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Rainn Wilson on the end of The Office


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smoore23 said:

How do you feel about Steve Carell leaving The Office?
It was hard to make comedy during his last week. On his last day I gave him a hug and it was very tearful. It’s not like we’re besty-best friends hanging out all the time, but it’s an incredible loss. That said, we’re 148 episodes in, and the show needs some reinvention. Most likely it’s the show’s downfall, though. I’d say 85 percent downfall, 15 percent brilliant re-creation.

Do you secretly want it to be the show's downfall? Are you sick of being a beet farmer?
I would not object. I’m ready, willing, and able to move on. I’d like to go back to theater. Theater is fucking hard and time-consuming, and there’s not enough time while doing The Office to rehearse and run a play.
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