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Speculation: What do the Euron Greyjoy spoilers mean for Game of Thrones Season 7?

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called What do the Euron Greyjoy spoilers mean for the rest of Westeros?
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Season 7 kicks into high gear, spoilers are trickling out.
Last week, we discussed a big one involving Daenerys. This week, we take a look at her rivals: Cersei Lannister and Euron Greyjoy.
In July, we speculated about the possibility of a marriage between Cersei and Euron. It’s unclear if they go that far, but according to spoilers leaked last week, they will team up in an attempt to stop Daenerys.
Assuming Euron built those thousand ships, he becomes the logical choice to engage Daenerys at sea. It’s to his advantage to do it before she lands in Westeros. Also, Euron will reportedly capture either Yara or Theron and murder at least one of the Sand Snakes. So what does this all mean? Take a deep breathe, and let’s dive in.
Firstly, the fact that Euron and Cersei will form some sort of supervillain alliance shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, their enemies have joined forces. Yara and Theon joined Team Dany after Euron chased them off the Iron Islands, and House Tyrell joined the cause after Cersei murdered a bunch of its members. (And the Sand Snakes have wanted revenge against the Lannister for years.) Faced with all those angry people, a team-up is one of the only options left to Cersei and Euron.
The spoilers also suggest that Theon and Yara will be involved in naval battle, a first for the series. Yes, we had the Battle of the Blackwater back in Season 2, but that was a naval attack on a land-locked city, not a ship-to-ship clash over open water.
wants to give us something new and exciting, and what could be more fun than ship-on-ship combat with a trio of dragons providing aerial bombardment? My blood pressure is rising just thinking about it.
It’s likely that this battle, when it happens, will be the point at which Euron will capture one of the Greyjoy siblings.
Note that, if Euron captures Yara or Theon during the naval battle, it implies that he survives it. That by itself is worth noting. But who will Euron take? Theon or Yara?
Given Theon’s previous stint as Ramsay’s prisoner (and technically a prisoner of the Starks), Yara seems the more the likely candidate, simply because it wouldn’t be as redundant. Having Theon imprisoned once again would seem a bit been-there-done-that.
Now, given Euron’s stated desire to murder his niece and nephew, Yara might be taken prisoner only to be executed shortly thereafter. But if she manages to survive, it may give Yara some insight into her brother’s suffering at the hands of Ramsay, although hopefully not too much. (No flaying, please.) If might also give her insight into how Euron thinks, which could prove useful. In any case, we’re guessing that Yara is the one taken prisoner.
And last but not least (satisfying), Euron will reportedly knock off a member of the Sand Snakes. Predicting which one will perish would be futile, because other than maybe Tyene, they don’t have much personality and none of them are important to the plot. What’s interesting is  the knowledge that the Sand Snakes will meet up with Euron at some point. Does Euron stop by Dorne on his way to fight Daenerys? Or does he raid the Reach, which is adjacent to Dorne, as he does in the books? Now that they’re allies with the Tyrells, one or more of the Sand Snakes might be in the Reach when that happens.
The final possibility is that, like Varys, the Sand Snakes sailed to Meereen before Dany’s fleet set off. In that case, they’d already be with her armada. Thus, one of them could die in the same sea battle in which Theon or Yara are captured.
factor during Season 7. And we’re not sure when he’ll have time to hook up with Cersei before wrecking all this havoc, and what their relationship will be like. Will Euron survive all of this mayhem and make his way into Season 8? We’ll have to wait and see. Until, we’ll leave you with one of Euron’s lines: “I am the storm.” Prove it.
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Might be a bit much, but I kind of would like to see krakens and sharks involved in the sea violence ….
Euron always had to be part of the plot. What would be the point of bringing him and the Iron Born in if not so he could play a real role?
Cersei was his only choice for alliance. Dany had already picked Yara and Theon. Also, she plans to rule and might look for an equal. If not, she’d want a boy toy. Euron would not fit either. There would be no point in alliance with Jon Snow and I would guess Sansa would give a big NO.
Which Greyjoy? I actually think it would be Theon. Yeah, it is a repeat. But I think Euron would want to kill Yara right off. She’s the one who could have kids that could eventually provide a challenger within the family. It would be nice if somewhere down the line Euron decided to challenge Theon and Theon kill him.
But I think it might be Jamie doing the job. I hope so.
I’m going to continue to hope that Daenerys makes land in Westeros unimpeded and this initial clash with Euron is just Yara and Theon with a battalion sent to retake the Iron Islands and move on the west coast. No Daenerys, no dragons, just fighters and ships. They fail, Yara is captured and Theon faces him later with a stronger force, kills Euron himself, saves Yara and regains his confidence as a Greyjoy and as a person.
That’s the plot I have in my head that I’d like to see. The redemption of Theon and his ties to the Islands is in a way a story separate from the happenings on the main land. I’d like to see him earn that for himself rather than as a bystander.
You wanna bet that Yara gets captured instead of Theon..?
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