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New Moon isn't my preferito book, but I thought it would be interresting to read Alice's POV for a change. =) Hope te enjoy it! It's pretty long...sorry...

"She should be here in about ten più seconds," I told my brother, focusing my eyes on the entrance to the parking lot.
Edward rolled his eyes. "Take it easy on her," he warned me. "You know Bella. This giorno will be really hard for her. te know what she wants più than anything--" He broke off and clenched his teeth. "She won't make it too difficult for te tonight, Edward," I tried to comfort him. "She'll only ask a few times." He grimaced down at me. "Anyway," he continued. "I agreed to let te throw this party, something I'm sure I'll pay for later." he chuckled. "Just don't overwhelm her, alright? te know how she gets." I nodded. I did know. "Fair enough," I told him. "Here she comes."
Just then Bella's rusted old Chevy came around the corner. She didn't see us at first as she looked for a parking spot. I sighed, looking at the faded pezzo, hunk of rusted metal. "Edward, won't te let me get her a car for her birthday, at least?" I begged. He frowned down at me. "No, Alice. She loves that truck, and, for whatever reason, I'm not sure. I'd Amore to buy her a car, too, but she's so determained to keep her truck as is. te already got the plane tickets and the radio--that should overwhelm her enough. Let's not push it, shall we?" I made my lower lip stick out in a pout. "Fine. She'll be looking over in a second, act natural." He rumpled my hair--this was recitazione natural for him--and I smoothed it back down, frowning up at him. He grinned back at me.
Bella glanced up from inside her truck, looking for us. Her eyes flickered to Edward and she smiled and fumbled with her seatbelt for a minute, then opened the Chevy door and stepped out. Then she noticed me, standing there holding the plane tickets with an excited smile on my face. I couldn't wait to tell her that these tickets were for visiting her mother in Jacksonville, and despite Edward's warnings, I brought them along so that she could open them right away. Her smile faded and she slammed her truck door hard; a doccia of rust specks fluttered down to the wet pavement. She started walking extremely slowly, even for a human, towards us. I couldn't wait for her to get over to us. I skipped towards her.
"Happy birthday, Bella!" I held out the present eagerly.
"Shh!" she glanced around warily, making sure no one had heard me. She was being ridiculous.
I ignored her. "Do te want to open your present now o later?" We made our way back towards where Edward was standing. I bit my lip, hoping her mood would change and she'd open them now. She'd be so happy, I was sure. What she wanted più than anything (aside from being immortal) was to visit her mother. The tickets ought to brighten her day...
"No presents," she protested, her eyes locked on Edward's face.
So much for that. "Okay . . .later, then. Did te like the scrapbook yor mom sent you? And the camera from Charlie?" Actually, I had recommended to Charlie to get Bella a camera, thinking she'd like it. Bella sighed. "Yeah, they're great," she replied in a monotone.
"I think it's a nice idea," I told her, trying to change her mind about the concept of receiving gifts. It would only be worse tonight. "You're only a senior once. Might as well document the experiance."
"How many times have te been a senior?" she shot back.
I grimaced. "That's different," I said. We stood beside Edward now and Bella reached out eagerly to take his hand.
"So, as discussed, I am not allowed to wish te a happy birthday, is that correct?" Edward asked her. I knew that Edward wished Bella wouldn't be so amaro about her birthday, too. We heard Bella's heartbeat stutter. "Yes. That is correct," she replied.
