original. And I adore her smile. Her dress obviously gets the old overload of sparkles. I dislike this one quite a bit.

OK, lucky te guys, my rants are over! So, now I will rank the princesses popularity in the merchandising. The internet, fanpop, they don't count. These are what te would find at like Target o whatever...And I live in the US so that means this is where I live. So I have no idea how popolare Ariel is in Europe, but here, boy is she popular! This does not include Anna and Elsa...but if it did Elsa would be #1 and Anna in between 4-6. Here we go!

11) Pocahontas
I don't care for Pocahontas. She ranks last on my list. I still feel bad for that because Disney likes to pretend her movie and her don't exist. It is very hard to find merchandise for her at local stores. I have many theories on why she isn't popular. First off, she isn't typically pretty. Not little girl, princess pretty. She doesn't have big eyes, a beautiful smile, and a pretty ballgown. What little girl likes that? Her movie isn't as girly either. It is darker and isn't very fun and crazy. My final theory is that she isn't popolare because Disney doesn't allow her to be. Really I mean it. She never has any merchandise out so little girls don't fall in Amore with her. They don't see her pretty, magic doll, so they don't really notice her. There's a lot of reasons Pocahontas is last in terms of merchandise, but personally I think that because of her lack of toga, abito and girly habits, Disney doesn't merchandise her.

10) Mulan
I wish she was più popular, but I can't remember the last time I saw bambole of her at Target o any other store. Similar to Pocahontas, she doesn't have a ballgown, she isn't even a princess, and she isn't romantic o bubbly. Her beauty is natural and subtle. Once again, no big eyes and perfect smile. her movie has some fun characters, but also has a lot of action and not a whole lot of filler, making it not ideal for kids. She does included più than Pocahontas. Still, Pocahontas and her are miles behind the rest of the princesses.

9) Jasmine
My preferito in childhood, and among my superiore, in alto 5 today, I Amore Jasmine. Always have, always will. Disney doesn't. gelsomino has slipped into a smaller role in the franchise. te can occasionally find her on a bouncy ball o in a set of Disney princesses, but ultimately, Disney doesn't really market. The big reason is her outfits. No floofy dress. Also, her movie isn't abut her which takes away from her popularity. Heck, some parents don't want gelsomino being seen da their children for how "sexualized" she is. She is an original princess, and she is pretty. she wears pretty colors, so I guess that puts her above Poca and Mulan. She is marketed occasionally, but she has Lost her precedente fame in the lineup.

8) Merida
*gasp* Yes Merida is this low.Hear me out. Ok, when her movie first came out she was everywhere. EVERYWHERE! Soon the popularity wore off and now she is pretty unpopular. te can find a doll of her, but nothing else. She doesn't have any ballgowns and many kids might find her boring. She isn't very popolare in merchandise currently, but for how she was once popolare puts her above the rest.

7) Tiana
Tiana is often labeled underrated. Online, I agree. In merchandising she's pretty much in the middle. She has taken Jasmine's role in the franchise. She has dolls, and occasionally te can find a Naveen. She's on almost all of the multiple Disney princess items. She is isn't as popolare as the ones above, but she gets a fair amount of merchandise.

6) Snow White
Strange that the first Disney princess ever doesn't have the most merchandise. Disney recognizes her and includes her but not near as much as the others. I sort of wish she was più popular, but I think that she is fairly the 6th most marketed.

5) Aurora
Let me rephrase that: Sleeping Beauty. Sleeping Beauty is popolare in merchandise. She wears a long rosa ballgown and her movie is great for kids. Magic, romance, and fun. There a lot of bambole of her and she is easy to place on products because of her beauty. She isn't as well liked as the girls above, but SLEEPING BEAUTY is very popolare with little girls.

4) Belle
Belle has bambole pretty much anywhere. She's got a great film and beautiful gown. She has the big eyes and her personality is good enough to interpreted da kids. It's that noticeable. Kids Amore her, but she isn't as popolare as the superiore, in alto 3.

3) Rapunzel
Ever since her film came out, Rapunzel has been popular. She's got the cool, fun, bubbly personality. She's got powers and gorgeous hair. She's a little crazy and humorous for kids. Disney loves to market her. Dolls, plush, and she makes it to every multi princess thing. She is a very popolare princess in the merchandise world.

