OMG...Justin Bieber making a "memoir film" about himself...starring himself...


This kid is only 16, and he thinks he has enough credibility to have a memoir about him?? He's no John Lennon/Michael Jackson..
Oh brother :P
peterslover posted più di un anno fa
Just like Miley wrote a biography... What are they thinking?
LifesGoodx3 posted più di un anno fa
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Snugglebum said:
Arent memoirs meant for people who actually have lives?
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posted più di un anno fa 
lol XD
meow_girl posted più di un anno fa
TheFunnyChick95 said:
Man, what a PRICK! And you're right, he isn't any Michael Jackson o John Lennon, he isn't even an ARTIST! And what the fuck is gonna be in it besides "I postato my worhless shit on YouTube, and girls(yeah, DUMBSHIT girls) thought it was hot."? The fact that he has no idea in hell what "German" means? "We don't say that in America." Pshh, that tool probably can't even point out germany on the map, and she's not even AMERICAN! And NOW, that cagna thinks her ego is big enough to have a fricking MEMOIR published? Seriously, what the fuck?
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*votes as best answer*
freya-the-cat posted più di un anno fa
meow_girl said:
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Duncan-superfan said:
Like OH EM GEE! <---(xDDD jk)
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