"Just checking," he said, running a hand through his untidy hair. "You might have changed your mind. Most people seem to enjoy things like birthdays and gifts." What I wouldn't do to put a little hairgel in it, I thought longingly, looking at his even messier hair. Edward's sloppy style always bugged me. Clothes and CD's littered his room, he left his Pianoforte libri everywhere... He glared at me, Leggere my thoughts. I laughed at his expression, but tried to convince her myself. "Of course you'll enjoy it. Everyone is supposed to be nice to te today and give te your way, Bella. What's the worst that could happen?" I could see that she was about to answer my rhetorical question, and I braced myself.
"Getting older," she said, and her voice shook a little. Edward froze into a statue beside her. Here we go, I thought towards him. Prepare for twice tonight in the car. He grimaced down at me, but Bella didn't see. She was frowning down at the ground, that little pucker between her eyes.
"Eighteen isn't very old," I told her. "Don't women usually wait till they're twenty nine to get upset over birthdays?"
"It's older than Edward," she mumbled, still looking down. Edward sighed.
"Technically," I said, trying to make them both happy again. "Just da one little year, though." In my opinion, Bella was taking her human life for granted. I longed to be human like she was. She had so many great experiances ahead of her.
And she wanted to throw it all away just to be like us.
There was really nothing te could say to this girl. She was even più stubborn and determained than me, even più then Edward, which I had always thought impossible. But I kept seeing visions of her eventually being a vampire. I couldn't see what argument won o who changed her, but she was there; her red eyes glowing, her skin hard, cold, and even whiter than it was now. I saw another one of these pictures, and Edward hissed, glaring down at me, but again it was too quiet for Bella to hear. Sometimes that came in handy. I would miss that when she became immortal. Edward continued to glare down hardly at me.
"What time will te be at the house?" I said, trying to distract them. It worked; Edward was looking warily at Bella's bewildered expression. "I didn't know I had plans to be there," Bella said. "Oh, be fair, Bella!" I complained, finally sick of her depression. "You aren't going to ruin all our fun like that, are you?" Well, mostly my fun, but still...
"I thought my birthday was about what I want." Had to hand it to her, she had good logic, twisting my precedente words around like that. I ignored her anyway.
"I'll get her from Charlie's right after school," Edward said, ignoring her also.
"I have to work!" she protested desperately. But she was losing. Winning an argument against Edward and I was impossible. I could see it, anyway. She would be there. I played along, though.
"You don't actually," I told her. "I talked to Mrs. Newton, and she's trading your shifts. She detto to tell te 'Happy Birthday.' "
"I--I still can't come over," she said, racking her brain for other pointless excuses. "I, well, I haven't watched Romeo & Juliet yet for English."
I snorted. Pathetic. "You have Romeo and Juliet memorized."
"But Mr. Berty detto we needed to see it performed to fully appreciate it--that's how Shakespear intended it to be presented."
Edward rolled his eyes, also tired of her excuses.
"You've already seen the movie." I had watched it with her once. I couldn't understand the draw it had for her.
"But not the nineteen-sixties version. Mr. Berty detto it was the best."
That did it. I glared at her. "This can be easy, o this can be hard, Bella, but one way o the other---"
Edward rudely interrupted me. "Relax, Alice. If Bella wants to watched a movie, then she can. It's her birthday."
"So there," Bella added, looking smugly at me.
"I'll bring her over around seven," Edward continued, winking slyly at me. "That will give te più time to set up." Bella's face fell beside him.
I laughed. "Sounds good. See te then, Bella! It'll be fun, you'll see." I grinned reassuringly at her, then walked away gracefully to my first class before she could protest anymore.
"Edward, please---" I heard her beg from behind me. I rolled my eyes and started to mentally plan the evening.