2) Cinderella
What? She's not first. Yeah, that's right. Just because she isn't first doesn't mean she's not insanely popular. She's gorgeous with a beautiful ballgown. Her story is every kids dream. Everything about her is graceful and perfect. This makes her an easy target to market. Her bambole sell because kids Amore her. She's on shirts and backpacks. She is the leader and is very popolare today.

1) Ariel
Oh Ariel. She's a mermaid. A mermaid! She's a beautiful, bubbly, fun, crazy mermaid. Kids Amore her. Disney markets her everywhere. She could have her own franchise! She's everywhere. Dolls, backpacks, lunchboxes. Kids adore everything about her. Her stuff sells too. At least where I live, she is the most merchandised princess!

The bottom 2 and superiore, in alto 2 are pretty close, as well as places 5, 6, and 7... but I think this is pretty accurate for my poor provincial town.

That sums up this long, boring article. Hope te enjoyed... Please leave a comment!! It means a lot<3
added by snowflakerose
added by snowflakerose
added by snowflakerose
added by KataraLover
15. Tiana- Not a big fan of her hair.. just plain and dull to me. Sorry. :

14. Alice- Pretty and all, but lacks anything special about it. Too ordinary. Just meh.

13. Rapunzel- I just believe that her hair is waay too long and unexciting. I will be honest, when she wears the fiori in her hair it's beautiful but still it is too long. When she cuts her hair short it becomes even più boring.

12. Mulan- Long and straight, however, nothing really going on with her hair.. it's very pretty, but nothing to it, besides just straight and long/short..

11. Snow White- Very simple, yet stylish. A short bob,...
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 Queen Elsa.
Queen Elsa.
Hi everyone, now if te all remember that previously, I wrote an articolo on whether o not Elsa should be a lesbian. Which received massive debates about it. So, since the sequel is in the midst of pre-production. Here are my thoughts on whether our favourite Ice Queen should have her Prince Charming.

She should get A Handsome Prince

I personally feel bad for her, she needs an heir to the Arendelle throne. So needing a prince to fall in Amore and marry her will definitely help, if Hans make an appearance in the sequel and redeems himself. The sisters will forgive him and Elsa will marry him...
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posted by deedragongirl
 The 2 Ellas!
The 2 Ellas!
Once upon a time, the Disney Princess visit their goddaughter name Dee in Malaysia. One day, they decide to do some window shopping at a new shopping mall, when a door knock is heard.
Dee opens the door, and was surprise to see a familiar face at her door. "Hi there, may I come in?" asks the young girl. Who was only in her early 20's, this young beautiful blonde haired girl is also very pretty. She's also a French.
"Hi Dee Dee, who is it at the-", asks Cinderella, stopping dead at her track. "Hi Cinderella, remember me?" asks the young girl happily as she enters, the other princesses went...
continue reading...
So I'm doing a four part articles, reviewing three Frozen songs:Life's Too Short, More than a Spare and We Know Better, then I'm going to write an articolo about all the deleted songs and compare them to the songs they kept in the movie.

I will start with Life's Too Short, as it's the most "popular" one, and I will be reviewing the reprise with it.

So do I like it? No, I Amore it! This in my opinion, is my preferito song out of the whole Frozen soundtrack, I like this song better then the songs that weren't deleted from the movie. Sure, this song would be the one least likely be to fit into the...
continue reading...
added by Renegade1765
added by snowflakerose
Source: DeviantArt
posted by ace2000
Hi everyone!

I've been inspired da the numerous Getting to Know articoli that I've seen recently, so in this article, I'm going to follow suit. Hope te like mine!

Intro: I'm Asian and I'm female and I'm fourteen - fifteen da the time 2016 ends - and I'm living in the Northeast part of the U.S. Used to live in Houston and hated it.

I'm in ninth grade and a nerd, basically - a science-y, artsy, musical, bookish nerd.

Physical Appearance: I'm 5 foot 3 and a quarter inches, I have long black hair and some freckles and I have eyes that get really creepily large and round when I'm excited.