I saw Bella again at lunch, but thankfully she didn't protest again, as I knew she wouldn't. Maybe she was finally coming around, but it was hard to know with Bella. If I were Bella, I'd be looking inoltrare, avanti to this più than anything. I would give almost anything to have a birthday and actually age.
I drove Edward's Volvo home so that Bella couldn't try anything funny. I heard them arguing in the parkinglot a few minuti after I left. I tuned them out and went to Seattle. I bought all the supplies I would need for tonight and crammed it in the trunk. I was about to start driving, but then my eyes unfocused, seeing things that weren't actually there, and my face went blank. A vision. I saw a jeep that I knew well, driving very fast down the highway. If they continued to drive like this, they should make it to Forks da seven...
It was Emmett and Rosalie.
I grinned widely and started the engine. Rose and Em had gone to Africa for a few months for another honeymoon, with no definite time to be back. I could see più now; Rose was unwilling to leave the Safari, but Emmett wanted to be here for Bella's birthday. I backed out of the parkinglot and headed back to Forks, driving past Bella's house.
I could see Edward and Bella on the divano together through the living room window, watching Romeo and Juliet. Bella was completely engrossed in the movie, but Edward looked out the window curiously as he heard his Volvo approaching. Emmett and Rosalie are coming back, I told him excitedly. I just saw them. They'll be here soon. Don't forget; seven'o'clock! Edward grinned and nodded. I smiled back and kept driving towards my house.
I unloaded all of my purchases in the living room: crystal bowls and plates, white tables clothes, silver wrapping paper, the cake, and dozens upon dozens of rosa roses. I started setting up as quickly as I could manage, watching Emmett and Rose. The hours ticked down...
Even though I loved her and she was my sister, Rose and I had never been very close, so when she left it didn't hit me as hard. But I did miss Emmett. He was the only one who enjoyed life to its fullest with me. Edward was a great brother, too, but he was with Bella all the time now...
The vision switched in my head. The jeep was pulling into the three-mile turn-in now, and I could hear the gravel crunch under its tires. I threw down the rose I was trimming and went to go welcome them home. They were still driving up when I went successivo to their jeep. I bounced along the side of them, then when the jeep stopped, I hopped up and down in front of them. "What are te guys doing here? I didn't think that you'd want to come just for Bella's birthday! But I'm glad te did." I detto excitedly. "I didn't," Rosalie said, glaring at her husband. "I thought I'd make a nice addition to the party," Emmett said, grinning back at me. He was as excited as I was. Rose rolled her eyes. "He's sick of Africa," she explained. "He wanted to support Bella today, too. For whatever unknown reason." "So did Rose," Emmett added. She hissed. "I did not," and she stalked away into the house.
"So where is little Bella?" Emmett wondered. "Did we miss the party?" "She'll be da later," I told him. "Can te help me set up?" "Sure," he shrugged. He helped me put the rest of the rose in the crystal bowls. "This is a stereo for Bella's truck," I told him, taking it out of the box. "Now what I need te to do is install it as soon as she gets here so that she can't return it." Bella was predicatable like that. He nodded and started flipping through the instruction manuel.
In another ora o so, I heard the crunch of gravel as Bella's Chevy turned onto the turn-in. "She's here," I told Emmett excitedly. He had been playing with the radio in his hands, and now shoved it under the chair. "Everyone!" I called. "Bella's here! Come down, please." Rose came slowly and reluctantly, but Jasper, Carlisle, and Esme came much quicker. We all stood in the entry way, eyes on the front door.
"Not tonight, Bella, please," Edward begged. We could hear their voices, still on the first mile of the turn-in. I sighed. That made twice today. Just once più tonight... Rosalie rolled her eyes in disgust. Emmett nudged her. "Be nice," he warned.
"Well, maybe Alice will give me what I want," Bella retorted. I looked ahead to see what would happen if I did that...and Edward let out a deep, long growl. "This won't be your last birthday, Bella," he vowed.
"That's not fair!"
Edward inhaled deeply several times. "This is a party," he told her. "Try to be a good sport."
"Sure," she muttered.
We heard the truck door slam. "I have a question," Bella said. "If I develop this film, will te mostra up in the picture?" Edward laughed loudly and was still laughing as he opened the door.
"Happy birthday, Bella!" we all cried. She blushed and looked down, surveying all of the decorations. I could tell she was uncomfortable.
Carlisle sensed her distress and put his arm around her shoulders. "Sorry about this, Bella," he whispered, looking at me. "We couldn't rein Alice in."
Emmett had a wide grin spread across his face. "You haven't changed at all," he teased her. "I expected a perceptible difference, but here te are, red-faced as always." To his satisfaction, she blushed deeper. "Thanks a lot, Emmett," she whispered.
Emmett bent down quickly to retrieve the stereo from under the chair; so quickly that I'd bet Bella missed it. He curled his hand around the stereo. "I have to step out for a second," he said, winking at me. "Don't do anything funny while I'm gone." "I'll try." He grinned at her and went outside.
Jasper was leaning uncomfortably against the wall, trying to be as far away from Bella as possible. He never gave himself enough credit for his control. I took Jasper da one hand and Bella da one hand. "Time to open presents!" I declared. She did a cheap impression of a martyr face. "Alice, I know I told te I didn't want anything--" I was getting tired of this. "But I didn't listen," I finished for her. "Go ahead, open it." She looked at the tag, then ripped off the paper. She looked confused as she saw the stereo box. She opened the flaps. "Um...thanks." Rose smiled a little, but she quickly tried to hide it. Jasper laughed, stepping a little closer unconciously. "It's a stereo for your truck," he told her. "Emmett's installing it right now so that te can't return it."
"Thanks, Jasper, Rosalie," Bella grinned. She called a little louder. "Thanks, Emmett!" We heard his booming laugh from outside, and Bella joined in. We heard the wires being connected, and Emmett stepping out of the truck, closing the door too quietly for her to hear.
"Open mine and Edward's next," I detto excitedly. I handed her the box I had held this morning, the plane tickets. I had waited so long to see her reaction for this! I bounced up and down excitedly. Bella glared at Edward, though. "You promised." Emmett came back in, joining the party again. "I didn't spend a dime," Edward assured her. She rolled her eyes and jerked her finger under the tape. A drop of blood oozed from her finger from a paper cut.
My face went blank, and I wasn't able to snap out of it in time to control Jasper. Luckily, Emmett was there to stop him. Edward and Jasper crashed into each other, and Emmett's strong grasp held Jasper back.
Jasper's only thoughts were focused on Bella; on the dark red blood seeping out of her.
She was lying, dazed, in the middle of a pile of broken glass, crystal, and frosting. I missed how she had gotten there. She looked at the deep, bleeding gash on her arm. The color was so beautiful that we all Lost it right then. For one wild moment, everyone had their sights set on Bella.
Luckily, Carlisle took action. "Emmett, Rose, get Jasper outside," he ordered.
Edward was still Frozen in front of Bella, wary of Jasper. Once Emmett and Rose had wrestled Jasper outside, he relaxed a little. I flitted to the closet at the superiore, in alto of the stairs to grab him a towel. "Here, Carlisle," I said, handing it to him. He refused. "Too much glass in the wound. Bella. Do te want me to drive te to the hospital, o would te like me to take care of it here?" "Here please," she whispered. She still looked so scared. I was still holding my breath; her blood was pooling on the carpeting. So delicious looking...
"I'll get your bag," I detto quickly, running upstairs. I found it easily, but hid in his study a few extra minutes.
I could hear Jasper far away in the yard, talking angrily to Emmett, Rose, and Esme. What did this mean? I looked ahead at what Edward was thinking, but his future was Rapunzel - L'intreccio della torre and twisted up at the moment. I sighed. I would have to keep watching. I came back downstairs with the bag and handed it to Carlisle. Bella glanced up at Edward from where he was standing over her. "Just go, Edward," she sighed. "I can handle it," he insisted. And, I could see then, that he could. But it was very hard; he was in pain right now. "You don't need to be a hero," she continued. "Carlisle can fix me up without your help. Get some fresh air." "I'll stay," he said. "Why are te so masochistic?" she mumbled. "Edward, te may as well go find Jasper before he gets too far," Carlisle said, not glancing up from his work. "I'm sure he's upset with himself, and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but te right now." "Go find Jasper," Bella agreed eagerly. "You might as well do something useful." I added. Jasper probably needed someone calm to reassure him. Edward's eyes narrowed but he nodded and sprinted out the door.
From outside I could hear Edward and Jasper talking. Jasper was still arguing, but quietly, and I couldn't make out the words. Finally I got too impatient. I looked at Bella with a tiny smile on my lips, then went outside to go find them.
Edward was talking in a low, soothing voice to Jasper, assuring him everything was alright, but Jasper wasn't buying it. He was standing a few feet back, arms crossed tightly over his chest, glaring down at Edward. He could feel the pain, confusion, and worry rolling off Edward and he was about to turn and walk away when I arrived.
"Hey," I detto softly, putting my arm on his. He shrugged me off and glared harder into the black forest. "Jasper," I detto soothingly. "She fine. Carlisle's with her right now." Actually, now I was trying to convince them both. Edward was on the brink of a major desision and it was making me jumpy. "I could have killed her," Jasper whispered, not meeting her eyes. "Edward, I'm so sorry. I almost took her from you." Edward held up his hand. "Luckily there was Emmett," he said. "Plus, I could have done the same thing." He looked past us, and he looked as if he was burning. "Edward," I said. "You couldn't have. I told te before, falling in Amore with Bella and keeping her alive would require più self-control than Carlisle has. Now te have more. te couldn't hurt her now." Or...could he? For the tiniest fraction of a second, I saw Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, and I driving away in a car. Were we leaving? Edward just shook his head and walked towards the box auto, garage before I could see any more. The future was Rapunzel - L'intreccio della torre again.