Hobbies: I...
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added by PrincessFairy
 Where in Paris are you? Cinderella???
Where in Paris are you? Cinderella???
The gang arrived in Paris, the 4 horse-girls wish them good luck before returning to heaven. Then, Dee Dee's Beauty Pageant Friends arrive to meet them and Dee Dee introduces them to Ella, Kit and the Live-action Aurora. Then, they diviso, spalato up to look for the warehouse.
Ella's gang arrive with Dee Dee, follow da the others as they stay outside the warehouse while Ella, Kit and Dee confront Hans inside. "Hans, I have brought Ella and Kit, now tell us where Cenerentola is!" asks Dee Dee. "Cinderella? I don't know where she is?" Hans sneered sarcastically. At this point, Kit yell angrily at him,...
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"Well well, isn't it a coincidence that 2 princesses and 2 princes from 2 different eras meet each other. I'm not surprise at all!" detto Maleficent coolly.
"Who are you?" asks Cinderella, frightened and trying to keep her voice as calmly as ever. "I'm Maleficent, the Mistress of all Evil." replied Maleficent with pride, Aurora suspects that this isn't the Maleficent that she always knew, as she can tell from the glow onto her eyes. This is an evil Maleficent!
Aurora immediately yelled "You are not Maleficent! You're the evil Maleficent!" At this point, Maleficent declares "It's true! I'm not your Maleficent anymore and I was the one who magically transported te here!" She cracks into her evil laughter and vanishes.
At this point, Aurora bursts into tears and Cinderella, Prince Philip and Kit came to comfort her. Saying that the evil fairy will be perished.
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: disneyismyescape on tumblr
posted by Annabethandco
Prince Ali, yes it is he
But not as te know him
Read my lips and come to grips with reality
Yes, meet a blast from your past
Whose lies were too good to last
Say hello to your precious Prince Ali!

So Ali turns out to be merely Aladdin
Just a con, need I go on?
Take it from me
His personality flaws
Give me adequate cause
To send him packing on a one-way trip
So his prospects take a terminal dip
His assets frozen, the venue chosen
Is the ends of the earth - whoopee!
So long, ex-Prince Ali!
posted by Annabethandco
Make way
For Prince Ali!
Say: "Hey!
It's Prince Ali!"

Hey clear the way in the ol' bazaar
Hey you! Let us through-
it's a bright new star
Oh come be the first on your block to meet his eye!
Make way!
Here he comes!
Ring bells!
Bang the drums!
Ah! You're gonna Amore this guy!

Prince Ali - fabulous he - Ali Ababwa
Genuflect, mostra some respect:
Down on one knee.
Now try your best to stay calm,
Brush off your sunday salaam,
Then come and meet his spectacular coterie!

Prince Ali - mighty is he - Ali Ababwa
Strong as ten regular men definitely
(Genie as old man)
He faced the galloping hordes!
(Genie as young...
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This is my opinion only. But I believe the reasons that Evil Queen from Snow White and Lady Treamine from Cenerentola mistreat the titular characters is different from the in-story explanation.

Evil Queen used the fact Snow was pretty as an excuse to get rid of an heir to the trono which I presumable that the Queen was ruling for Snow.

Lady Treamine's daughters might be older da a few months in the animated Disney movie. And back in those days older daughters were suppose to marry before younger ones.

I don't really have a reason for Edward's step-mother, Narcissa. But I assume that the Kingdom is suppose to be run mostly da a Queen?
posted by PrincessVT
ciao guys, what's up? I'm doing this cause I feel like hardcore ratings. So here is a rule, no redesigns. All they truly do is fuck up the hairstyles. I'm not listing them. I'm just rating, so it doesn't go like that. Also, I joke a lot. Those who know me well know I joke a lot. So the first princess on the lista is:

Snow White:

We saved the first for first! Snow White does have nice hair, I like it, But I feel it's too short. Perhaps if it was longer I'd like it more. The bow is very cute and adds to her unbearable cuteness.

6/10 tops :3

She had three hairstyles. And it's now against...
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 Don't leave us, Cenerentola and Prince Charming!!
Don't leave us, Cinderella and Prince Charming!!
"Well, I hope that we're not in trouble!" detto Cenerentola nervously. "Now, now why are the both of us in trouble? We didn't do anything wrong, she just wants to talk to us." detto Prince Charming calmly.
After dinner, Both Cenerentola and Prince Charming go to Dee Dee's room alone. All of the princesses, Ella, Prince Kit and Dee Dee are also in the room too. "Hi there, I heard that the both of te are leaving for Paris, France for good, is that true?" asks Dee Dee sadly, all of the princesses are sad that they start to cry, especially Snow White and Aurora.
"Yes, te all must take care of yourself...
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