"Jasper, please," I pleaded. He finally met my eyes. "What?" "Feel better," I said. "Just stop being so guily. You're not helping anything, here." He sighed. "I...I...can't. I don't understand how te all can do this so easily!" He turned back to the forest. "I was a soldier," he said. "But I never once showed weakness in battle. Now this human comes along, a little bit of blood, and suddenly I'm a...a monster!" He dropped his head in his hands. "You're not a monster," I said. "And it's a little bit different. You're a vampire. They're supposed to like blood. And you've been trying for a lot less longer than we all have." He showed no sign of hearing me. I sighed, then cocked my head towards the house. Carlisle was just finishing up with Bella. "I'll be right back," I told him and dashed towards the house. Jasper was a statue.
Edward arrived at the house at about the same time I did, though he hung back while I approached Carlisle and Bella right away. "C'mon," I told her, grabbing her hand. "I'll get te something less macabre to wear." After raiding Esme's closet for a few minutes, I handed Bella a camicia that was like the one she had had one before. We were just headed downstairs when she stopped me.
"Alice?" she whispered softly.
"Yes?" I cocked my head, keeping my voice low too.
"How bad is it?"
I checked back in with Edward, but it was the same as before, which was really worrying me. "I'm not sure yet," I told her truthfully.
"How's Jasper?"
"He's very unhappy with himself. It's all so much più of a challenge for him, and he hates feeling weak."
"It's not his fault. You'll tell him that I"m not mad at him, not at all, won't you?"
Jasper would like to hear that. "Of course," I told her.
Edward was waiting for us. Bella walked warily towards him. The silver wrapping paper caught my eye. "Take your things!" I told her. I put them carefully into her hands. "You can thank me later, when you've opened them." The future shifted a little just then. Would she be able to thank me? I looked deeper, but Edward was back to the same gnarled, twisted thoughts as before. I glared at him, impatient, but he wasn't looking at me.
I waved until they were gone, then went to unisciti Jasper in the living room, where he was talking to Carlisle and Esme. Emmett and Rose were already gone.
"I'm so sorry," he said, looking at his hands. "I should have better control than that." "It's perfectly fine, Jasper," Carlisle assured him quickly. Esme tentatively hugged him, and I could sense that he wanted to pull away, though he would never hurt Esme's feelings like that. "Bella is okay," Carlisle continued. "Just a few stitches; nothing minor." Jasper nodded and sprinted outside again. As soon as he was gone, I sighed and turned to Carlisle and Esme.
"What's happening, Alice?" Esme asked, concerned. I sank down to the floor. "I don't know!" I moaned. "What is he doing? All I can tell is that he's making a huge descision, and that desicion will be made sometime tonight. It's very close--he's trying desperately to find other options--but he knows he'll have to stick to his original desicion." "Let us know as soon as te can, will te Alice?" Carlisle said. I nodded up at him. Carlisle and Esme quietly left and I cleaned up the party scene.
After that was finished, I went upstairs to mine and Jasper's room. I perched on the letto and became motionless. After a few minutes, the letto gave way beside me, as though someone were sitting on it, and a soft, low voice spoke in my ear. "Hey." I opened my eyes and turned towards Jasper, baciare him lightly. "Hi," I said, sitting in his lap. "Feeling better?" I twisted to see his expression. It was still stormy and mortified. "Not really," he confessed. "How's Edward?" "Not so good," I checked again. "Nope, no change. Still as conflicted as ever."
I Lost track of how many hours Jasper and I sat together, waiting for the desison that Edward was going to make. At about midnight, it happened.
"NO!!!" I gasped, hopping off the bed. My face was blank. He couldn't be serious! "Alice?" Jasper took my hands in his. "What's happening?" "No!" I moaned, hiding my face in his chest. Carlisle and Esme arrived in the doorway. "What is it, Alice?" Carlisle asked calmly. I could barely force out the words. "We're leaving," I moaned. "From Forks. Forever. We aren't coming back." The room was dead silent as this sunk in to everyone else. Finally Carlisle nodded slowly. "How long do we have?" "He expects us to leave tonight," I whispered, still hiding my face. "He'll stick around for a few days, make the most of his time with her." Carlisle nodded again, that same strange, slow nod, and he walked with Esme back downstairs. I finally looked up into Jasper's eyes. He looked horrified. "It's because of me, isn't it?" he asked. "No," I told him confidently. "It's him. He thinks he's constantly putting Bella in danger. But that's his problem, not to be conflicted with us. How can he do this?" I pulled out my cellphone and quickly dialed his number. He picked up, but didn't answer. "Come home. Now," I growled at him. He sighed. "Very well." I heard the soft thud as he launched himself out of Bella's bedroom window and then the phone went dead. He was upstairs in a few minutes, and his bitter, angry, sullen feelings, mixed with my worry and fury, were all too much for Jasper to handle. He kissed the superiore, in alto of my head and then brushed past Edward, closing the door behind him.
"What is it, Alice?" Edward asked tensely. He looked awful. "You can't do this," I told him. "You'll kill her." Pain flashed across his face. I pulled a few visions from my head as proof. He skimmed each one. "I'll make sure she's safe," he muttered to himself. "I won't let her hurt herself." "Right," I said. "Because you'll hurt her the most! Can't te see? She can't live without you!" He shook his head. "Humans forget," he told me. "Their hearts heal." "Not Bella's," I detto confidently. "This isn't the right thing to do, Edward." He looked at me. "Enough, Alice. What's done is done. We put her in più and più danger every day. She'll be fine." I shook my head. "No." I showed him some definite proof; Bella: zombie-like, dark circles under her eyes, screaming in her bed, and somewhat catatonic. "You'll kill her," I detto again as each one of these flashed through my mind. Edward kept cringing like someone was burning him. "That won't happen," he said. "I'll stay long enough to make sure of that. Bella will heal." He sounded like he was trying to convince himself, too. "She'll find someone like Mike Newton--" he growled around the name. "Who can Amore her without wanted to kill her everytime she gets cut." "You weren't going to kill her tonight," I said. "I already told you: Being in Amore with Bella would take più self-control than Carlisle has. te have that." He shook his head. "You don't understand," I said. "If I had just taken one più breath, Bella would have been dead in a few seconds." "You couldn't," I said. "I know that." He glanced out the window; checking the light. I didn't want to see. "It doesn't matter," he said. "What's decided is decided. te will all leave as soon as it's light out. I'll stay with Bella for a few più days, then I'll leave as well." "Edward, please." I was begging now. "You won't only hurt yourself with this decision, but you'll hurt everyone else as well. Esme especially," I added, knowing how he hated to cause her pain. He flinched but said, "I have to protect Bella. She deserves better then me, then a killer." I rolled my eyes. "You're not a killer! Everyone is impressed with how te can be around her and not hurt her." He just shook his head. "I have to leave before Bella wakes up." He turned away from me, towards the closed door. "I want te all gone da sunrise," he said. "Don't talk to her, don't let her know you're leaving. I'll leave in a few days." He opened the door and ran; I could see him running through the forest through the window. Jasper came back into the bedroom.
I felt like crying. Carlisle and Esme came in, their arms around each other. "What's happening, Alice?" Carlisle asked. "I couldn't make him stay," I moaned into the carpeting. "He detto that we have to leave before sunrise. We aren't even allowed to say good-bye to Bella." I looked up then, and Esme's face was so twisted with pain that I wanted to drag Edward back here with my teeth so he could get a good look at what he'd done. Carlisle nodded and they turned and left to pack.
Edward was in a delicate state. If we refused to pack, he would snap. Unwillingly and slowly, Jasper and I packed all our belongings in a few huge suitcases. "Why can't he see what he's done?" I whispered to no one in particular, but Jasper moved closer anyway. "He can't leave her. Their Amore is too strong. He'll have to come back eventually." "Edward is strong," Jasper answered. "Even te detto that he has più self-control than Carlisle, which I've always thought is impossible. And it's my fault, really. If I had better self-control, then..." He put his face into his hands again. I bent down to him. "It's not your fault, really," I said. "Edward's been leaning in this direction for a while now. Tonight just snapped him into it, that's all." I shrugged. Jasper didn't move. I sighed and looked out the window, watching as the sky went from dark blue, to light gray, and then to pink. I turned slowly away from the window. "It's time."
Jasper came back to life. I took his hand and he took the suitcases. We met Carlisle and Esme in the hallway. We all walked as if we were at a funeral. We all stood awkwardly around each other when we were outside.
"Now what, Alice?" Esme asked me. "We leave," I said. "Edward stays for a few days. Then he'll leave Forks, too. I'm not sure where he's going...but he's not joining us." Esme gasped. "He's leaving us, too!?" She began to sob and Carlisle wrapped his arms around her. "Do te know what Edward will be doing at all?" Jasper pressed. "I see a filthy, dark corner...someone is speaking in Portuguese...South America, maybe? He'll check in every few months. That's all I know." I refocused on the troubled faces of my family.
"I suppose there's nothing left to do," Carlisle detto unwillingly. "Let's go." Jasper and Carlisle loaded the luggage in the back of Carlisle's Mercedes. Esme and I stood together, looking up at the big house. "I'm going to miss it here," Esme said. Of course she would. Forks was her home. "So am I," I said, putting an arm around her waist. "But, honestly, I don't think he can stay away from her forever. A few months, maybe. But definetly not forever." Esme turned to me and her eyes looked a little hopeful. "You think so?" I just nodded, not trusting myself to confermare the answer out loud. What if I was wrong?
"Let's go," Carlisle said. "I'm sure Edward will check back to see if we have left." Esme and I got in the Mercedes with Carlisle and Jasper, and Carlisle hit the gas. I looked out the back window to watch our big, white house grow smaller and smaller until it disappeared.
posted by iluvtwilight123
"Congrats Nessie," i detto awkwardly. I knew i should have prepared for this but i didnt know she would get it so soon.I mean she is only 12 years old physically but alive for 2 years now.
I moved her out of earshot and told her "Well honey te know about the birds and the bees so i just want to tell te be safe," i detto it fast but i couldnt help it she was growing to fast. So i looked at Edward for help "Mood swings" he mouthed. Renesmee seemed to know that because wshe didnt want to hear anymore of it so she went to 1st base.
For a girl that has no atheletic ability i rule at baseball, I...
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posted by Yoss
Chapter 4 - Electric

I closed my eyes with great effort. I couldn’t take my eyes away from the electric sapphire blue eyes.

“Whirl around! Whirl around!” My mind screamed at me. I tried to sposta my body and follow my mind’s bidding but it seemed my body has a mind of its own. It refused to follow. I opened my eyes. The sapphire eyes that held me captive a while fa were no longer on the pond’s reflection. My body automatically turned its back on the pond. My eyes scanned the garden in front of me until my eyes found him.

He was casually leaning on a giant ciliegia blossom’s trunk. He...
continue reading...
posted by Yoss
Chapter 2 - Playful

The soft, cool breeze stirred my hair. I purred in contentment – not wanting to open my eyes, though I’m fully awake now. I’m sure Aunt Alice would come – barreling, anytime soon. I rolled on my back hugging my pillow.

A light shone directly on my face.

“Uncle Emmett, quit it” I complained as I buried my face with my pillow. “Don’t te think its way too early for practical jokes?” I demanded, my voice muffled da the pillow. I’m sure my goofy uncle could still hear me clearly.

The light shone relentlessly, now making my arm, which holds my pillow, warm....
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 The Cover
The Cover
Now, this is the interview that Kristen gave to a Brazilian Magazine (the same that i postato Rob´s interview from) in November and here´s the translation! (sorry for taking so long)

*What do te have in common with Bella?
Kristen: When te read the book, te immediately feel like Bella. She has the same qualities as many girls wish they had. She´s very self sufficient and i´m also like that.

*What kind of libri do te like to read?
Kristen: I´ve read East of Eden, from John Steinbeck, so many times. And it´s a book that my whole family read it. It´s weird, I always go to bookstores, but...
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posted by twilight-7
There were two vampires. A was a male and a female. The male was as tall as Emmett but not built like Emmett was. The male vampire was strong; te could see that clearly, the camicia he wore was straining against his chest and arms. He had cropped black hair and his eyes glinted red. The female successivo to him was as tall as me. I was five foot nine. She had long flowing castagna, castagno brown hair and her eyes were black. She wasn’t standing still. She was kind of jumping from one foot to the other, restlessly.
Edward stood beside me. He was holding my hand tightly and I could feel the tension and rolling...
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Well,for the role of Heidi Volturi I have chosen an actress from One albero Hill.She's called Daneel Harris.Here are the reasons why she should play Heidi:
1.She is very tall
2.She has mahagony red hair.
3.She is very good at remembering the script.

So,overall, I think that Daneel Harris would be the perfect actress playing Heidi and also she represents the characteristics of her character..

I don't think that AnnaLyne McCord Will make a good Heidi Volturi in New Moon.She doesn't represent the characteristics of her character.

So the One albero collina stella, star Daneel Harris will make a perfect Heidi!
posted by twilight-7
I felt numb. The three Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. that had run into my house were still standing there. I didn’t know why. I knew they weren’t in shock, they had known this was going to happen. They just hoped they could have stopped it. They moved incredibly fast. One went to Charlie, one came to me and the other stood there, her face blank.
Edward wrapped his cold arms around me and pulled me off the back of the couch. He lifted me gently in his arms. I didn’t protest and I didn’t struggle. I let him.
“Carlisle, we’ll have to get him to hospital now,” Alice spoke quietly. She was trying not to...
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posted by dinosteph
So, I finally wrote this chapter, I've been preoccupied for the past week o so, but it's finally here. I'm getting really excited with my story line and I hope you're all enjoying it, if not, let me know what te don't like and I'll see what I can do about it :P

End of Chapter 7

“EDWARD!” Alice yelled from outside.

Edward reached around me and carefully started to lift me.

“Ugg!” I moaned, noticing that the pain skipped intense, making it's way closer to extreme now. He hesitated before placing me back down, causing the pain to flair up again, the room was suddenly spinning and his face...
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posted by twilight-7
Chapter 7.

Edward's thoughts - bold
Kayla's thoughts - italics

I jumped to the side and Edward landed in the spot I was in before. He turned to me, his oro eyes glittering. He stared at me before jumping at me again. I met him this time in mid air. We crashed together and fell to the ground but just before we landed I flipped round so he would receive the impact. We landed with a loud thud that probably shook the trees. I jumped backwards off him and crouched. When he stood up I flew at him, wrapping my legs around his marble chest. I held my hands on either side of his face and turned his head...
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posted by twilight-7
this is a bit short, i know. it's just a part that i wanted to write were its just Kayla and Edward.

I was still in Edward’s car, parked outside my house. We were sitting in silence, neither of us saying anything o thinking. It was easier than I thought to be able to sit successivo to him. I thought that because I knew what he was, that I would be scared of him but I wasn’t. Not an ounce of fear was in my body.
“You’re not scared of me,” Edward stated.
“No,” I answered. “And I don’t know why.”
“I think I do,” he said. He flashed a smile at me.
What are you? he thought.
“Let me...
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 This is how I picture Scout/Nelly. Sure this is from The Secret Life Of The American Teenager but this is still how Scout/Nelly looks.
This is how I picture Scout/Nelly. Sure this is from The Secret Life Of The American Teenager but this is still how Scout/Nelly looks.
Chapter One : What The Hell Did I Do To Derserve This?

It was a beautiful autumn day. Little golden leaves fluttered from trees along with crimson and Cioccolato colored ones. The crimson are my personal favorite.
Seth is away again. I am staying with Emily. She cooks me biscotti, cookie with little Cioccolato chips. The color reminds me of the leaves. She hands me sweet tè and I feel welcome compared to the other day. I had gotten into a big fight with Sam. Leah laughed most of the time but I kept my eyes in a glare. Emily looked horrified. Eventualy...
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posted by 2bearz
dis 1s a bit short, sorry!

I went up to the secretary and asked her for my schedule, she gave me that and a map of the school. My first class was in room 121, english. I walked to that room and when I opened the door it slammed into the wall, emberrasing! Every head turned to look at me, their thoughts all the same thingNizhoni, the new girl. Wow, word sure travels fast around here. Oh yes, this town is as small as Tuba City. The teacher thoughts were all surrounded on this woman who looked too young for him. He detto " Nizhoni Begay I presume?"

" Yep." I detto to him while all the kids started...
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posted by 2bearz
I'm copying a bit from a story called Northern Lights! Hope te like it!

Hey, my name is Nizhoni Begay. Typical name te would hear out on the Navajo rez, but it's better than nothing. I'm about 16 and just had to do one of the most devestating things in my life. Moving from sunny, sandy, beautiful Tuba City to cloudy, leafy, dreary town of Forks, in Washington! I've always loved the sun and now here I am. My mom just had to go and throw herself at the first wealthy man she could get, but whatever, he's realy nice and young, and she actually seems happy.
Anyways that's not the most crazy thing...
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posted by Twilight_F
Here is the fourth chapter. I am SOO pleased that people like it. It makes Me REALLY happy!!!!!! I got my ideas from the Twilight libri [Obviously] and so there are connections! Please read, rate and comment. Enjoy!

Chapter Four


That evening we went out to look for houses (this meant running around and looking for the nicest one). I found this funny.
We couldn’t stay here because there was a risk of someone recognising me. So Carlisle wanted to buy a house in Australia. But Esme had other ideas. She loved renovating...
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posted by Twilight_F
Here is the secondo chapter, hope te like it. It's a bit longer than the first one. I got my ideas from the TWILIGHT books. So there are connections. Enjoy.


He asked me my name. This Angel was talking to me.
“I’m Bella” I replied in a feeble voice.
“How do te feel?”
“Disorientated, Scared, Frightened, Confused, everything all at once. Where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here?”
    I shouted a whole load of things at this angel...
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posted by dinosteph
ciao guys, when posting this on I decided to change the ending a little bit, add più on. Just in case te didn't want to be left out I thought I would post it again with the corrections.

I opened my eyes slowly, noticing the time was 5:34. Early. I closed my eyes again rolling over to my other side. I could sleep for another ora before I had to get up and start my morning routine for school. I could hear Charlie moving around the house downstairs, probably making himself breakfast, and then I smelled burnt toast. Yup. Definitely making himself breakfast. I turned a few times...
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I tried to be differnt, and it worked.
All my life I have always blended into the atmosphere and the people around me. I was nothing special. I was ordinary.
My chance to be different and my chance to be free came with a cost... one I was sure I was willing to take.

"Turn away from the past, and follow me." were the words I recieved.

"Do te want to be different?" He asked me, and of course what sliped out of my mouth was a simple,
"Yes." But was I going to follow through with what he had in store for me?

Based on the hit series Twilight comes a new romantic twist...
One Way o Another
created da Emma
posted by team_edward_
Chapter Three-Flashback

I swallowed hard and turned around. “How do te know?” He kept his hand on my shoulder as he spoke “Bella 1) I think te kept your shield down when we were walking to the car. 2) I can`t filter the thoughts I hear so I’m sorry but I had no choice but to hear them. So is it true do te Amore me?”I looked at the ground nodded then I looked into his eyes and detto “I Amore you” his hand moved from my shoulder to the back of my neck and he pulled me in closer to him. “I think I Amore te too.” I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against his. I put my arms...
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Good news about New Moon from director Chris Weitz:

I'm very happy to announce that Taylor Lautner will be playing Jacob Black in New Moon and that he's doing so with the enthusiastic support of Summit Entertainment, the producers, and Stephenie Meyer.

The characters in Stephenie's libri go through extraordinary changes of circumstance and also appearance; so it is not surprising that there has been speculation about whether the same actor would portray a character who changes in so many surprising ways throughout the series. But it was my first instinct that Taylor was, is, and should be Jacob, and that the libri would be best served da the actor who is emotionally right for the part. I think that fan of Twilight the book and the movie will be surprised da the Jacob Black that Taylor will bring to the screen in New Moon; and I'm looking inoltrare, avanti to working with him and the rest of the cast in realizing the film.

Very Best

Chris Weitz
posted by team_edward_
Chapter Two-Death

“What the hell do te want?” He looked straight ahead as I drove a good 60 miles over the speed “Do te have to drive so fast? And I just wanted to see if te had a good first giorno at your new school. So did te have a good day?” Why do people ask me so many questions? “Not until the start of lunch. Then I called te as te know and then I sat with the Cullen`s and then the rest of my giorno was wonderful.” I bite my lip remembering what had happened before trigonometry. “Why did the rest of the giorno go so wonderful?” UH! “God what is it with te and everyone...
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